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Everything posted by Phil_H

  1. Fundraiser for Motown drummer Uriel Jones' headstone: http://www.detroitne...NT04/205300302/ http://www.indiegogo...ieljones?c=home added by site Detroit musician fans of Funk Brother Uriel Jones are raising money for a headstone to mark the Motown drummer's grave at Woodlawn Cemetery in Detroit. Jones, the last survivor of Motown's three main drummers, died in 2009, at 74. From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitne...2#ixzz1wYN1w7Rv From the project website as at 1st June 2012 $817 Raised of $1,000 Goal
  2. Fundraiser for Motown drummer Uriel Jones' headstone: added by site Detroit musician fans of Funk Brother Uriel Jones are raising money for a heads... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  3. Great pics Pete, I'd like to think my encouragement helped with the quality of the photo's Fantastic show too
  4. i'm not saying everything that is rare is shite, but we all have our own interpretation on what makes a good record. You only have to read the thread on cellar full of motown 4 to see that in action, which incidentaly i've been listening to and have very much enjoyed most of it, which apart from the covers, i'd not heard before! The problem is the scene is more splinterred now, newly discoverred good soul tracks are getting more difficult to find, hence my comment on rarety. Yes I agree their must be loads of good records that i've never heard along with ones i've not heard for years also.
  5. Just to throw my tuppence in. I think sometimes if as a DJ if you work say 3 times a week, say 10 times a month then yes you may get bored with a tune. this could also apply to a customer going out over a simular period. If I go out twice a month i only may hear the same record once or twice. Should I go out more, maybe but I and others have a life outside of this soul (records) scene, and I like to go out and support the people who acctually make the tunes. Now if you choose to play some 'rare' record, that let's face it is more than likely that if it ain't been popular over the course of the last 40 years your gonna struggle to make it so now, you have no god given right to insist on me listening to it until I dance or walk out the door & go somewhere else. Don't get me wrong i'm not averse to hearing newly discoverred stuff, but FFS some stuff I hear played is bordering on R&R or old style R&B, I may as well turn up in my blue suede shoes. Anyway my cage seems to have stopped rattling now so i'm off:hatsoff2:
  6. I'm suprised this thread hasn't been closed on the basis that the music is to modern for Soul Source https://www.youtube.com/embed/FbIbyym6yz4 Phil (funky)
  7. Hi Dante The trailer looks fantastic, everytime I get an email from Richard it makes me jealous and wish I lived in the states close to NYC or was rich enoough to fly over. Phil
  8. I don't remember whether WC dancefloor was cr@p, but given the choice of these so called dancefloors thst are cobbled together from meter square peices of wood, i'd take WC anytime.
  9. Phil_H


    Pat loves this dog:rolleyes:
  10. hi Sharon, I've PM'd you his number. Phil
  11. hey you, most things are haze from those days , but not that. when are you coming out to play Mr D?
  12. Well I do remembering it being played at WC, I can vividly remember the echo from the back wall of the into of this and Spring Rain.
  13. We was there tuesday night, she said 'upper hand' was the first recored she recorded and didn't sell to many copies, tbh i was stunned to hear it, and thought it sounded good. Phil
  14. It was a very good gig, I think California Soul should have been the encore, but as as she couldn't sit on the stool and was tired she stayed on stage rather than going through the pretense of going off then coming back on again. Phil
  15. Well i like it, why does it have to be rare to be good?
  16. good question, one that i've been thinking to myself recently, but a lot between 76' & 79'
  17. Just a thought, vinyl is a copy of a recording made from a master tape isn't it? so it isn't orginal, the tape is! The label is also a copy of the orginal art work, as is any sleeve.
  18. Personally, i'd rather hear this than some of the dross that is passed off as soul these days

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