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Amsterdam Russ

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Amsterdam Russ last won the day on July 8 2023

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  • Top Soul Sound
    The Townsmen - Please don't say goodbye

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    Former resident of London who moved to the relative quiet of the Netherlands in 2007 and has never looked back. Organiser/promoter of Northern Soul Amsterdam events 2015-2019.

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  1. There's a Facebook 'vinyl vigilante' thread about this person. The post was made just a few days ago: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1484989138379594/posts/3518099195068568/
  2. The only thing I can add, as per a comment on my upload on YouTube (linked above), is that she passed away in 1998. In a previous incarnation of my YouTube channel (Harveysoulfinger) - which I stupidly deleted accidentally because of conflicts about which Google accounts were active and which weren't - (and after which I re-uploaded most of my stream) - I recall comments then stating she went to NY to seek a singing career, but that it didn't work out. That was from a family member - as are the couple of limited comments on my existing channel.
  3. You are correct on the first point - I highlighted a selection of text quoted by you, and it came up as being directly from you. Blame the site. As for the second part, there an awful lot of people who do think exactly that, including me. Anyway, we've all digressed. Was the northern soul prom enjoyable? Yes, it was. It was way better than expected - a lot of people here think that. Did it dilute or harm the supposed 'scene'? No. Are there two main scenes - the nostalgia-facing one and the progressive one? Yes. Are some people, on this bisected scene, regardless of which half they're on, snobbish or elitist? Yes. Will opposing sides ever agree on anything in this discussion? No. And if they do or don't, does it change anything? No.
  4. JJMMWG DuPree said: Yup!
  5. Already got that on my "want to watch" list. Not heard of that before, but anything with Benicio Del Toro in it has got to have potential. Will look out for it.
  6. Someone here, I don’t recall whom, suggested members of such a celebrated body as the BBC concert orchestra were nothing more than factory workers going about their daily, mundane duties. No soul, no interest. Just journeymen. That’s rubbish. You don’t get to participate in that orchestra unless you are excellent, top quality - and you have both a comprehensive understanding of the music and a deep appreciation of how it needs to be played. They understood, and did it with fabulous gusto! We will never again see the likes of that performance. One thing that bugs me is that only one or two comments here refer to the original artists - and those who arranged, performed, sung, were involved - in the songs when they were released with such hope back in the day. Rather than respect or celebrate the public acknowledgement of their work, some are entirely selfish: I don’t want their songs to be widely known - I want to keep them to myself. Celebrating their success (often after they’ve died) is a sell-out… for me. I want to keep the songs and the artists/writers/arrangers in the dark so that only I know them. Every singer/writer/arranger/ - anyone who gets involved in the music business - sought fame, success and wealth. Sadly, there are people who would prefer it if that didn’t happen - just for their own self-interested sense of keeping great but not widely appreciated or slightly known music unavailable to a broader public, which was the entire aim of the tunes we like being recorded in the first instance. Hey, I might even play your long forgotten record - but I’ll not acknowledge you and instead give you a made-up name - just so I can be seen as having secret ownership of what you created. I want to keep your great song buried; I don’t want anybody else to know you made this; I want to keep you underground - just so I can show you off and play you as a trophy for me.
  7. I get your point. Briefly back to the “Spanish”, and there is a huge relevancy to soul music - or “music of the soul” - I offer up one of my most favourite songs of any genre - composed at the turn of the last century by Spanish composer Manuel de Falla, and, in this instance, sung by legendary mezzo-soprano Marylin Horne in the 70s. Music, of any genre - even that played by orchestras and in spite of some opinions here - can have soul. This, one of my three funeral records, has that “soul quality” in spades. Soul is where you feel it.
  8. Download the Opera browser. It has built-in VPN capabilities.
  9. From the couple of YouTube vids I’ve seen, the Bristol Northern Soul posse appeared to be headed up by dancing girl Levana.
  10. There is a jazz prom - that's it. As for "Miles David's sketches of Spain", I think it rather flat. The only stand-out track being Saeta. Give me Coltrane's sublime Olé instead. Of course, each to their own.
  11. No, not really. The figure sets a psychological and monetary barrier. The underbidder has to decide whether they're going to bid more than 5k, and if the next bid goes beyond that, what to do? Clearly the winning bidder decided to raise the stakes on the basis that they really wanted it, and the underbidder had been pushed to their limit. It's turntable poker...
  12. Ah. Out of interest, what browser and OS are you using?
  13. This one does mp4 and mp3 https://9convert.com/en343
  14. There is a jazz prom... https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/proms/bbc-proms-2023/prom-23-nyo-jazz-usa-with-dee-dee-bridgewater/

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