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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. Likely I've missed something among the many posts that explains, but what are "the NOS copies"?
  2. Oh, jeez. I would have expected to hear that type of sound down at my local wanna-be-trendy wine bar back in the early 80s when I thought a glass of Riesling and a slice of Quiche Lorraine for lunch on a work day made me suave and sophisticated!
  3. I'm curious - how many copies made up "the whole remaining stock"? Hundreds? Guesswork on your part, hearsay or fact? And did Keb or Ian Clarke play it first at the 100-Club-Stafford Siamese-twin thingy? I reckon it was Clarky. I always associate it with the latter from the 80s.
  4. It was a huge spin for Ian Clarke at the 100 Club back in the 80s, and always one of my favourites from those days (that intro - BANG!). Can't fully recall the story now, and no idea how accurate it might have been anyway, but didn't he pay something like 500 quid for it at the time (very similar to the tale of Danny Moore's "Somebody new")? Then, as said, multiple copies turned up. I recall being at a small soul night in a London pub post-2000 (with my old mate Chris Harvey aka Trickster - first time I'd seen him in an age), and a DJ played it stating it was an exclusive, thinking they'd discovered it for themselves. Of course, Chris and I pointed out the flaws in that belief. But, wasn't it a Wigan spin for Richard Searling at some point in those far distant days known as the 70s? The flip has been popular on the deep soul scene for many a year, so it's definitely a large fermented apple juice. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... AKA - a double-sider.
  5. Not a record label, but a sleeve - this being the French picture sleeve to Joe Turner's "Two loves have I". Getting one of the song titles wrong is careless, but getting both of them wrong? Well, that's an achievement! "Shake Little and Roll", anyone? And who has two loves exactly? Le proofreader az cock-ed-up.
  6. I don't think anyone would disagree with you.
  7. Do you mean 'friends'? Isn't that the whole thing about the scene - familiar faces and friendships made up and down the country?
  8. It is indeed about that. Even funnier (and something I'd initially forgotten) is that their earlier release (Loma 2046) gives exactly the same times for both sides! That means the typo on "It will stand" was missed twice - on Loma 2046 and 2050!
  9. The Loma record label offers up a good handful of label typos... Loma 2006: Both sides have the singer's surname as Carmicheal when it should be Carmichael. Loma 2008: On the flip to Reb Foster's "Something you got", the writing and arranging credits are given to Sonny Bond. It was in fact, Sonny Bono. Loma 2013: The Olympics "Good lovin'" credits Jerry Ragavoy as the producer. It should be Ragovoy. Arranging and writing credits go to Gary Sherman. It should be Garry. Both errors also appear on the flip. Loma 2039: The song title is given as "Pretty red ballons". It should, of course, be balloons. The error appears on both issue and demo, but was corrected on later presses of the issue. Loma 2050: Charlie Underwood's "It will stand" is timed at 1 minute and 72 seconds! Loma 2060: The writing credits to "People, let's freak out" are given to K. Fowley, M. Scott, P.J. McAuley, K. McLoud, and J.J. McLauley. The names should have been Mcleod and McAuley. Loma 2070: The writing credits to "I can't stop lovin' my baby" are given to Miller - Haper. It should have been Harper. Loma 2096: The label states A Concert House Production by by Lew Futterman. I'll just go and put my anorak away now. I should add that all scans are taken from my website Discography of Loma Records.
  10. Clyde McPhatter - Lonely people can't afford to cry (Amy) - is one that (watery pun not intended) springs to mind. And if I'm not mistaken, I recall a sizeable haul of Chess/Checker 45s that (again, pun not intended) surfaced in the early 2000s that was quite severely water damaged.
  11. Your dad was, is, and shall remain, a much-loved and hugely respected legend.
  12. A classic photo, Daniel, but this is the wrong place for it. This thread is for photos taken by members.
  13. My first mix in a good long while. A summer selection of latin vibes and soulful grooves featuring Nestor Alvarez, Kevin Fingier, Sonny Clark & Chico O'Farrell, Lou Pride, Kim Tibbs, Carmy Love, Michelle David, Shirley-Ann Lee, Bill Brown, Tuomo, and Milt Grayson. Click - listen - enjoy!
  14. Superb - and a long overdue new release from (Andy) Gillespie & Co. Ordered my copy already and really looking forward to putting what is a brilliantly funky soul-sister summer sound on the turntable.
  15. Huge spin for Keb Darge at the 100 Club in the 80s…
  16. Ah, he called me sunshine. How charmingly 1970s of you. Yes, your smiley was just a bit of fun, but it added a an upbeat cheeriness to your statement about rising prices. Possibly that's not what you meant to convey. No worries, though, and my comment about avarice - affecting sellers and buyers - still stands.
  17. You mentioned prices rising and added a smiley. That's not a good thing when you're a buyer, so your comment (with the added smiley) comes over as reflecting a seller's perspective. Anyway, greed - or more specifically, avarice - has taken a grip of sellers and buyers. If buyers weren't paying silly prices, sellers wouldn't get the silly prices. But they do, and that just increases prices further. It's a continuous cycle fed by both those who buy and those who sell. It is greed (avarice) on the part of both parties.
  18. I hate to be so negative, but - and ignoring the huge cock-up with the Twisted Wheel logo - the float and activity on it looks absolutely pitiful. Did I see a couple there doing jive moves? No wonder the commentators preferred to reminisce about Space Hoppers rather than focus on this supposed celebration of Northern Soul.
  19. Before looking for an answer, can you define 'uptempo soul'? And how do you differentiate between 'sub genres'? Asking for a friend...
  20. Shirley Ann Lee - There’s a light When it plays in my head, though, it always morphs into Mitty Collier’s version of My Babe and then back again!
  21. All good here, I’m pleased to say. PM sent…

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