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Everything posted by Phil_H

  1. Pardon me for trying to be helpful! Forgot to add ! don't have any of these, northern t-shirts , northern tattoos visible publicly and northern number plates!
  2. Mine is "Every Body is Going to A Love In" or "House for Sale" for the estate agent or solicitor . iPhone users ">
  3. one in the middle is vinyl as it's been worn down! one on the left is the original version on CD, the one on the right is the alt take only released on CD.
  4. I don't deny that it's gotta be done, we're already booked on it Cheers Phil
  5. We'll be there from Bury, 4 hours! oh no, i'd got it into my head it was 3 , but still looking forward to it Phil
  6. I'm all for quality over volume, I have tinnitus and my partner has very poor hearing and two hearing aids as a result of 35 years plus of loud soul music . Jayne, would that have been a foyer on at Elaines doo on Sat night
  7. Promoters / DJ = Service provider Punter = Paying customer My oberservation as someone who works in customer service. If the service/product is not what the customer requires then they will cease to be a customer. As a customer you cannot tell me what product I should buy (listen to) or I will walk away, feel free to sugest by all means, but if the shop continues to be empty get the hint that is not what I (as a customer) want. As for traveling to attend a venue, I will travel as far as I wish, it does not make me an inferior punter because I choose not to go to all the other venues in my area, it's my choice, just as it's your choice to promote a venue. As for venues closing, last night, without any research, I know their were three events on within an eight mile radius of my home all of them have been going for a few years, I have not been to two of them and unless the one that I go to closes, I am not planning on doing so. Tonight their are two venues less than 3 miles from my house and less than 4 miles apart, one is a new event the other has been going for years, now which if any should I attend? Don't blame the punters for not attending it's not all their fault! I will end in saying it's the music that I go to listen to, not the colour of the label or whatever the label is. I love the music, not the medium that carries it. Now i'll get my coat, pack my bags & leave the country never to darken a dance floor again! Phil
  8. Hmm, you can't be talking about me, I can't last that long Phil
  9. Just a small question from me, can we have a firm definition of what is classed as OVO? Studio acetate, first issue, first UK issue or first US issue, their could be some very quiet nights depending on where you choose to draw the line.
  10. I hovered around edges of the Northern & Jazz Funk scene, in fact in my teens I was known locally as funky phil! I now tend to stick with the Northern mainly, my partner Pat would prefer to be in a JF / Moderrn room all the time, if only she could drag me in there

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