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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. As per the comment above, what does that mean exactly? People need to know... Take care, Russ
  2. Perhaps we should start a thread where we look to unmask the identities of Soul Source members who use assumed names. No? I didn't think so.
  3. Because they use an assumed name. That's bit of a giveaway... Quinvy.
  4. Trying to publicly unmask someone who chooses to hide their identity is neither wise nor ethical. It likely also contravenes data protection laws. Can I suggest you let the mystery remain.
  5. A mere 45 years ago. At the same time, the average house price in the UK was £10,763 while today it's £274,712. And houses were everywhere then, too.
  6. Also on eBay @ £345 VG+, buy it now... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/294692282710
  7. Yes, I think they'll do the job - only need to e functional, not decorative. And yes, the offerings on eBay are expensive, especially when factoring in all costs. A set of 25x7" plastic dividers (£14.12) + postage to NL (£13.24) + import charges (£8.10). Item cost = £14.12. Additional costs = £21.22. Grand total = £35.46. I don't think so! <Added>Oh, and just this second got a discount offer from Protected.de via email: €5 off on the occasion of my birthday. Perfect timing. Sold!
  8. Thanks, Benji. Bought sleeves and stuff from them before, but haven't done for some years - had forgotten all about them.
  9. Could be an option - thanks - although I'd really prefer something ready made.
  10. First time out with the camera this year, and first time out with a gadget I got for Xmas and which I'd been looking forward to trying - a 2x lens extender. This doubles the range of my Nikkor 55-300mm lens to 110-600mm. Must admit to being a tad disappointed. It didn't help that the light was intermittent, going from sunny to cloudy and back again continually - the longer the lens the more light you need, and the day just wasn't really bright enough. Also, I'd read that lens extenders reduce your aperture by about two stops. However, in reality I found it halved it, so the maximum apertures of the lens - f4.5-5.6 - is now f9-11. The only time that's going to work is on really bright sunny days. Even at ISO 800, the fastest shutter speed I could get was 1/800th of a second at max focal length, which isn't fast enough for hand-held use - especially when in my unsteady grip (even as a child, I was never going to become a surgeon with my shaky hands!). So, a bit disappointed, as said, but I'm hoping the experience, and therefore the pics, will improve as the sunnier days come along. Anyway, here's a few pics I managed to get yesterday. Goose in flight Male pheasant Long-tailed tit Little grebe - aka Dabchick. These little buggers can spot you at a range of about 50 metres, and as soon as they do they dive underwater and swim to the other side of the pond. Go round to the other side in pursuit and they'll do the same again. Grrr... A flapping goose. I'll continue to practice with the lens extender, but next time I'll pick a brighter day.
  11. I got a pack of 7" plastic record dividers for Christmas about four years ago. Anyway, they're now falling to pieces - literally - whenever they're touched, which obviously is very annoying. I'm pretty certain they were exactly the make in the pic below and it seems apparent they were made of very low quality plastic if they've degraded in such a short period of time. Any recommendations for something of a better quality?
  12. JM’s grading has always been excellent. Never had a problem.
  13. No worries. You can pay me later. Cash preferred.
  14. Very sad to hear this news. I got my copy of "Don't forget that I love you" from Dennis through eBay maybe 10 years ago. You can imagine my surprise when he told me he was a member of the group and was on that sublime recording. RIP Dennis Brennan.
  15. Anyone interested in group harmony and deep/low soul should tune in to the @Fingerpoppinsoul radio show, which broadcasts out of Amsterdam every Thursday and is now in its 29th year. Presenters Hans and Harry, who have written for numerous soul fanzines over the years, have a hugely impressive pedigree relative to both their knowledge (encyclopaedic) and the artists they've met. Seriously, check them out... http://www.fingerpoppinsoul.amsterdam/artists-we-met.html Hans and Harry's 2-hour weekly shows are uploaded to Mixcloud every Friday, and you can find them in the link below. Nigh on 30 years of broadcasting - and to those in the know, these guys are legends... <Added> And their shows are posted up weekly in the Soul Media forum on here. Do check them out - you won't regret it! https://www.soul-source.co.uk/forums/forum/128-soul-media/
  16. Hello and welcome, Jcrash54. I’m sure you’ll find Soul Source to be an invaluable and friendly community. Never be afraid to ask questions or contribute. Everyone has unique and personal perspectives about the music we love, and that’s what makes this place great.
  17. A long-time fan and user of Bandcamp here. On the face of it, an acquisition looks like a bad thing, but until such time as the new owners set out their stall, it's impossible to tell. That said, one thing the article doesn't really address with any great significance is why it was sold. The piece hints at the need to provide returns to the venture capitalists who helped fund it, but is that all? Have key funders demanded greater and quicker returns? Are there funding problems? What has motivated the sale provides clear indicators of where Bandcamp will likely be headed. I only hope it remains the community of indie record labels that made it what it is.
  18. The view from Thursday afternoon's sunny bier session at a nearby lakeside bar/restaurant with a local expat chum who's also into Northern. First time out on the bike for me since Oct/Nov, so although it was only a 5-mile round trip, I did struggle a bit. Mind you, the Laphroaig we had to round off the afternoon, and generously poured large by the bar owner, probably contributed to the trip back being somewhat slower than the outbound leg. Must admit I did use the glorious sunset, seen about halfway on my return journey, as an excuse for a quick stop.
  19. Likewise, haven't bought a copy of RC for maybe 25 years, and my copy of their rare price guide dates back to 2010. Mark Windle's written a few soul-related articles for them in recent times, I believe, so they have been known to commission quality writers on the subject. Would love to read any articles summing up Northern Soul written by those here who seem to be most vocal in criticising the piece on Discogs. Please do post up links so we can all have a good read - and then go through the all too familiar routine of pulling them apart.
  20. Oh, please. How dare a music journalist, label owner, and editor of the Record Collector Rare Price Guide, write about music, record labels and record collecting.
  21. Timmy, based on that reply, I reckon you've been awake for more hours than I have.
  22. That "master of none" includes being editor of the Record Collector Rare Price Guide and (according to his LinkedIn profile, here: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/iashirley)...
  23. Get a supposed "expert" to write about the history and evolution of the scrambled egg mess that is "Northern Soul" and every armchair "expert" will tell you what's wrong with it - from their own subjective point of view. It's exactly the same as all the armchair football experts who'll tell you in no uncertain terms how a team - and the players within that team - should be best used. There is nothing wrong with the grammar or syntax used within the article (if anyone wants to tell me otherwise, please do highlight the errors). And whether the hired journalist has any prior knowledge - or is indeed an "expert" on the subject - is neither here nor there. The piece is functional in that it provides a potted history of the scene - and does so in a way that is useful to Discogs, albeit a narrow and self-serving way. Authoritative writing? No. But job done as far as Discogs is concerned.
  24. I disagree. With a need to include lots and lots of links to artists and record labels throughout the article, it's inevitable that the flow of the story will come across as being somewhat disjointed. That, though, is down to the web editor/publisher rather than the writer. There's nothing wrong with the writer's cohesion in telling the story - it makes sense, even if it isn't the version you or anyone else directly involved in the scene might pen - and there's nothing technically wrong with their syntax or grammar. The story itself covers the many points that I suspect were demanded by the person who commissioned it, so any flaws lie with them and those responsible for editing the draft prepared by the writer. Ultimately, I anticipate the writer was given an unrealistic brief along the lines of "write about the history and evolution of 'Northern Soul' while including lots and lots of links to Discog listings - and all in about 1,200 words." That's mission impossible.

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