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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. Well folks, this nicely ends a years worth of weekly solo ORIGINAL MASTERCUTS show for yours truly. From next week Alan Champ and myself will be broadcasting the show LIVE from Swansong 4 in Chertsey and from September onwards we'll both be sharing the honours every Sunday afternoon. So lots of my faves from the last 12 months in the various categories on the last of the weekly solo shows, so for those who missed the live show, then please enjoy the download! Many thanks to all for listening! The Sunday afternoon crowd is the best audience out there! Love to all! Six Million Steps Presents The Original Mastercuts Show with Ian Dewhirst Sunday 23rd August 2009 on everyone's favourite Soul station www.starpointradio.com. Hour 1 The Sigma Sound Orchestra That's Where The Happy People Go Piano Interlude The Originals Down To Love Town Dimitri From Paris Remix Randy Crawford All I Do DJ Fudge feat the Cheli Project Close To My People Barbara St Clair Teacher Man Atomix Re-Edit Passage I See The Light Leonard Lidell Keep It Secret Armed Gang - You Stan The Man Breath Of Fresh Air Spank Oh Baby The Trammps Shine A Light Hour 2 Clyde McPhatter Please Give Me One More Chance Edward Hamilton & The Arabians Baby Don't You Weep The Isley Brothers My Love Is Your Love (Forever) Frank Beverly & The Butlers If That's What You Wanted The Casanova Two We Got To Keep On Rock Candy Alone With No Love The Montclairs Hung Up On Your Love Spyder Turner I've Been Waiting Gene Redding Once A Fool Lee Garrett See The Love In Your Eyes Collins & Collins You Know How To Make Me Feel Good Tiffany Villareal You, Yourself & You Ivan Neville My Brother, My Brother Mark Cappani I Believe In Miracles Johnny Taylor What About Me Love https://www.sixmillio...3-Starpoint.mp3 See you @ 2.00pm LIVE from Swansong 4 in Chertsey next Sunday Afternoon and then see the Essex crowd over @ Ashwell's Country Club next Sunday evening! Gonna be a monster weekend! Ian D
  2. Cheers Dave. Just the image I've been trying to cultivate LOL. If getting people records they really want puts me down as a spiv then fair enough. Happily everyone who's received their records is delighted so far....... Ian D
  3. Whew. One year's worth of solo weekly ORIGINAL MASTERCUTS shows hits the final straight today folks. Next week Al and I will co-present the show LIVE from the Chertsey All-Dayer and from then on we'll be sharing the honours. So no excuses for this week's show. I'm playing some of my faves from the last 12 months of shows so should be fun! Featuring....... The Sigma Sound Orchestra * The Originals * Randy Crawford * DJ Fudge feat the Cheli Project * Barbara St Clair * Passage * Leonard Lidell * Armed Gang * Stan The Man * Spank * The Trammps * Clyde McPhatter * Edward Hamilton & The Arabians * The Isley Brothers * Frank Beverly & The Butlers * The Casanova Two * Rock Candy * The Montclairs * Spyder Turner * Gene Redding * Lee Garrett * Collins & Collins * Tiffany Villareal * Ivan Neville * Mark Cappani * Johnny Taylor Join me LIVE @ 2.00pm on www.starpointradio.com and let the party begin! Ian D
  4. Yes I know it is Ian. But......have you heard it? Sam played it once, phew! Yep. Not my cup of tea. yes COD's was played at Wigan, does that make it good / a must have then? Nope. Especially not after '76..... Is Tim only selling "Trophy Records" ? Nope. Far from it. A bit of everything really. Even some Sweet Soul and Funk. And Lee Charles I don't really know, I have been told it exists but have never seen one. I'm not sure if anyone has have they? Ian D
  5. Yep, I'm sat here licking my wounds cancelling the porsche I would have bought with my massive commission on Gwen Owens..... Ian D
  6. Ken, I'm just wondering......do you think this should go in Sales......? Ian D
  7. He's frantically trying to finish a book for the third busted deadline and realised that he needed to re-write the first few chapters again plus a few foreign zoo visits means he's a busy lad. He doesn't use t'internet, texts or most forms of modern technology. He's from Todd. Plus it's fair to say that he's had some new customers out of this, so it's been an interesting scenario. Not just Northern either. He's pulled records out as a result of this thread and played 'em for maybe the first or second time in his life, so it's been an interesting exercise for him as well. He's also discovered some pretty neat 'B' sides which he hadn't heard before so it's a voyage of discovery as well......it's a big world out there and a lot of people collect different stuff. There's a few titles which Tim's never heard or seen before so you never know everything! A good learning curve....even for Tim! Ian D
  8. I think it may have gone Bearsy. I'll check and PM ya back....... Ian D
  9. I moved to the U.S. in '76 and never went back to the Casino after then, so anything after '76 is possible. So presumably that's been a rare record for over 30 years then? You'd think a few more copies would have surfaced wouldn't you.......? Ian D
  10. It's a shame he's not married LOL. I reckon impending divorce settlements are the quickest way to liberate collections these days! And as long as I've known him I've never know him to be desperate to sell anything. Or buy anything for that matter. Out of curiosity, has anyone ever signed a pre-nuptial agreement which ring-fenced their records? Ian D
  11. Was "She's Fire" played @ Wigan then? Searling cover-up maybe? Ian D
  12. Now there's a record that's just too fast for aging legs surely........? I bet it's a floor-clearer isn't it? Ian D
  13. Good point well made Nev. I thought the price was too high as well and said as much but you can't teach Tim how to suck eggs! He's turned down a lot of stuff for the sake of a few quid IMO, but that's the premium he puts on stuff from his collection. I've got exactly the same situation from someone other than Tim right now LOL. HE wants anonymity and he knows I'm trustworthy so no doubt we'll go through another song and dance whilst everyone tries to figure out who seller # 2 is! Congrats on getting the record @ the price you wanted mate. Last night I was involved in a huge deal for a record I wouldn't have paid £100 for but to each their own..... Ian D
  14. Hi Kev, Nope it's not a cash-sharing community and it never was. I don't remember anyone accusing any record dealers of leaching off the scene when I was paying small fortunes for records in the 70's and nothing much has changed since then except the prices. 1) Damn right I'm standing my corner. I think it's a handy service and it's still open to anyone who wants to enquire about their wants. Everyone's treated exactly the same and there's no favouritism. 2) Agreed. I don't air my personal grievances over public forums anyway. I think it's bad form. 3) We all wanna buy cheap. Who doesn't want a bargain? But on some occasions you simply HAVE to have a record and if price is not so much of a consideration you go for it don't you? I don't remember anyone leaping to my defence when I paid £40 for the Tomangoes in '74 or thereabouts. It's the nature of the beast....... I didn't ask for any negativity on here. I got personally attacked and insulted for reasons which still aren't clear. I tried to do the guy a favour but, hey, lesson learnt LOL...... Ian D
  15. Taste is a concept that's open to lot's of conjecture Steve. By the way, what's the story on that Lee Charles record? Was it an official release? Ian D
  16. You're welcome David. Many thanks mate. This deal is typical of how things can work like clockwork if people understand the process. I've never met Dave to my knowledge, but he sent a list of the records he wanted and what he was prepared to pay for them, I got back to him and a deal was done. An easy process that nonetheless still took a few PM's, some argy-bargying with Tim, some running around and lots of postage. As David said the prices are not bargains but they're the prices which Tim wants for his collection pieces. I should point out that Tim has turned down probably 80% of requests because he either doesn't have 'em, they have a Deep Soul side, he wants to keep the item or he thinks they're worth more than the price offered. And a few bob is really closer to the truth than anyone realises as Tim is still getting to grips with decimalization! Those were beautiful copies as well weren't they? I checked 'em to make sure. Best, Ian D
  17. As per usual you're really showing your ignorance here James. For a start, as anyone who knows Tim Brown well will tell you, he's the last guy to pay decent commissions on sales and he prides himself on being the tightest of the tight LOL. All that's happened is I had some philosophical discussions with Tim about why he would want to keep records that he either doesn't like or wouldn't ever play and wouldn't he be better off liberating 'em to someone else who could use them and was willing to pay Tim's price. As a result a load of rare records have been freed up. Tim sets the prices. Not me. My commission is tiny and believe you me it's hard-earned. He wanted to keep his own collection seperate from his usual Anglo American business and therefore wanted to target people who may really want particular records that otherwise would simply remain on his shelves forever. Using me to put the feelers out and contacting people has resulted in him parting with titles that he simply would never have particularly thought about selling. There's been quite a few surprises. The whole point of doing it this way was because he doesn't have a lot of time at the moment and therefore rather than getting hundreds of calls from numerous people, I'll call him and discuss who wants what and it's a relatively simple yes, no or maybe. You've really got the wrong end of the stick here and why you would want to accuse me of half the stuff you've mentioned is just beyond me. I don't get it. I'm pretty sure that everyone I've dealt with thus far is delighted to get their hands on these records and Tim's happy because he got the price he wanted. Nobody is pressured - Tim gives the price he wants and people either say ay or nay. What he chooses to pay in commission is up to him and nobody else's business anyway. It's NOT an auction. So it's not a question of 'bidding'. Which part of the process do you not understand? Tim sets the price and if you want the record you say yes and if you don't you say no. Tim's not negotiating on the prices he sets for his own collection hence I have no input on the prices he sets. Anyone can ask Tim and he'll say the same. What really kind of upsets me is that I genuinely pressured Tim on both the records you wanted and wasted a lot of time. The Precisions was a straight no but I kept badgering him. He'd rather keep the Gwen Owens anyway - there's not many copies around that don't jump which is why he set such a high premium on it and that was a 10 minute discussion in itself. You and I had a chain of perfectly reasonable messages between us, I went away for 36 hours and came back to a character assassination that was completely unwarranted. Terms like "deflationary action", "leaching resources out the scene" and "the fragile eco system of rare soul" suggest that maybe you misunderstand the mechanics of this process. Tim's been selling rare Northern for the last 30 years and I've traded records of all types most of my life, so nothing new or revoltionary is happening here. It's merely been a resource to free up some records which were wasted on Tim's shelves and most people are happy to have the opportunity to get their hands on their wants. It seems to me that you have a few issues mate. An anger-management course may be an idea. What's not a good idea is to deliberately try and antagonise people with personal remarks that are basically nasty. What possible upside can there be by going through life with that attitude? Ian D
  18. Hiya Dranny, Well obviously I dislike playing his game which is outrage for the sake of it IMO, but he really had zero reason for trying to bury me. I was actually trying to help the twat 'cos I knew he wanted certain records. But then his blood pressure rose or something and he played straight to form and ended up pissing off people. That's his modus operandi. The clue is in the name. At least he does what it says on the tin. And let's face it, James 'Mildly Annoying' just doesn't have the same ring to it......... Plus he shot himself in the foot if he actually wanted those records. It doesn't really make sense to piss-off the seller if you can avoid it. What could the possible upside be? Ian D
  19. Well, that was my thinking too Dave. I had to tread a very thin line here 'cos I actively encouraged Tim along this route because I thought he could potentially sell to some different customers outside of his normal channels. Plus there's a BIG difference between Anglo American stock and Tim's personal collection so he couldn't go the normal route on his own stuff as he'd feel there was no difference between his personal collection and his regular auction stuff. BIG difference. It had to be worth his while for him to even consider selling something from his own collection 'cos that's 'sacred' in his world. But even a top price won't alter his view if he'd rather keep a record or if has a Deep Soul 'B' side. They're off limits immediately. But that's what Tim's into so fair enough. It's what he's not particularly into that excites me. He has tons of great titles in there that he'll never willingly play by his own choice. So they're wasted on his shelves IMO. So my argument was along the lines of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' and that's happily turned out to be correct. Some very rare records have changed ownership over the last week and that would seriously never have happened without a load of titles being zinged at Tim from left-field including many that were 100% wasted on his shelves! Maybe now they'll be played for a start. Many people kinda guessed anyway. As you say, it's not been a classified secret that Tim whittles down occasionally and I've worked with him for years so it was fairly predictable that it could be him. However he asked that he be kept anonymous and I agreed, painful though it was at times. I'd have been perfectly happy to say I was selling on his behalf but he didn't want that and I respected his wishes. But these things lead to other things and hey presto, someone else comes out of the woodwork and says 'well I have this and this and this' etc and then records get liberated and put to fresh parties. I'm completely up-to-date on all orders to date, all records have been mailed Special Delivery to arrive on Monday morning, so let's get some more requests in before the facility is closed....... Hopefully, when people receive their records we'll start seeing some positivity on what I think is a pretty good service if you really want a record! As I said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Off to bed now. It's been a stressful bloody week! Ian D
  20. Jamesmmmmlet'sseenowmaybemyrealnamemaynotbehipenoughsoI'llchangemynametojamestroubleshakethesceneupabitandliveuptomynamebybeinganarroganttwatwithanoverartedopinionofhimself....... Naturally your figures are completely wrong as the situation is very fluid and changes day by day and even hour by hour. Some deals have been done and the records sent, some deals are pending, some are ongoing and some won't happen at all. Like yours for instance. I don't know what's spawned such hatred. You came to me, requested some wants and I went hell to leather to try and secure 'em for you. I wanted you to get those records believe it or not. You'd already sabataged yourself once with the seller and lo and behold you've just managed to do it again. I'd say you have issues which you need to iron out. For a start, what's with the 'Trouble' thing? Is it a sort of Austin "Danger" Powers gimmick or something? Or is it a mission statement maybe? You play the angry young dickhead role pretty well but you're trying waaaay too hard to be outrageous. Go back to Lesson # 4 and refine it a bit. Ian D
  21. Hi Mike, Yep. Will do. Will be happy to close the thread off in the next week anyway. I guess everyone who I'm dealing with can PM me in future but I've decided that this isn't the main thrust of my life and I need to get on with other stuff anyway. There's currently quite a few pending deals and I'd like to close these before next Friday latest, so I'll nudge everyone for a yes or no in the few days if that's OK. I'm still responding to other PM's so I should be done at my end by close of play today touch wood. Many thanks to everyone who has responded and I hope your enjoy your records! Tim sends his regards to all and says it a shame that his cover was blown as he was looking at things in a whole new light and it gave him the opportunity to re-think about what he wanted to keep and what he didn't mind letting go, so he could deal with things in a more impersonal way and in an objective fashion. A shame as it was throwing up some great discussions. Any last minute requests should be sent a.s.a.p. Will post in Sales for anything else along these lines. And Steve - what's the story on that Lee Charles? Ian D
  22. Well you've got a point there Ken but as I said before, it's not technically straight sales and the wants require an offer with 'em, so it doesn't necessarily fit in Sales & Wants that easily either. I'm perfectly happy if Mike wants to shift it. The question was actually designed so that hopefully someone would happily come on and say I'd pay ? for a copy of ? and that would then result in a zillion replies questioning the worth of something. If anything came from any of the requests then that would be a bonus in a way. Anyway, it'll only be on for another week and then I think I'll kill it and go private anyway. There's plenty of people want records so no harm in asking IMO......... Ian D
  23. I wouldn't if I were you Gareth. His arse is in big demand apparently! Ian D
  24. Tim didn't want that. That's why I said, right at the beginning, that the seller wanted to remain anonymous. This is my very first paragraph:- " I've recently bumped into the mother of all collections from someone who's been quietly beavering away collecting for the last 30 odd years and before anyone asks, no he's not on here or any other forums LOL. This was a guy who would never, ever sell anything previously so once he got something it always stayed in his collection period. When I say he has virtually everything I'm really not kidding. It's the best collection I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few. However, he's now changed his outlook somewhat and has said he'll let certain titles go 'for the right price'. He wants to remain anonymous but has invited me to come to him with specific offers on titles, so I'm throwing it open to anyone on S.S. who may be after a gem that's eluded 'em forever. Now is the chance". I tried to disguise his identity as discreetely as possible. I just don't see how anyone could misinterpret the above. I couldn't say much else without giving an indication of who it was could I? Plenty of people guessed anyway and my answer was the same to all of them, namely, "Tim's perfectly capable of selling his own records". Which he is. It seems that on this scene everybody wants to know everyone else's business but some people prefer to be more discreet and this is the case here. No one else seemed to mind apart from a couple of people that were no doubt cheesed-off that some rare records were being sold without their permission. Ian D

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