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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. Warm water and a sponge with some washing up liquid should do the trick.
  2. Voices of East Harlem - Right on be free - French only release (I think) with pic sleeve. Sounds great out loud and with the bass turned up!
  3. The thing is though, and rather sadly, when you buy online it's often the poor customer who has to pay. Airline and concert tickets are both prime examples. Just at the point you're ready to pay, they add on an extra charge that varies in its outrageousness depending on the method you're using to pay. Transaction costs should be built into the profit margins and that's it. Quite frankly, if I was buying a record and a seller asked me to pay Paypal costs, I'd tell them to stick it up where the transactions don't shine!
  4. Not sure I totally understand this thread. I've heard most of the records mentioned played at one club or another over the years and I didn't get into the scene till after Wigan closed, so around 81. Guess I must be missing the point.
  5. Joe 90? That used to get a lot of plays at Bogarts, didn't it Keith? :-)
  6. I was looking to get a couple of carvers done courtesy of someone over here in the Netherlands. I'd forgotten about Timmion and had intended to give them a go - will do so this time around now that you've reminded me. Vinyl Carvers - I used them a couple of months back. Think they're operating out of Austria now.
  7. Do you mean the Nicholas Brothers? They were doing their thang as far back as the 30s, so I don't see a direct connectionto Northern Soul there, only an indirect one, and even then the Nicholas Brothers were but one theatrical dance act among 100s, probably 1,000s. And they weren't the only ones doing the acrobatic routines, even at that time. They all have their roots in the Vaudeville tradition though, and that stretches back as far as the historical eye can see. In fact, I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to directly connect Northern Soul dancing to the Jazz Tap of the Nicholas Brothers, etc, to the Vaudeville tradition of centuries past and the development of Morris Dancing of Olde England which, with its weird dress sense, funny rituals, peculiar music, not to mention the view the public has of it, sounds exactly as if it could have been a precursor to the eccentric scene we have today.
  8. The Mad Lads (no, not a reference the person in the Sylvester puddy cat suit in the photo above) - What will love tend to make you do (Volt).
  9. Think Al Wilson is bad? Try this 'version' from Sheila, French chanteuse and part-time air raid siren!
  10. I bought a copy of The Intentions "Don't forget that I love you" from eBay during the week and it turns out that the seller was one of the members of the group!
  11. Great to see some entrepreneurial spirit - good luck, whoever's involved. Just one thing though, can I presumed that the burgers won't just be turned over on the grill in the normal way, but instead will be back flipped?
  12. Just as a suggestion off the top of my head... What about if, when someone started a topic in Wants, a window popped up - perhaps in the same way that it does when you click onto the site when you receive an email notification that someone here has sent you a message. The window could contain a few simple guidelines that might increase courtesy, etc. Because you wouldn't want to cram too much info into the body of the window, a link to the relevant threads pinned to the top of the Wants forum could be provided in the window. Buyers would be better educated and potential sellers made less grumpy. Thinking about it, perhaps the idea would also work in Sales (with the information being targeted at sellers rather than buyers, of course). No idea whether this is practical from a technical perspective. And as I say, just a thought.
  13. In the 100 Club (and Stafford) of the 80s, Keb Darge was playing sounds like "She's Fire" off carvers was he not? Isn't this documented on this site? Tragically (for me), I remember being at the first Putney Bridge soul nights in London (c.86?) and being gobsmackingly disappointed to see "a well known DJ" playing Stanley Mitchell's "Get it baby" on a Soul Wax bootleg. That hurt even more because I had exactly the same boot (still do) and - based on the "OVO" attitude of those I peripherally mixed with at that time on the outside fringes of the "London Elite" - made me feel that I and my records were vastly inferior. If Keb could carve (quite literally) his way brilliant and cultish way through the 80s and 90s with ready-carved 45s (and many promo carvers supplied by Adey to help future Kent LPs - and eventually 45s - along the way), why not? After all, who didn't race to the floor to dance to them?
  14. Just curious... Those behind the scenes allowed to do such things - delete/censor/modify their own involvement/posts at later dates? sorry - probably best asked/raised in or moved to feedback..?
  15. I've had a YouTube channel for a while. I find it difficult to know what to post that's original considering how often songs are duplicated on YouTube (try Sam Fletcher - I'd think it over). At the end of the day though, what I've tried to do is a) share some personal faves that weren't already heavily duplicated and, b) offer up some stuff that I think might be different. Don't have the video editing skills or software to impress visually, so hope that some sounds sort of appeal in their own way. I like them all - which is the main point of sharing them in the first place and just hope that sometimes others get pleasure in listening to them as well. https://www.youtube.com/HarveySoulFinger
  16. If the Titebond leaves residual stains, it's possibly time to try another brand.
  17. Here you go... The stuff I'm using is Bison Professional Wood Glue. My partner Bev buys it by the 10kg bucket (pictured), which is about 70 euros, and as mentioned, I fill up a washing up bottle with the stuff and that lasts absolutely ages. Here's a link to the product page on the company's website: https://www.bison.net...ood-glue-extra/
  18. Don't know what it's called, Bob. I have it decanted into an old washing up liquid bottle. Will ask Bev what brand it is when she comes back from the studio...
  19. I've used the glue method loads of times on records with values high and low and have found it to be an exceptionally effective means of cleaning 45s. I've never had a problem with milky residue. In fact, I've never seen this at all. Perhaps those that have had it aren't using a high enough quality glue, but that's just an uninformed guess on my part. I can say though that I'm using industrial grade glue (as my partner works with the stuff and quite literally has a gallon of the stuff in her workshop). If I think a 45 needs cleaning, I'll always use a washing up sponge and warm soapy water first. If the record still sounds dirty, then I'll use the glue treatment.
  20. Willy Wade - You can't fool me - Liberty records reference acetate (don't know if this got released or not - haven't been able to find reference to it anywhere).
  21. I'm sure you're right. I wasn't looking to justify or "up" the price - just recalling what I thought I'd seen this on offer at...
  22. If memory serves me well, I've seen this offered by Pat Brady at £75...
  23. Nice to see this thread revived... Here's two more from me: Super popcorn! Gates Intino - She just said no The Invincibles - The Year (unreleased?)
  24. Perhaps the bidder has the missing piece at home!

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