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Everything posted by Phil_H

  1. Have I missed something, what's wrong with this?
  2. How the f did I used to dance to that? and more to the point why did I dance to it?
  3. Having been around for some time I did partake in the odd appetite suppressant or two when I was younger, not so as you'd notice now though ! In the last few months I've cut right back on the beer and found I enjoy the night much more sober than I did when i was a little tipsy. Phil
  4. Please feel free to be narrow minded and critisise just Wigan, after all no other venue has been open for more than weeks have they? After some of the dross played at venues today would have been laughed at in the 70's
  5. God Knows - Mike McDonald, I still love the song but would not dance to it. Phil
  6. One of my favourite dancers is from the Wigan era around 76, I think he was called Dave and may have been from Preston. He appeared in the This England program with P-Funk on the back of his t-shirt.
  7. I could go on for hours on this subject People who walk straigh across the dancefloor in the middle of a tune People who stand and talk in the middle of the dance floor in the middle of a tune Smokers who seem not to be able to read the Nosmo King signs
  8. I try this post again . I last saw Dave Holland (I was best mates with him in the late 70's) at Prestwich last year, for 2 months running. He looked quite thin!. His dancing hadnt changed much though! Phil H

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