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Everything posted by Phil_H

  1. Every Beat Of My Heart - The Du-etts To me, this IS the northern soul sound Phil
  2. Phil_H

    me,partytime girl & debs

    Hi Ali, ice pics, ood to see you
  3. Already got my tickets so we're gonna be there , and it sure is a great live music venue.
  4. Well, I'll say it. I can't wait to see this There, i've said it, anyone else? Phil
  5. Hi Jayne, I've signed, Bury council never cease to amaze me, tories or labour. At least i'm over the border in Bolton now. Phil
  6. Hi Jayne, With you there, his program dragged me back into this scene around 1994, after a 14 year break, thinking that i'd seen the last of it . I'm gonna have to make the effort to get to the Hilton in Jan. Phil
  7. Phil_H


    Rock radio? are you in Gibraltar?
  8. changed my mind, i'll go for Paula Durante to
  9. ooooooh now there's a tune I was there that night; thought i'd appeared on screen back then, but not seen myself on the clips i've seen on it recently. incidentaly I was known locally as funky phil, as I tried to emulate that style of dancing, never quite achieved that quality though.
  10. Hi Grant, He was my favourite dancer, almost like watching him in a strobe light Phil
  11. T-Connection - Do what You Wanna Do
  12. On the way to a nighter at the Casino, me & a mate Dave H got jumped outside the corner entrance to Woolies, moments before this Dave had bought a hamburger complete with onions and tomato sauce. As the onslaught started Dave immediately put his hand on his head to protect himself, complete with burger . It didn't half mess up his hair! meanwhile i was curled up in a ball in a fire escape doorway waiting for them to stop kicking/punching me Phil
  13. Hi, For those with an iPhone you can stream it using the Fstream application and it's free. Phil
  14. I heard "Jean Carne - If You Wanna Go Back" last night at Village Soul ....that vocal still does it for me Phil
  15. Not heard any of these recently, but have heard Lovin is Really My Game , not that my legs can cope with it any more.
  16. That is a very good call , just leave out the late 50's early 60's R&B stuff Phil
  17. Hi Grant, My partner Pat remembers as she still has the membership card, I didn't go myself though. Phil
  18. Hi Grant, Long time no see/speak, was i there that day, my memory is a bit hazy these days ? Phil

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