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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. Haha LOL! I'm hoping to bring in a completely fresh attitude in to sweep away the cobwebs Dawn, being a transplanted Northerner down here and all........... Also, Northern Soul will merely be one part of the whole equation. Essentially my plan is to establish a venue which will propagate great music from all the different and historical spectrums of Black Music whether they be 60's, Northern, Modern, Motown, Philly, Disco, Funk, Jazz, Jazz-Funk, Neo Soul, Garage, House etc, etc. Basically a bona-fide home for Soul Music of all types in one of the greatest cities in the world. I think the place is ideally situated as well plus the owner seems to have the right attitude IMO. I have a vision....... I went through 2 years of rejection and people telling me it would never work with the Mastercuts series LOL, so I'm used to uphill battles. However, I don't wanna jinx anything by yapping about it too much so let's just watch this space! Ian D
  2. Yeah the first one was great attendance wise. Also it was the only gig where I was actually paid to NOT DJ LOL! In retrospect, a big mistake! So I was out in the crowd that night feeling frustrated and noticing how the atmosphere was winding-down by 4.00am which was a massive shame. There was also quite a lot of antagonism about the situation that night which was a great shame as the venue was superb IMO. The music policy for that gig at that time was wrong in my view. That was an oldies venue if ever I saw one. The new stuff should have been played in the downstairs room. The London crowd at that time consisted of an awful lot of people who were 'into' Northern Soul without knowing any of the records LOL - 'fashionista pretenders' is what I used to call 'em. But there were hundreds of 'em I seem to remember and they would have preffered the more accessible oldies I would have thought. Plus the atmosphere would have been loads better and the night would have sustained to the end. And the VIP area on stage kinda summed the night up for me. Had to be somewhere to put the egos I suppose LOL.... Ian D
  3. I think I've already sorted that. The oldies can go to the upstairs bar/club with the panoramic views from the penthouse conservatory and lots of seats LOL! This won't be as frenetic as what will happening downstairs in the basement club which is no doubt where those crazy energy-fueled youngsters will congregate. Ian D
  4. It'll clash with EVERYTHING LOL, 'cos it's potentially 7 days/nights a week. But that includes many types of music, live acts and other events, so good scheduling will be key. I just think it would be great to have a weekly event which people could rely on. Plus, also, it's highly likely that several different areas of the scene will integrate if there's a central focus. It's really all about bringing the best teams of people together and if you can't draw a crowd in London then forget it. It's probably as much PR as anything else but that creates a buzz and translates people to a scene....... I'd be looking to do the same thing on the other scenes - 60's RnB, Jazz, Funk, Modern, Disco etc, etc - there's a lot of nights to fill! But early days. Let's see what happens...... Ian D
  5. Well, I hear you Kevin. Me too. I prefer to float around a number of different scenes. But there's a lot to be said for a weekly venue which specializes week in, week out and is musically dependable. It supplies a degree of perminence and consistancy in approach which may be a good thing on the scene right now judging by recent threads. Also, it doesn't seem like there'd be much to lose, especially in London right now LOL. To fill a venue like this, you'd need 3 rockin' rooms all in sympathy with each other, a good reputation for musical policy, the right DJ's and some highly-targeted PR to get some of those soul loving 9 million londoners through the doors. A dependable venue with an eclectic soul music policy can save an awful lot of zig-zagging around looking for variation IMO.......... I'll put you on the guest list for the launch, OK? Ian D
  6. Yep. Good point Dave. They don't. But I think I'd target the event completely differently to be honest. I'd have to find a bigger audience in order to make it work, so I'd be looking for a completely new prototype of event. Something that would pull a wider audience yet not compromise on the music policy. I'd also have a couple of other sympathic rooms going on with other variations of soul music so there would be an alternative choice in the other rooms if the top DJ's weren't enough LOL.... But, y'know, early stages mate. Rome wasn't built in a day and obviously it's a thankless task LOL..... Ian D
  7. But if it's actually good then what's the problem? I don't get it. Why is everyone so cynical? Maybe an injection of new blood into the scene via a happening venue @ the capital with the best DJ's around on a number of scenes would be a good thing. Wouldn't it? Ian D
  8. Hey, I'm an optimist Dave. That's what an objective viewpoint can do occasionally LOL.... But where are the holes exactly? With that balance of DJ's, are you saying that there would be no interest? Or is it the location that's wrong (London is TERRIBLE right now for attendances)? Or just crippling inertia generally......? I dunno mate. If you have a perfect venue with a perfect resident DJ roster, then how much can really go wrong? If people don't get what a brilliant night that could be, the f%*k 'em - I wouldn't want 'em there anyway to be honest. Wrong profile. Ian D
  9. But it was fillled on the first night! I was there. And a FANTASTIC venue but badly thought out musically in my opinion. I thought the music policy was completely wrong for that venue at that time. At that point a proper oldies all-nighter would have been just the ticket for the London fashionistas of the time and a fun, buzzy night generally. And certainly that's what the crowd wanted but what the crowd didn't get. So politics and ego messed up a potentially great venue IMO. But they definitely filled that barn on that night, as they did at Kent's 25th Anniversary night @ the Forum last year. So get the event right and the crowds will follow is my mantra. Ian D
  10. OK, difficult one. Give the guy a little room to manouver. The credit-crunch means cash-flow is not what it used to be and if the guy's a dealer he may well have over-extended himself. Tell him you need complete resolution and fix a reasonable timetable. Tell him straight that if he messes up you'll be pissed-off and after that all bets will be off and his reputation will potentially be in tatters forevermore..... That's probably what I do if it's any help. Hope it gets resolved pronto. Ian D
  11. A FANTASTIC post which hits the nail right on the head for me. Nice one Ken. Couldn't agree more mate. Plus I may well have a tremendous London solution which I'm pumped about right now! For the first time in months I'm suddenly feeling very optimistic about things..... And, hey, it makes it a hell of lot easier if I book the jocks LOL...... I have a venue which I believe will be the home of Soul in London. It's perfect. Plus I've kinda already selected my resident roster. A great combination in my head, of the generally accepted Top 2 DJ's rotated bi-weekly for the rarest of the rare and exclusive tunes, an experienced guaranteed pro who's always been credible and who we all love for idiosyncratic reasons also with exclusive tunes, a youngster with edge, good taste and a younger hipper crowd and a 'held in high-regard' collector and occasional DJ who needs to be in the right company to flower and blossom. 2 hours each. Every week. Residents. And no oldies. Unless they've underplayed or ignored and they're creatively programmed into a unique set. It's worth a shot innit? Also time to put a bit of pzazzz and bang back into the scene. At a killer venue. All egos can be left at the door. No time for that these days. Ian D
  12. Very good points Paul, especially the bit about making the cutting edge nights the best kept secret in the world! I would have thought with the cutting edge Top DJ's playing sensible spots, a no-oldies policy and the frisson of knowing that you'd be going to somewhere special where you'd REALLY be hearing the top tunes, that would have to be a winner wouldn't it? The scene needs a rallying point and obviously it needs to be less confusing for the bemused customers out there. Where is that weekly event which has the top guys on? That collective taste and energy that makes a 400 mile round trip attractive if you know the score? That's what fueled the scene in the first place - the anticipation of knowing you'd hear new exclusives and the top records in the world at a guaranteed quality weekly night. That's why ALL the big venues succeeded in the past. They had the right balance and you could trust 'em to deliver the goods, which they did in superb style! Also, in this age of misty-eyed nostalgia, let's not forget that regular gigs weren't always packed to the rafters, even back then. I can remember many a 'quiet' weekend @ Blackpool Mecca and even Wigan/Cleethorpes on the odd occasion. Sometimes that was even an advantage LOL. The fact is we KNEW what to expect in terms of music policy and DJ rosters. If it was Blackpool you knew you'd have Levine and Curtis with a couple of hours each playing the best, rarest and most exclusive records in the world week-in, week-out. Which is why hundreds/thousands of us routinely travelled long distances 'cos you couldn't get it anywhere else! So I guess what I'm saying, is the top DJ's and top promoters should get together and sort it out. Form a collective if you like, 'cos that's pretty much how Cleethorpes started and that was a breath of fresh air in the previously virgin territory of the North East. I'd have thought that there must be enough brains on here to sort that out. Have we sorted out a line-up for an 8 hour session yet? 4 DJ's, 2 staggered hours each, or maybe 2 resident and 2 guests weekly playing to the maximum of their capabilities? Y'know make the f%&kers WORK LOL! Ian D
  13. Purchased this for the grand total of 25p along with The Heartbreakers on Derby, the Ideals on Boogaloo and one other decent record @ good old Berwick St market in the early 70's! I've just never saw it as being that rare........ Ian D
  14. It better be 'cos it was too short to bonk to! Unless you're a 2 minute wonder that is....... Ian D
  15. Did this come direct from Tom or via Chris King out of curiosity? Ian D
  16. Don't say the memory bank is now completely filled? You need a new hard-drive LOL..... Ian D
  17. Minsh was the man! Musta been a buzz breaking those @ the Torch! It's ending shivers down my spine just think of the intros on "Cigarette Ashes" and "Time's A Wasting" and the anticipation of hearing 'em to say nothing about Bob Relf! Ian D
  18. Yep, I concurr with that Eddie. "Cigarette Ashes" was the first mega-sum record and £80 was the rumoured price. Didn't it come out on Jay-Boy a few weeks later? Ian D
  19. Yep TJM - you're right Mel! Ah, regarding Grady Harrell - so that's where he gets that voice then. Now it all makes sense! You're always a font of knowledge mate! I wouldn't mind hearing some other stuff from him 'cos "Wrong Side Of Love" is really doing it for me right now. And Front Row's "Wanting You" is another one of those insanely HAPPY records which I'm going for these days......even though it's an 80's recording it has a real 70's sing-a-long HAPPY vibe to it Onwards and upwards and, as ever, thanks for the comments! I know if a even a couple of tunes a week please you then that's good enough for me LOL...... Ian D
  20. Great song, period Mandy! When these UK acts get the pastiches right they can come very close to a good record. There's a few that hit the mark for me..... However none better than this one IMO (although I'll get killed for saying it LOL).... Ian D
  21. They have a Northern Soul precedent in that they did a Duffy 11 years ago with the brilliant "Black Eyed Boy" which was a Top 5 record in the UK in Summer '97 and would have been a monster if the Supremes had done it in their heyday! And, yes, they nick from a few sources which is why their records always sound so naggingly familiar, especially "Say What You Want" which strays very closely to Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing" in my view. Ian D
  22. Hi All, Al and I were back behind the console this week and what fun ensued........ Well, considering we had some visitors to the studio and some last-minute technical buffoonery going on, the show turned out surprisingly well LOL. The emphasis this week is pretty much on great Soul from all eras and I think we managed to get some! Some really superlative tunes this week so check 'em if you can - we don't think you'll be disappointed. Also we got some nice mentions in for the recent do's @ Gisburn, Wakey and Sir Percy's map-reading skills LOL! Just hit the live link below (or paste it direct into your browser bar) and you're in! Try it, it gets strangely addictive after a while............... Six Million Steps Presents The Original Mastercuts Show with Ian Dewhirst & Alan Champ - Sunday 22nd June 2008 on www.starpointradio.com To download the show simply hit the link below! Or for this and all archived shows please pay a visit to www.sixmillionsteps.com where you can the last 4 weeks worth of all Six Million Steps produced shows. That's 16 hours of free music over the last 4 weeks alone! Plus, loads of new fully downloadable KILLER mixes in a variety of styles. So let's go with this week's show:- 1st Hour Opening Mix: T.J. - Am I Dreaming, The Ritchie Family - Frenisi - Close Mix Bill Harris - Uptown Saturday Night J.J. Barnes - I've Seen The Light Brenda Jones - My Heart's Not In It Scandal - Love Either Grows Or Goes One Way feat Al Hudson - Who's Foolin' Who, Skool Boyz - Feel Like I'm In Love, Henry Thomas - My Dreams Are Clouded Grady Harrell - Wrong Side Of Love Larry Wedgeworth & Clique - No More Games 2nd Hour Veda - What's It All About The Dynamics - You Can Make It If You Try Solid Solution - Think About It Girl Front Row - Wanting You Billy Paul - The Whole Town's Talking The O'Jays - Time To Get Down The Fantastic Johnny C - Waitin' For The Rain' (Tom Moulton Mix) Sharon McMahan - Get Out Of My Life Booker T - I Want You Collins & Collins - You Know How To Make Me Feel So Good Ullanda McCullough - Bad Company Gloria Scott - What Am I Gonna Do The Temptations - Aiming At Your Heart J.P. Rodgers Jr - All My Lovin' Marlilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr - Shine On Silver Moon (7" version) Download direct - https://www.sixmillionsteps.com/6MS-...2-Starpoint.mp3 Don't forget to send in any requests or dedications and we'll be pleased to honour 'em if we can! Best, Ian D
  23. Bump! Going live in 90 minutes! www.starpointradio.com. Some beauties this week for lovers of SOUL! Ian D
  24. Huh, thanks for putting 'hangover music' on before my show guys LOL! I'll be kicking off with some sinus-deblockers then! Hope some of you listeners stick around for this week's Original Mastercuts show as well, as I've got some good underplayed gear on this week, so it should fit nicely with Celtic Twist this week touch wood. Can't go wrong for Soul on Sunday's on Starpoint really - www.starpointradio.com. All the Sunday shows are great and the day finishes with Mark Bicknell between 10.00-12.00 which is as good a way to close off a weekend as I can think of! Best to all, Ian D
  25. Yep, will try and get my head around it Rachel. I've been putting off learning Refosoul 'cos these things tend to frustrate me sometimes but I guess it's about time I got down to it (sigh)......sorry for being a bad lad! Does this mean you're not gonna spank me then LOL? Ian D

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