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Ian Dewhirst

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Article Comments posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. LOL, you're a natural compiler Roburt! This is actually getting in the spirit which is what I wanted.

    When I eventually get home I'll post a list of some of the tunes we couldn't get for one reason or another. Luckily we managed to get around 80% of what we applied for, so it worked out pretty good in the end.

    The best bit is trying to imagine the effect that many of these tunes will have on young music researchers looking for great music to use for all the footage. I think this album will give 'em a few ideas hopefully......

    Ian D

  2. or "Up and Over" - Jay Traynor for the pole vaulting. :yes: In fact Ian, you should have opened it up on here for suggestions before you compiled it.


    Well, there's one I missed for a start! Too busy looking for running, jumping, winning, losing, etc, etc. I had a pretty long list but had to lose several of the more obvious ones due to licensing issues and not much time etc, etc....

    Any more suggestions before I start seriously kicking myself......... :lol:

    Ian D :D

  3. I like your thinking Ian regarding offering alternatives to the inevitable corporate soundtrack, however I would bet the likes of 'Simply the Best', 'Search for the Hero inside of you' by Foghorn Leghorn (Heather Small), 'the only way is up' (Yazz version) etc etc, will be the TV and radio backdrop to the Games.


    That's why I did the album Jordi. A lot of music researchers tend to go for the obvious via key word searches etc, so I thought I'd give 'em a hand with some stuff which doesn't turn up on the databases or Guiness Book Of Records......

    Ian D :D

  4. .... and what of the Soul Food burger van and the T-shirts, any more info on that? :D :D :D


    LOL, my stuff is in the best possible taste. :thumbup:

    Remember, just one synch deal from all this could make a heap of difference for the artists, writers or label owners. The real reason for doing this was to try and offer some different music to programmers everywhere as they'll probably all be looking for olympic or games related stuff to play over the next 7 weeks touch wood.....

    Ian D :D

  5. I got some promo copies over the last coupla days Ian, and I have to say I'm mighty pleased with the finished article! The overall package looks great and the booklet is superb..............smashin' job well done, sir.

    And to be getting so much support from the airwaves is just fantastic.

    Thanks to all concerned on getting this collection of such heartfelt soul music the opportunity to reach a wider audience!

    Hi Greg and welcome back to the UK mate. Hopefully we'll meet up next week. I had to close my Harmless Olympics album this week so it's been a bit mad but all done now, so hopefully we'll hook up next week. Plus my radio guy is lining up interviews which is a good sign.

    I'm absolutely knocked out with the reaction to what is essentially a double CD of 50 year old Gospel music. We haven't had a lot of time to promote this but luckily we've stoked it enough to put it on the map. It demonstrates that there is an audience out there for great music if you can reach them (which is the half the battle these days).

    Right now it's the 1449th best-selling album on Amazon, which is amazing considering the content. It's looking pretty good for Monday!


    Ian D :D

  6. Another beautiful finished package with a lovely booklet.....

    Out this Monday!

    Zooming up the Amazon rankings as we speak!


    Plus a few Radio plays happening......


    Craig Charles - BBC 6 Music : Play Confirmed

    Jazzie B - BBC Radio London 94.9 FM / Solar R adio : Play Confirmed

    Mark Dean - BBC Radio Northampton/ Inspiration FM : Play Confirmed

    Jim Ingham - BBC Radio Lancashire : Play Confirmed

    Steve Barker - BBC Radio Lancashire : Play Confirmed

    Devon Daley - BBC Radio Derby / Nottingham & Lincoln : Play Confirmed

    John Leech - BBC Radio Essex / Time 107. 5 FM : Play Confirmed

    Paul Miller - BBC Radio Solent / Surrey, Sussex & Berkshire : Play Confirmed

    Steve White - BBC Radio Yorkshire : Play Confirmed

    Robert Luis - Juice 107.2 FM : Play Confirmed

    Peter P - Time 107.5 FM : Play Confirmed

    Simon Harrison - Basic Soul : Play Confirmed

    Ross Allen- Ministry Of Sound Radio : Play & Interview Feature Confirmed

    Mike Bradshaw - Totally Radio : Play Confirmed

    Dave Burton - Soulconnextion : Play Confirmed + Album Playlisted

    DK (Coldcut) - Various Stations : Play Confirmed

    Laurent Garnier - Pedro's Broadcasting Basement/Various : Play Confirmed

    Aitch B - Colourful Radio : Play Confirmed

    Marcia Carr - Colourful Radio : Play Confirmed

    Fitzroy The Buzzboy - Colourful/Stomp Radio : Play Confirmed

    Andy Peebles - Smooth Radio : Play Confirmed

    Keith Martin - Magic Network : Play & Interview Feature Confirmed

    Christian Bragg - Jazz FM : Play Confirmed

    Robbie Vincent - Jazz FM : Play Confirmed

    Peter Young - Jazz FM : Play Confirmed

    Mike Chadwick - Jazz FM : Play Confirmed

    Colin Curtis - Starpoint Radio : Play Confirmed

    Dave Needham - Starpoint Radio : Play Confirmed

    Gary Spence - Solar Radio : Play & Interview Feature Confirmed

    Kev Roberts - Solar/Signal Radio : Play Confirmed

    Colin Faver - Solar Radio : Play Confirmed

    Mark Phillips - Solar Radio : Play Confirmed

    Mario Chrisostomou - BFBS Radio : Play & Interview Feature Confirmed

    Graeme Park - Various : Play & Online Competition Confirmed

    Brian Hurst - Various : Play Confirmed


    Forthcoming - press (reviews)




    Record Collector



    The Soul Survivors




    Looking good for Monday!

    Ian D :D

  7. Just seen this when I came in to whip you some more into working all weekend and hand delivering the outstanding orders!

    I am based in Edinburgh, did spend a lot of midweek down there last year, but not so much this year, bloody crap economy. Hope to spend more time down 2nd half working so if so will definitely allow you to wine and dine me on your expenses, nice cheap Chinese down back of D'Arblay street, should get a meal for 2 for £10 :D

    It's good to know that you're in-tune with the current parlous state of record companies. These days the artists feel so sorry for us that they usually invite us out for a meal LOL...

    As it happens I've got a great 'lil private place around the corner that's full of impoverished actors and ex record company execs where you can get a full home-cooked Italian meal for under a tenner including drinks so lemme know when you're next in town...

    Ian D :D

  8. Fantastic set - have to have it! Just out of interest The Fantastic Violinaires I m Not Worried is also on 45 - wonderful track!

    Most of it was new to me Mike.

    When I was digging around Jewel/Paula/Ronn in the 70's most of it was too 'raw' for me apart from the Montclairs, Tommie Young, Bobby Walls & Co and a few others. So I never even bothered with the Gospel output. So hearing this compilation has been a bit of a revelation. I never realised that Leroy Hutson and George Clinton were so involved with Gospel for a start. Some very interesting stuff on here. Dave and Greg did a superlative job compiling this. To think I've been sat on this repertoire for the last couple of years without realising the wealth of the catalogue is just embarassing LOL.

    Some really good input is coming in from a variety of sources on this and I think we'll score some serious radio plays in the next week or two, so it'll be interesting to see whether there's an appetite for this release.

    You're never too old to learn ay?

    Ian D :D

  9. But is there any 'light at the end of the tunnel' yet ??

    Hope the release date ain't still (to quote Art Freeman) Slippin Around (or Slippin away even).

    This is accurate and now updated with all the correct info on, so light is deffo appearing at the end of the tunnel now - released in a mere 12 days!

    Should have finished copies in my mitts tomorrow touch wood.........


    Ian D :D

  10. Blimey, "Holy Spirit" has just turned up on this month's Uncut playlist! I'm hoping we get some support from some other areas on this release - Uncut, Mojo, The Word etc, etc. These areas can be really supportive for this type of release, so hopefully we'll get a well-rounded audience with this release.............


    Ian D :D

  11. I think his acting chops stretch a bit further than that to be fair, he has done a fair bit of tv and film acting, surprisingly more than I ever thought. And as one half of the Baby Cow production team I would have thought his experience in film world generally was pretty good.

    He's a great actor in the right roles for sure as his role as Tony Wilson proved in "24 Hour Party People" demonstrated - one of the better UK films of the last decade for sure. Funnily enough I bump into him all the time as Baby Cow are on the same floor as Demon so we share the same Cappacino machine LOL.....

    You must pop in and meet the luvvies next time you're in the smoke Jocko..... :thumbsup:

    Ian D :D

  12. Cmon Mr D, get working overtime, delivery put back by Amazon again, I hope you are not sleeping or having the evening off!!!

    Anticipation building nicely for this, the Philly Box set should be on doormat by time I get home, its a good time to be buying re-issue CD's.

    Feel free to buy me a pint if we ever meet off your profits (the rest of your profits should just about buy you one I imagine! :D )

    That extra week was down to some intricate repair work on 19 masters, which has made a FANTASTIC difference to the sound quality so hopefully it's worth it!

    Are you in London Jocko? I'm off Great Tichfield St if you fancy a pint or two......... :thumbsup:

    Ian D :D

  13. Bloody hell Ian you get around! Louth! Louth!


    Yep, I'll always be grateful to Bob from Louth for turning up with the then unknown copy of "I'm Com'un Home In The Morn'un" which I almost didn't buy 'cos the title looked country and western..........

    ....but then I heard the record over the cans and changed my mind right sharp! :lol:

    Ian D :D

  14. Well I know if they quote a lower price first & you order it at that point .... then their price increases; they sell it to you at the price they 1st quoted !!

    When that happens, they always state that they sell it at the best price they can but always honour a lower price if you ordered when that was quoted.

    I'm sort of hoping that when the price falls after an order, they will sell it to me at the best (lowest) price they have it on at (as they have not yet dispatched my copy of the CD).

    Mmm. Interesting. I know they have a very sophisticated computer tracking system that works to certain patterns and automatically adjusts the Amazon price if a competitor has a lower price. So an Amazon price can swing around a bit depending on the level of interest in a release.

    I remember the price of the Backbeats releases dropping from £4.99 to £3.93 almost overnight. It's an efficient system for sure and Amazon's sales on Harmless releases have jumped circa 4-500% in the last year, so I'm not complaining. They're actually using the same model that the supermarkets used when they started stocking CD's, namely, trying to price everyone else out of the market. They're really the leaders of the new way of shopping and the more people order online, the bigger they'll get. It's sure changed from the 1960's ay?

    Ian D :D

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