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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. I had the distinction of meeting Lou in the loo at the 100 Club prior to his performance there one night way back when. We didn't shake hands... Another one bites the dust.
  2. That's really appreciated, Bob. First off, I'm going to enquire with the RSRF. Not only might they be able to help in identifying the tracks and provide some general background on the studios, but I reckon they might well appreciate having scans of the disc for their archives. I'll report back with an update...
  3. Ok, thanks guys. I've learned that groups to record there included: Five Chances (United) Sonny Til's Orioles (Vee Jay) The Magnificents (Vee Jay) Artie Wilkins & the Palms (States) Danderliers/Moroccos/Lefty Bates Band (United) Dates range from between 1953 to 56. As far as I can tell, the studios were located at 25 East Jackson before moving to the address given earlier. Based on the date range, it would appear that the studios were quite short-lived. Illogically, I'd expected it to be a studio of long-standing with a rich vein of history running through the 60s R&B and soul music scenes. Perhaps that was just wishful thinking on my part. My prime motivation for asking is that I've just got hold of an incredible double-sided acetate from Boulevard Studios with two absolutely stonking R&B tracks on them. Even better, the acetate is in a sublime condition. The brilliantly detailed Red Saunders Research Foundation (https://hubcap.clemso...mpber/rsrf.html) doesn't appear to have any mention of the two cuts, but the tracks are of such quality that they must have been released. Perhaps I'll make contact with the foundation (of which Robert Pruter is a member), and see if they can help in identifying them. If not, then they'll have a couple of mystery tracks to slot into their discographies of early Chicago R&B. Moderators - as this appears to have no connection to the soul genre, please do feel free to move this thread to some dark corner of a forum somewhere if it's thought best.
  4. I'm trying to find out some background information about Boulevard Studios, 632 North Dearborn St, Chicago. The building at the address was home to the Chicago Historical Society. In fact, the building was designed with them in mind by architect Henry Ives Cobb in 1896. The society moved from there in 1932 and at some point parts of the building were converted into a recording studio. Today, it's a nightclub. I know that Boulevard Studios was operational during the 50s and that Vee Jay used its facilities. There is some information to be had courtesy of the Red Saunders Research Foundation, but only occasional and scattered mentions in the descriptions of some songs that they were recorded there. What would be good is a more concrete idea of the performers, producers, labels etc, that used the studios, how long the company lasted and any information about the people behind the operation.
  5. Acetate of The Newbeats - Run baby run Promo of Barbara Mills - Try Acetate of Barbara Mills - Try
  6. Geography is obviously not your strong point - the UK was definitely in the Europe the last time anyone checked and has been for rather some time. I object to your implied sweeping and negative generalisation about the integrity of people living in the Netherlands. Indeed, I object to the negative generalisation of any groups of people - let's not just limit it to the Netherlands. There are bad apples in the barrels of every country, county, city, culture and community. Stereotyping of supposed national/collective characteristics, traits, behaviours, attitudes, etc, etc, is typically offensive and really should be avoided. Getting back on topic, I have some insight into the seller and will act accordingly.
  7. Next time I'm out at a night in Amsterdam or anywhere else in the Netherlands, I'll let the chaps over here know your words...
  8. Progress - Pancho Villa & the Bandits... Got to be one of my fave sax instrumentals. That and Harlem Rumble...
  9. Soundswholesale also offer the best deal when buying sleeves from abroad. Rather oddly, no one stocks white card sleeves here in the Netherlands.
  10. It was certainly by the edge of the dance floor, but I don't recall the location of the stairs relative to it. So possibly then you and your mates were responsible for putting off the camera man and depriving me of my moment of Northern Soul dance floor glory. A quarter of a century later, all I can say is cheers - thanks a lot, mate!
  11. I was there that night and feature in the clip a couple of times - for about half a second in total On the night, the camera man was kneeling on the floor beside me filming close-ups of my feet whilst dancing. I reckon the blur of my footwork must have been too fast for them and that's why it wasn't included
  12. Actually, it looks as if it could be quite good. One concern would be if there is no rigid support on the walls or edges. If the only thing keeping it in shape is the 45s themselves, I'd be a bit concerned until someone told me they'd used one and judged it to be sound. Also, the 80 disc capacity - is that with them in paper or card sleeves??
  13. I thought you were referring to the actual phrase. Off topic, but how is the use of the word 'winning' a Sheen-ism?
  14. A very well crafted and entertaining article. The interviewer doesn't use the phrase. It's Womack who does.
  15. Perhaps the truth is that "Northern Soul" just isn't as underground or as "secret" as people would like to think.
  16. Hahahahahahaha... (pause for breath) Hahahahahahaha...
  17. Anyone watched Treme, the HBO series about life in post-Katrina New Orleans? Season one aired in April 2010. Season three is on the way. Dr John, and a whole lot of others, have cameos, and by its very nature the series has a NOLA soundtrack. We've just finished watching season 1 - it's well worth a look. Perhaps this series has something to do with the rising interest in his music. Just a thought...
  18. There is a detailed posting in Q&A form on an ebay help forum that touches on this matter. Most of it deals with tax issues per-se for small business and is not completely specific to those selling on ebay, but there is relevance if you dig through the details. https://members.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=talkinpeace For example, the opening question and answer...
  19. Open up an "Item not received" claim immediately. If the seller has sent it as promised, you can agree to wait for it to arrive whilst keeping the claim open. If it does turn up, you close the claim. If it doesn't turn up, you're covered.
  20. I am sorry, but this survey requires participants to have very inflexible ideas about music and cultural genres. I'm not a fan of the 'rock' genre, but that doesn't preclude me from liking an occasional track that some might want to classify as falling under that heading. And I cannot possibly stereotype absolutely everyone who likes classical music/rock/pop according to a checklist. It's nonsense and incredibly divisive. People judge people - and songs - on merit. Well, intelligent people do, anyway. If tribalism in culture is what is being explored here, why not just stick to something more obvious such as football: "I hate you cos you're a Gooner (or whatever). "All [insert name of team here] fans are sh*te because..." You'd get more in the way of black and white results there, if that's what you're looking for. Whilst the people here can be immature from time to time (myself included), I don't think I'd class any member as being juvenile to the degree that they'd have such inflexible world views on so broad a subject matter. Possibly you may get better results from behind the school bike sheds, or from the kids that hang around outside your local McDonalds late at night... Alternatively, you should build an options into your survey that allow participants to say: I am not a music Nazi and do not judge people based on the type of music they like or the clothes they wear.
  21. You've just proved that people do look at the videos, Chalky!
  22. Sure, but you can take in all those details in about 30 seconds. Visually, if you only have a static shot of a label, it makes the remaining two minutes or so rather dull!
  23. Nope - link doesn't work properly. It only takes me to my own sign-up page. Whilst we're plugging, if it's of the slightest interest to anyone here's my own channel: https://www.youtube.com/HarveySoulFinger I think it's often difficult to know what to do visually when what you're actually uploading is only a song for people to listen to. Often, I try at least to have a sense of movement rather than offer something that's completely static. But at the end of the day, how many times does a listener/watcher want to see a close-up of the record label or have something panning across the screen using the Ken Burns effect?
  24. This one landed in the post box a little while ago... The Four Tops out of Yugoslavia.

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