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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. OH, OK fair enough. I didn't know which is not such a bad thing as I'm listening to everything with relatively fresh ears..... Ian D
  2. And from Vol 2, here's a couple worth another listen..... A lovely mid-tempo good-time groover and a wonderful homage to Marvin by his brother...... Frankie Gaye "My Brother" https://www.zshare.net/audio/19521411fe5e2569/ And anyone who doesn't think these two are singing their hearts out and giving a brilliant set of performances is obviously deaf....... Billy Preston & Syreeta "Watching The Hands Of Time" https://www.zshare.net/audio/195215707bb9939d/ It'll take a bit of time to get to Vol 9 Ian..... Ian D
  3. Not so. I'm going through 'em as we speak. So, from Vol 1...... A joyous set of performances and a great mid-tempo good-time pounder from Jean Terrell, Scherrie Payne and Lynda Laurence plus the Originals. Sounds like a Chicago recording...... Jean, Scherrie & Lynda From The Supremes & The Originals "Back By Popular Demand" https://www.zshare.net/audio/19521071d91701b3/ Ian D
  4. Mmmm. Time for a proper Brenton Wood anthology.......? Ian D
  5. Freda Payne obviously, the tremendous Nat Augustin double-sider and today I'm actually going to spend the next few hours going through the Motor City catalogue looking for other gems, so I'll post up any goodies I find! Ian D
  6. Going by the present workload we're looking @ November '09 minimum... Ian D
  7. Paup-ine's so enthusiastic, she can have the first one off the press! Where are those other 19,999 Paup-ines then? I have a commercial interest now......... Ian D
  8. Let me just make this clear folks. I knew the Erma Thomas track - in fact I sold the Irma Thomas album the other week to someone on here I think, but for some reason it didn't resonate with me quite as much as other stuff back in the day. Wasn't it Flash from Keighley's favourite record? Also with Levine blasting in my ear none stop throughout my viewing of the DVD's I was somewhat shell-shocked by the time Erma appeared. Imagine the scenario: it's 2.00am in the morning after a long day and with every single video which came on I had this raucous voice sounding at the back of head, "Oh. This is just phenomenal. You know who it is don't you? What!!! You haven't recognised it yet? How very dare you! How could you possibly not know this from the first bars. Are you a congenital cretin???" etc, etc Yes. The track's obviously a classic - just not as big a classic as some others for me. Ian D Ian D
  9. Well Steve G, Simon M and Sean Hampsey just on this thread have a huge knowledge base between 'em, so the next logical step would be for several of 'em to get together and talk about a progressive musical policy which would set the agenda rather than just following one. It's only when I read threads like this that I realise how lucky we were in the 70's to have caught the zeitgeist at a particular point in time which almost guaranteed full houses most of the time across the North. That meant that we had a far higher turnover of tunes which broke much quicker and made the scene more vibrant (note: age also had a lot to do with it - we had a young audience back then). Not easy I know, but someone has to grab the bull by the horns and make the scene a bit more accessible to a younger, musically interested audience. My mates over on EMS are constantly sending me music files which are relatively recent and 100% Northern but can't be played now because of the restrictions of the scene itself. It seems such a waste to know that in 10-15 years is probably when some of these things will be aired for the first time. It must drive people like Sean Hampsey nuts! 'OFO' - Original Format Only might be the way to go, as that would include OV but not exclude equally good tunes which maybe didn't have the benefit of being released on vinyl in the 60's. Also having an event with such a music policy would focus a very fragmented scene right now and hopefully find a sympathetic audience - as they seem to be outside the UK! Ian D
  10. I'm watching this debate with interest. I honestly think you guys have to set the agenda. The scene is fragmented and some parts of it are desperately unsexy musically. I for one would embrace more of a merger of different styles under the general Northern Soul/Modern Soul moniker rather than the 'either one or the other' scenario we have now. There's enough intelligence and passion in this thread alone to put together a more progressive music policy and target the more progressive audience across both the Northern and Modern scenes and some potential new inductees. Part of the role of tastemaker DJ's is to project their tastes upon a (hopefully) willing audience. You guys should get your heads together and SET the agenda! A more eclectic challenging music policy right now with the right DJ's at the right venue could inject a new dimension to a scene which obviously needs a fresh focus. C'mon guys sort it out. That's why they pay you the big bucks innit? Ian D
  11. Me too! I saw Phil earlier tonight @ Keb's gig in Fulham and he said we should be most grateful to Mr Mooney who stepped in like a champ with almost frightening font-expertise! So many thanks to Paul. This is turning into a real community record and it's very refreshing. Reminds me why I got into the business in the first place! Will be round @ 12.00 tomorrow to pick up the masters, then mastering @ 2.00pm, so all happening at pace! And, hey, even if capitalism crashes tomorrow, we can swap 'em for FOOD! All good. Ian D
  12. And you'll be pleased to know we took note of yours and Paul's comments on the font and we've now ammended the ridiculously modern font to something far more authentic by all accounts. Apparently it now looks great font-wise so will post when I get it. Thanks to all for comments! This is a very organic release which has happened 100% naturally through Soul Source on this very thread, so it'd be great to get it right LOL! Ian D
  13. I thought you were being unnaturally well behaved these days! Ian D
  14. There's a few to go yet Mike. Johnny Williams, Dick Jenson, Robert Upchurch plus more early CBS releases from the Intruders, Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, the O'Jays, the Ebony's etc, etc. I'll need to pull 'em out but will add later.......... Ian D
  15. Can you imagine how embarrassed you'll be in 2016 when you look back at this years postings? Ian D
  16. Mike, I also have a complete PIR listing of everything that the current UK licensee has available, which also includes all album tracks. It's pretty comprehensive. Can't post it here 'cos it's too large, but PM with your e-mail addy and I'll zap it over, OK? Best, Ian D
  17. Yep. Thanks a bunch mate. I just tried dancing to it and just suffered a heart attack and a hideously broken leg. All of which makes the title somewhat prophetic..... Ian D
  18. LOL. I have to say that "Cafe Reggio's" was probably not designed with you in mind but it is refreshing to see that you've now acknowledged the error of your ways and will henceforth be known "60's Roger - purveyor of fine 60's dance music". Well done mate. I was beginning to worry about you. Ian D
  19. Don't let those words come back to haunt you Phil! Can you please PM your wife's contact details so I can make some discreet enquiries please? Ian D
  20. There's a wealth of difference IMO with the Gary The Master Blaster version being massively more danceable and punchy. The Isaac Hayes version is almost like a bossa nova cocktail lounge version compared to GTMB, hence the reason why the original never exactly set the dancefloors alight. Some people would consider it heresy but I far prefer GTMB's version to the original and I LOVE Isaac Hayes! Ian D
  21. LOL, and that would include the other 530 people who've downloaded the tune in the last 2 weeks and the people who will buy the 400 copies that we've already pre-sold since Monday presumably? Well, we're up to the end of September already, how are your Top 500 tunes for 2008 looking so far? Ian D
  22. Yeah, it's pretty good innit? Can't wait to get my hands on one now.........it's one of those where I prefer the issue to the demo....... Ian D

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