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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. Depends on whose coffee it was - please see estimated values below:- Frank Wilson's Coffee + £5,000 Berry Gordy's Coffee + £4,500 Norman Whitfield's Coffee + £3,000 Les McCutcheon's Coffee + £2,000 Kev Robert's Coffee + £1,500 Johnathan Woodliffe's Coffee + £1,000 Secretary @ Mapperley Hospital's Coffee - £1,000 Accidental McDonald's Spillage - £5,000 Ian D
  2. I'd rather apologise if you don't mind Andy. Sorry, you are of course completely correct. Damn, this is getting complicated now LOL......where do we stand on the dosh front now............? Ian D
  3. LOL, it'd never happen Family Tree. Too many super-sleuths on here plus the whole label-printing world and vinyl manufacturing has changed massively since the mid 60's and it would be impossible to replicate Frank Wilson for numerous reasons. An example: when I was at Simply Vinyl I wanted to replicate Cream's "Disreali Gears" album artwork. Couldn't do it - 'Day-Glo' doesn't exist anymore! Still I admire your criminal enterprise. Wanna have a crack at some Bearer Bonds? Ian D
  4. Must be a different Tim then! The Tim Brown I know has an aversion to all things technical and wouldn't know how to text to save his life. Besides, he's been in Florida for the last 10 days and I doubt he even has his mobile with him....... Ian D
  5. Well that would've been difficult 'cos Tim's been in Florida for the last 10 days LOL....! Ian D
  6. Unbelievable! The curse of the ORIGINAL MASTERCUTS Show struck again today with our special guest Paul Thrower en route to the show when his 6 month old Saab suddenly died on him 20 miles North of Chichester. Luckily the AA arrived a couple of hours later, towed the car and got him home OK! So, Paul will now be appearing on the show on Sunday 22nd February which will be one week before Chi-Soul which is on Saturday 28th February! Pending any further mishaps we should get this highly anticipated show then folks! In the meantime, I got the show together the old way, namely, with lollipop sticks, rubber bands and plenty of great music....... Six Million Steps Presents The Original Mastercuts Show with Ian Dewhirst on Sunday 8th February 2009 on www.starpointradio.com. To download the show simply hit the link below! Or for this and all archived shows please pay a visit to www.sixmillionsteps.com where you can download the last 4 weeks worth of all Six Million Steps produced shows. That's 16 hours of free music over the last 4 weeks plus loads of new fully downloadable KILLER mixes in a variety of styles! So let's go with this week's show:- 1st Hour Ashford & Simpson - Found A Cure (Tom Moulton Remix) Flora Cruz - Overcome Michael Watford - So Into You (Smack Mix) Outburst Coalition feat Gary L - Help Me Alexander O'Neal - All True Man (Frankie Knuckles Remix) Mighty 7 - Call Me Mink - You Were The One (Too Late) Masterplan - Loving, Living, Laughing Roberta Gilliam - All I Want Is My Baby 2nd Hour Ila Vann - Can't Help Loving That Man Lee Andrews - I've Had It The Delfonics - You'll Get Enough The Pretenders - I Wanna Be Dave Love - Colalined Baby Garland Green - Ain't That Good Enough Voices Of East Harlem - Wanted Dead Or Alive Lee Garrett - You're My Everything Gloria Scott - What Am I Gonna Do The Moments - Sweet, Sweet Lady Jeanie Reynolds - The Fruit Song Flowers - For Real Robert Upchurch - The Devil Made Me Do It Tommy McGhee - Now That I Have You J.P. Rogers Jr - All My Lovin' https://www.sixmillionsteps.com/6MS-2009-02-08-Starpoint.mp3 Thanks to all for listening! Best, Ian D
  7. Well, compared to the pimp world which the Skull Snaps inhabited I guess it was a bit dull Malc...... Quite exciting when the neighbours dog escaped once though....... And I once saw this guy fall over coming out of The White Swan - that was certainly a night to remember! Ian D
  8. LOL, I spent many a long time analysing the lyrics of "I'm Your Pimp" in Mirfield, Yorkshire wondering what the hell it was all about. Within 5 minutes of arriving in Manhattan and going to the 'old' Times Square in New York it made perfect sense LOL.... Ian D
  9. Actually I was being serious Cunnie. It's right up Damien's street mate. He's very good at turning expensive things onto 'objets d'art' and then flogging 'em to oil-rich Saudis who get a serious tax-break if they buy something for billions and host it in Saudi Arabia! It's not beyond the realm of possibilities that Frank Wilson could be displayed in a diamond-encrusted frame with a multi-million price tag attached to it (cue streams of arab laden helicoptors flying to Damien's private heliport in Stroud to view Frank Wilson), which will then vanish to Saudi Arabia and be hung next to a diamond-encrusted skull. Obviously we can't allow this happen, so the obvious solution is for all members of Soul Source to chip-in £100 apiece and own their own personal percentage of Frank Wilson! Each member will then receive a bonded certificate of ownership which they can frame and display above their own mantlepieces! Ian D
  10. With the best will in the world Philly, John has a reputation to protect and I don't he'd stoop to such tactics - an April fool joke would almost certainly rebound on him I think..... However, I think T-Shirts will be done 'cos he'd be crazy not to and I think the only way someone will be able to buy the limited-edition T-Shirt is to actually register a bid for the record, thus giving John a shot at not only the most expensive Soul record of all time but also the greatest number of bidders! Game plan is to get Frank Wilson into the Guinness Book Of Records where he belongs! Ian D
  11. Mmmm . Do I detect the slightest frisson of doubt from the previously bombastic tone of yesterday I ask myself? It's 10.00am Sunday morning and no doubt someone's managed to track Kenny down but the thread's not exactly full of "I spoke To Kenny last night and he definitively confirmed that he will in fact be cremated and Frank Wilson will not be going in the coffin with him" etc, etc..... Damn. I was relying on that quick grand to upgrade to a luxury chalet and scour the cathouses of Prestatyn........ Ian D
  12. Yep, double-confirmed - no suspicious white track-marks on desk so Mcleanmuir would appear to be the real deal. Interesting choice of hair-style though....... Ian D
  13. Yep, Warners, Fox and Dreamworks all vying for the Soussan one and HBO for "Anatomy Of An Auction: The Strange And Compelling Story Of Frank Wilson" 'cos we need to go a bit highbrow for the documentary........... Ian D
  14. Oh quelle surprise Andy...... Wonder why on earth he would have done that.....? Ian D
  15. Clause 3 of Shortform Auction Agreement: 1V) Owner cannot bid on the designated item or assign a proxy bid on behalf of himself Ian D
  16. Hiya Steve, Yep, it'll be an absolute pleasure. Sir Percy's always great value and covers a lot of territory so a perfect ORIGINAL MASTERCUTS guest! The combined age of the 2 DJ's tomorrow will be a slightly worrying 107 years LOL.... Ian D
  17. Yep, to Jobete - see above. Great fingernails by the way CheltSoulNights! Ian D
  18. Care to up it to a grand Andy? Can't be dicking around with chump change...... Bear in mind that I've known both John and Ginger for 30 years and consider them both friends, so one of 'em is either mistaken or the other is being economical with the truth. And you have to ask yourself this: whose word do you take? An internationally renowned record dealer with a long history of successful weekly auctions and a reputation to protect or Ginger from Tod? Decisions, decisions Andy..... By the way, can you pull out fifties mate? I don't want to be lugging change around @ Prestatyn....... Ian D
  19. Wow, what perfectly manicured fingernails! Shame the bloody record is getting in the way of the others! Ian D
  20. Jobete, but I think we can safely assume that Frank Wilson earned back his publishing advance in the 60's thus "Do I Love (Indeed I Do)" coming out in the 80's, 90's and 00's would have been all cream as we say in the trade.......even on a 80/20% split in Frank's favour....... Ian D
  21. They also say you can't bullshit a bullshitter whilst teaching old dogs new tricks in glass houses Gareth........ Look, we all know that internationally renowned record dealers never stretch the truth don't we........? Ian D
  22. Y'know Bearsy, I've been thinking about this a little bit more and I reckon that Frank Wilson has probably made at least £100K as a direct result of Simon nicking that copy from Motown! Frank Wilson should THANK Simon Soussan LOL! The track was used on the Kentucky Fried Chicken ad and Frank would have earned somewhere around £50-80,000 from his songwriting royalties from that as it was advertised extensively on terrestrial TV and was a major campaign. It's the holy-grail of earnings if you're a songwriter. Plus, earlier on this thread, someone was good enough to print a discography of all the compilation albums it's been on over the last 20 years which will have earnt Frank at least another £20-30K. So, in this bizarre, weird, twisted tale we have a situation where a French Morroccan wheeling-dealing record hustler steals "Do I Love You (Indeed I Do)" from Motown and inadvertantly earns Frank Wilson £100K as a direct result! You couldn't make it up! Ian D
  23. Did you hear it through the grapevine Pete? Ian D
  24. Hang on, let me make an insurance bet with Johnny first and then we'll up the stakes! I actually have a little more info on the owner but I'm sworn to secrecy for obvious reasons. On the other hand, was John playing some sort of reverse-psychology double-bluff endgame knowing that bigmouth Dewhirst is perfect free PR!!!! Damn, I'm even beginning to doubt myself now LOL..... Can't take your dosh Andy - it would be like stealing candy from a baby plus I have conscience.... Ian D
  25. I wish it would. Either I've been fed a whopper of a tale or Kenny's decided to get cremated LOL! Ian D

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