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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. Wanted... Now Sorted The Ethics - I want my baby back - Vent. Nice clean copy, please. EX preferred on both sides. Average price on Popsike is around $60. It'll be coming to the Netherlands, so will need to be sent Int'l Signed For or Airsure. Let me know by PM...
  2. Copies not been found yet... Or many copies in collections? Just like Eddie Parker's "I'm Gone"
  3. Rapidly changing... LOL If apps can handle currency fluctuations, then the tortoise speed of the "Northern Soul" market shouldn't be a problem.
  4. Congrats on the app, Kev Wasn't John Manship looking to offer a price guide app? I'm sure he said so on here some time back. I'd certainly pay for such a thing.
  5. And let's not forget Claude's take on the Frank Valli/Timebox number "Beggin'" Love the footwork! https://youtu.be/gVyEgKkltpU
  6. French chanteuse Sylvie Vartan sings "Ne l'imite pas" aka "Monkey Time"
  7. Nancy Holloway - Tu N'es Pas Venu. Had this in my play box occasionally along with some other French stuff. Was surprised to see someone on here had this on their playlist some months back. Well done that person https://youtu.be/Zv0K1DVZlcA
  8. Either the Rhythm Kings or the Rhythm Aces. I'd go for the first one...
  9. I got a copy mid 80s from Richard Domar who had it described on his list as "a Catacombs secret sound". I'd never heard of it and bought it blind based solely on that description. I was well chuffed when you played it at the 100 Club because it was the first time I ever knew the identity of a cover up!
  10. I once heard, but don't know if it's true, that when Glen Campbell was touring the UK after the success of that song, he was promoted on the posters of one venue as being the "nine stone cowboy"! True or not, that one makes me laugh every time!
  11. Used to have a pair of Levis, but can't say I was into Judaism!
  12. Well, people have been saying for ages that the scene needs youngsters... Mind you, if they get any younger allnighters will be out of the questions. Instead, it'll have to be alldayers, with a break in the middle for some milk and a nap.
  13. Ah, it's not just the smell of the chemicals. Acetates usually have a certain fustiness to them and a weary look that betrays their age. Or am I confusing them with people?
  14. Go on then... I dare you! One thing though; how would you make it smell authentic?
  15. You mean the one that appeared and disappeared on eBay last year? Don't think it was dodgy - it looked like a genuine Mercury acetate. Just wish it wasn't removed before bidding closed. Can only presume the seller received an offer they couldn't refuse.
  16. Hi Ady, thought you might appreciate knowing that I received this notification from Amazon this morning: Any ideas what the problem is and, more importantly (and appreciating that you're not Amazon's customer service!), when stock will be available???
  17. There is a threshold here in the Netherlands of something like 48 euros (I'm not sure what it is exactly). Anything valued above this amount is subject to duty, which is around 30%. On the other side of the coin, spare a thought for our poor cousins in the States. In two instances now, when my other half has sent packages over there, US Customs have refused to release them unless the social security number of the recipients were included in the paperwork! Try telling a customer stateside that, even though you're 1,000s of miles away and in a different country, you must have their social security details when processing a financial transaction with them! It sounds awfully suspicious, even to the most understanding of customers. Even worse, in one of these instances the recipient was a mature student from overseas. They had a study visa and all the documentation needed to show that they were legitimately living and studying in the States. However, US Customs refused to release the package to them. Why? Because they weren't a United States citizen! In the end, a sympathetic Customs official suggested that all the paperwork - invoice & Customs documentation - be altered and made out to a friend of the student who was a US citizen. That way the other person could collect the goods on the student's behalf! Sadly, I'm sure that any dealings with Customs - on either side of the pond - are only going to get worse.
  18. And as my post clearly states, I'm talking about the buyer's perspective...
  19. Not sure I understand why you'd be claiming from the post office when you should be claiming through eBay/Paypal - unless you're talking about sales not done through eBay.
  20. If you're buying from eBay the proof of value is the sale itself, not the postal docket.
  21. Combine the increasing frequency of Customs charges with the new hefty rise in postal rates and it's hardly going to be worthwhile buying from the States!
  22. A site that allows people to run their own blogs. It's part MySpace, part Facebook, part photo sharing.
  23. It always depends on the specific composition of the glue. Most will become like putty in warm water - and the soap suds helps remove residue. Isopropyl alcohol is also a very good cleaning fluid. Couldn't say if oe was better thane other - it all depends on the glue/residue. Give them both a trial and see what works best in this specific situation.
  24. So, let's ask the question... Who's got one of these in their collection?

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