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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. I think it's fair to say that if SWONS hadn't have been done all those years back, it would never have been done at all, as the finance and sheer logistics of the task simply wouldn't be worth the lack of any feasible return in today's climate. We're dead lucky to have what we have here. I certainly wouldn't have been able to take such a task on. The negotiations alone would have robbed me of the will to live! All credit for everyone's perseverence on this. Not an easy task by any means...... Ian D
  2. I wonder if this will bring back the long dead art of grave-robbing...........? Ian D
  3. You know what? I think I know you don't I Barry? If you worked with Kev @ Hott Wax I'm sure I popped in for a coffee once when I was on the road for Serious Records, probably around '87-'88 ish I think........ You'd have been the young whippersnapper called Barry who doubtless spent years listening to to Kev's diatribles LOL... Come to think of it, that probably explains a few things LOL...... Hope you're well and all. What's Kev up to these days? Ian D
  4. Here ya go..... Gary The Master Blaster "Cafe Reggios" https://www.zshare.net/audio/183698315b8bc59d/ and whilst we're at it let's give this another listen with your kind permission..... Betty Lavette "Good Luck" https://www.zshare.net/audio/183699311a3d9d0e/ Ian D
  5. Terrible out-of-tune BV's on that one but it's a great song and the guy can sing...... Nice horn arrangement too.... Ian D
  6. Well, I'm good mates with a number of Distributors both big and small, so I'll cut a deal somewhere for sure. But what I want to do is set up a seperate account with each label direct with the Distributor so that all the orders and payments are processed seperately - my lot are all naturally suspicious and I would be in their shoes. Terms have to be agreeable naturally. And it needs to be simple without too many complications 'cos life's simply too short....... Tall order in this day and age Rich. If you have any contacts let me know 'cos I'm open to anything right now........ Ian D
  7. Too true Ady. I wrote on here a while back how well-racked Sean's Millie Jackson "Soul For The Dancefloor" was @ HMV Oxford Street. However, margins being what are right now, some operations simply cannot afford a UK distributor when maybe 80% of their sales are export, direct and website based anyway. Why pay 25% for the privilidge of simply passing an order over? Doesn't make sense. Ace/Kent's has a long-established and great reputation plus a huge catalogue so it makes sense good sense for ANY account to have an Ace/Kent section in their stores - especially if they're serious about back-catalogue. But some of the labels I'm dealing with are at the bottom end of the pile. Despite having great releases they simply don't have the clout to get into some of these campaigns. I'm probably going to have to cut a 10% deal just to get into these stores, which is still a big margin simply for processing an order, if you see what I mean........... I need a middleman who has EUK and HMV accounts and will work for a small percentage! Any takers? Also, I need a degree of seperation between the different accounts as they're all technically rivals LOL.... Ian D
  8. I saw a full page back cover Northern Soul ad in Uncut for Zavvi (formally Virgin) a few months ago and have been trying to get some stuff into them ever since! Trouble is, with both HMV and Zavvi, is that a record company has to have a UK distributor just to get into these stores - you cannot sell directly to them and cannot even set-up an account. They're simply not interested. Most of the independent Northern Soul labels find that they can distribute their product themselves quite easily without necessarily needing a UK distributor, so to ask them to pay 25% just to get their stuff into campaigns in the big chains is simply not feasible in this day and age. I'm currently trying to find a way around this so I'll keep everyone posted. It's taken me 3 months to be 'rejected' for 3 UK indies by EUK - the distributor who supplies Zavvi, Morrisons and Woolworths, so it's an uphill battle and very frustrating. On the other hand, when good Northern Soul albums do make it into these accounts the sales can be astonishing. Sony-BMG's sales of the 4 volume "The Northern Soul Story" (Wheel, Torch, Mecca & Casino) have been phenomenal since their release last Summer and they are now consistant monthly re-order titles or back-catalogue staples. I know 'cos I've seen the sales figures! There is actually a much larger market for Northern Soul then we may give credit for, but ONLY if they have the more accessible material, they're priced accordingly and available in all the key chains and the Northern based supermarkets like Asda & Morrisons etc. There is generally a healthy audience for Northern Soul with the general public but you can only really reach them via the above methods which is by far the most difficult bit! Ian D
  9. Woke up with a hangover and then read this! Thanks mate. I'm getting measured for my coffin now........ Ian D
  10. Sam & Kitty on my acetate epic......... Daft suggestion by Simon which then got changed to the more accessible Shalamar.......... Ian D
  11. See Steve? You're never too old to learn or too young to fall in love........ Ian D
  12. Much worse @ The Central on a hot night! One aeroplane spin could drench the club! Ian D
  13. Carrying Wendy Lofthouse? Looks to me like you were trying to cop a feel of her left breast, which I guess, wouldv'e been a first! Ian D
  14. Is that a Terrible Tom Ian's holding or was he just pleased to see you? Ian D
  15. Yep, I hear Ocky's doing the Brighton commute a bit these days! Good to see 'em getting on and good to see 'em both in good form again! Ian D
  16. Well LOADS of people seem to be turning up again Al. From the Northern scene on SS alone we've seen Ian Levine, Andy Simpson, Kegsy and Swish in the last couple of weeks alone, all alive and kicking which you wouldn't have laid bets on for some of 'em some 35 years ago LOL.... And the last Soul Revolution in London was like a Central Jazz-Funk reunion with a good 20 odd of the old Central Jazz-Funk crowd there like Ocky, Douglas from Manchester, Lesley, Maureen from Ravensthorpe etc, etc. I couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe Steve Caesar wasn't there but I bet he'll be there next time...... Also I highly recommend the Wakefield City Soul Crew do's @ The Red Bar in Wakefield on the first Saturday of every month as you never know who's going to be there and it's a great mixture of old Northern and Jazz-Funk/Disco era bods from the Central. Sites like SS probably do more in terms of reuniting long-lost friends from the various eras then a zillion MySpace, Friends Reunited and Facebooks. As I've said before, this is a brilliant facility for which we should all be very thankful, so hats of to Mike and the Mods for THE No.1 Northern Soul forum on the net. Also the threads are always exciting and thought provoking which shows you how active this scene is around the world. Job well done! Ian D
  17. It's one thing having 300 nice young arses hanging over the balcony @ Blackpool Mecca in 1975 but quite another to have the same 300 arses doing it 33 years later Al. Hang on a minute, is there a Guinness World Record for O.A.P. mooning...................? Ian D
  18. Hiya Steve! Good fun wasn't it? Nice wide age range on the stage LOL... Ian D
  19. LOL, Swish to a tee! I had to tick him off a couple of times for either incoherent microphone technique or long gaps between records but the Saturday nights he was resident at the Central are amongst the fondest memories I have! Ian D
  20. Great post Jayne. I was going to add something along very similar lines, in that most DJ's start off in their own way and pretty much develop organically anyway. I'm sure Alex is no exception. What I was really trying to get across in this thread was more a sense of jubilation that there are actually 16 years olds who want to play Northern Soul! Given the fact that I have a 14 year old myself (she's an R'n'B freak) and that I don't get to see too many young Northern DJ's, it was a cause for celebration just seeing Alex play. And a refreshing change. I just think he should be encouraged. This scene's not the easiest scene to DJ to. I think we all know that. So I'm all for encouraging anyone who has the gumption to get in front of a staunch Northern crowd with his own rig and play a great set at such a tender age. It'll be a bonus if he starts breaking his own sounds! We all started somewhere and he's looking in good shape @ 16. Also I should point out that I have no connection with Alex or his Dad or anyone else for that matter. None of 'em knew I was gonna throw a thread down...... But I should also point out that I asked on several previous threads where the next Northern Soul audience will come from and my guess was that there would be a new younger breed of DJ's who would take Northern Soul to tomorrows young audiences. I guess it helps if you also know your stuff and are technically competent like Alex seems to be. It's a hapless job but someone's gotta do it..... Ian D
  21. Good point. If Alex reads this maybe he can oblige. I didn't have time to quiz him on his taste as I was busy trying to follow him..... This was an oldies gig but young Alex had enough boxes to suggest he could pretty much cover everything.... Ian D
  22. It comes with the turf dude. Plus James probably causes most of 'em. Ian D
  23. Don't tell me Kegsy runs a hotel? The mind boggles...... Ended up in the Etap in Leeds quaffing champagne with a hen party 'til 7.00am, so had a pretty good time anyway! Ian D
  24. I've now wrecked three cars for the cause of Northern Soul. Two spectacular crashes coming back from Cleethorpes and one where I was coming back from Louth on a Thursday early morning and got stuck in a field @ 3.00 in the morning! I've still got the mud stains to this day........... Are any of you oldies passing your records along to the youngsters yet? I think they should get a youth discount LOL..... Ian D

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