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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. Correctomundo Pete. Last thing I need right now is to foist an 'almost impossible to tell' boot on someone! That would definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons LOL.... Ian D
  2. Well that's where I earn my commission Paul. Tracking down Tim can be a nightmare and you have to catch him in the right mood, let him talk for 2 hours and then catch him off-guard! And that bit where you said 'don't care how much you make out of the deal' is very tempting but I'm trying to get it for you as near as dammit to a decent price as I can mate. Also some very convincing high-price boots made from the original masters are doing the rounds so there's an element of caution on this one. But will come back to you one way or t'other lad.... Ian D
  3. Jesus. I thought I was in bad way Rod. Please accept my sincere condolences and the cheques in the post....... By the way, I've recently come into possession of some wants-lists from people who are desperate to get hold of certain records, some of which you may have lying around in that back-shed of yours since there's a fair welter of your kind of stuff being asked for (in other words you probably have a fair chunk of 'em since you dug 'em up in the first place)! Shall I whack 'em over 'cos ya never know? It's possible that you may not know the buyers as there's a fair few people wanting different things and you may be able to help 'em...........plus you know I occasionally send wayward souls to your place for a glimpse of the North........ Aside from that, hope you're well and all is hunky dory......... Ian D
  4. Yep. Got it in one Moggy. I saw Tim in July, had a few weeks to kill in August so thought I'd put some feelers out for him because he didn't want to publicise the issue. I've known Tim 38 years and he trusts me. There's other mates on here that I know really well (sorry to Phil D for instance) that I couldn't reveal the sellers identity to them either! 'Cos that's what Tim wanted. Yep, there was no need for James T to say a lot of the things he's said but we're dealing with someone who calls himself "Trouble" and is consumed with so much hatred for no logical reason that when I say he ought to see a shrink I really mean it. Seriously. It can't be healthy going through life like that. I thought some of his previous posts in other threads were unnecessarily personal and nasty and seemed designed simply to cause offence or outrage. But, hey, what do you expect from someone who calls himself "Trouble". Unnecessary nastiness from someone who seems forced to live up to his self-appointed image. Pathetic. In my experience, this scene has usually been about friendliness between other enthusiasts which is why people travel around the country meeting like-minded people and having fun listening to the music that they love. Sure, there's always been a bit of backbiting, digs here and there, controversies etc, etc over the years but James T has elevated the negative factor to a whole new level, which is probably what he was aiming for in the first place. I personally don't think there's any need for it. What's the point? Ian D
  5. No, I said rather a 'has-been' then a 'never-was' without actually admitting to it! I'm actually busier than ever as it happens...... Ian D
  6. I've dealt records all my life which shows you how much you know. Currently 400+ sales on E-Bay and 160+ sales on Discogs plus numerous deals with many dealers and collectors over the years back in the days when you were into Funk. Rather a has-been than a never-was....... Ian D
  7. Correct Marc. He's very happy and the 'commission' is peanuts and frankly not worth the aggro. Can you picture the scenario? Hey Tim, I've just got you £3200 for your Gwen Owens. He says, well that's no big deal mate - it's a none-jumper and I could auction it tomorrow. And then I say, oh yeah, plus my 20% commission means you'll end up with £2560 for one of the rarest records around. Yeah right. That's gonna happen. Laughable..... Ian D
  8. For the final time, OF COURSE Tim knew it would be on here. That was the whole point. The first sales were private and then I said to Tim why not throw it open as it may bring some fresh people to the table. And it has. If you were to cut out middlemen then you'd close the scene down - most dealers sell records on behalf of people - I don't know any that don't. None of the records I've sold have been on a list either. They're private copies from a personal collection. And for your info, you should have snapped Tim's hand-off on the deal you were offered as the Gwen Owens won't be going for that price now you can rest assured. And I wouldn't call it doing nothing either. It's hard work dealing with some people even when they've been offered a bargain! Ian D
  9. Of course it does hence the reason I asked people to submit their wants lists with prices on. Tim's the expert on prices here not me. In some cases there's been a 500% gap in what Tim thinks a tune's worth and the offer that's been sent. In other cases (Gwen Owens being a perfect example), Tim's valuation has been less than what other people believe a tune's worth. In the Gwen Owens case, the demand was that it HAD to be a none-jumper (answer yes) and it HAD to be mint (answer no sorry it's a mint-). Mint Gwen Owens no jumpers aren't exactly flooding the market and never have to my knowledge. If Mildy Annoying hadn't managed to lose his marbles he'd be playing the record now......... Ian D
  10. For what it's worth, I thought it was a good price too as I said to Mildly Annoying in my PM...... For a start it's the only none-jumper I've personally ever seen........ Ian D
  11. Aaah, now I understand. So it was like a 'tester'. And don't ever use two LOL's at the end of your replies as it makes you look double gay! Ian D
  12. Oh yeah? Read your PM's! 4th August 8:39pm "No he doesn't have the ?????? but apparently ?????? sold his last week for £10K! The Martha Jean Love is an acetate so no go there either. And he really needs the correct titles of things as he doesn't necessarily know the cover up titles! Ian D" And what's the deal with TB anyway. Are his pieces of vinyl any different from anyone else's pieces of vinyl? Ian D
  13. I guess you'd know all about that Mr Mildly Annoying LOL.... Ian D
  14. Very true Kev. It's not the first time I've done something similar anyway. In fact last time I ended up selling Tim some stuff he was after! I have mates all over who collect all kinds of stuff and whenever they hit some Northern they call me and ask if I can help 'em. Normally there's nowt special but every so often some goodies turn up and if I can put 'em in touch with someone who wants the records then job done. Ian D
  15. What's vague about someone enquiring after a record and offering a price for it? It's been going on since the year dot mate - long before you were a twinkle in John Anderson's eyes LOL. You asked for a few yourself didn't you? Fact is, they were so rare that even Tim didn't have 'em. If I'd have come back with one of them and it was under-priced (unlikely) then you'd have snapped my hand off wouldn't you? Ian D
  16. He could Joan but he wants to keep his own collection seperate from his Anglo American business and he didn't want to publicise it in order to prevent getting calls 24/7 whilst he's trying to finish a book. It's not messy for him. I quote him the prices people are offering for certain records and he says yes, no or maybe. Also it's thrown up some surprises as he's sold records which would never have left his shelves previously and under other circumstances. He's very happy that he's sold some oddball pieces which don't particularly mean anything to anyone other than the buyers who are more than happy to get something they've been after for years. Ian D
  17. Well people still want records they can't find elsewhere Kev. Of course, they can wait until something may pop up on an auction and then take their chances but this was a way in circumnavigating that option if people wanted a record right here and now. Plus, someone else just popped into the equation and now he's selling some top items, so it's obviously it's route some people want to take. Only 5 days left now anyway, so James can go back to baiting Levine again........ Ian D
  18. Well, it's not an auction as I keep saying Simon. It's simply a sort-of bespoke wants list service which allows people to offer the price they're willing to pay against the records they want. Also bear in mind that I have nothing to do with the prices - either from the seller or buyers point of view. Believe it or not I was actually trying to do James a favour LOL as I knew he wanted a few things and, for a few days, he was perfectly happy to get involved. If he's had such close conversations with Tim you'd have thought he would have bought the items long ago. In fact, it's worked very well for the people who simply wanted certain records, were prepared to pay the price Tim wanted and now have them! Easy peasy. No auction involved just a straight transaction. Ian D
  19. He's not selling his collection Simon. He's simply moving items that he's not ultra-precious about to people who don't mind paying the price he wants. It gives people a chance at some items they may not otherwise have found. But if it's got a Deep Soul 'b' side it'll never go! Ian D
  20. Nah Joan. He just puts a premium on his own collection as anyone would. Ian D
  21. When and if all the deals go through it'll probably be towards £30K-£35K. One is pending for around £9.5k at the moment. Your's was pending @ circa £5K before you lost your mind. And as Tim points out, a sale is only a sale when the dosh lands. And since you're so fond of printing personal messages here is are some of my messages to you on the Gwen Owens and Precisions following YOUR enquiry to me:- 13th August 3:52pm Will check and get back to you tomorrow OK? Any more whilst we're at it? He has a lot of big-hitters........ Ian D 13th August 4:24pm He's got a LOT! I've sold about 15 records for him so far including a ????? for £8K so he's for real. If anything you'd have a really good chance of securing some stuff as I don't think he's a major fan of crazed psychotic Northern Soul so those kind of titles are the ones he'd prefer to let go if the truth's known. No Mello Souls though I'm afraid Worth doing a list with your best offers included as I'm speaking to him tomorrow morning so I can come back with ays, nays or maybes tomorrow afternoon..... Ian D 14th August 1:21pm Morning James, He's come back with two of your wants:- Precisions "My Sense Of Direction" Hen-Mar £2000 Gwen Owens "Just Say Your Wanted & Needed" Velgo £3200 (None Skipping Copy) Please note that I have nothing to do with the prices - he basically tells me what he wants for his copy and I convey that so I'm merely the messenger in all this. This is par for the course as he seems reluctant to part with anything unless he gets the price he wants! So let me know if this acceptable or not and we'll proceed. Best, Ian D 15th August 2:23pm Yeah, I thought that. It's a pretty fair offer and it's my guess he'll come back @ around the £4,500 mark unless I'm sorely mistaken. His prices are definitely top-end, but he says his Gwen Owens is one of the very few decent ones and he says the price on the Precisions has shot up in the last year or so, so let's see what happens. I'll speak to him now..... You don't want a 4 Vandals original do ya........? Ian D 15th August 9:32pm Well we're close James. Maybe not close enough but close nonetheless. It's basically all down to the Precisions record I reckon. There a bit more demand on it probably because you want it - that's what always pissed me off as a DJ back in the day 'cos I always ended up having to pay a premium if I had to have something. The least he'll take on the Precisions is £1800. He reckons he can sell it at that without breaking a sweat as he knows someone else who wants it and it simply hasn't turned up anywhere. He says if another turns up it'll only go on auction anyway and this one's in the hand and available now. So he's looking @ £5K for the two. He'll send me the records down and you can play 'em. and a bank transfer will be fine. Ask yourself what are the chances of getting both of these in one fell swoop anywhere else? Decisions, decisions. He's sold around £25K's worth of absolute gems in the last week and he's halfway to the £50K he needs so don't dick around too long! Ian D 17th August 11:35pm OK, James. Great offer and he's considering it. Should know tomorrow touch wood. Best, Ian D 20th August 9:54pm Hi James, Sorry mate. I've been away for 2 days - just got back. Will chase up tomorrow OK? Ian D 20th August 10:46pm The Gwen Owens is sorted. It's been the Precisions which I've been held up on. Are you saying that you don't want either of 'em then? I've sold 25K's worth already so I'm not messing around but I am only a middleman here...... Let me know as I don't want to get egg on my face if I can avoid it OK? Ian D 20th August 11:36pm Nah, he's pulling your pisser. He'd never pay 20% commission being the tight Northern bastard that his is LOL. I've sold a few records for him at very good prices and made a few quid, so no big deal. I've been wholesaling Tim's general stock for the last few years to some mainstream customers so I've always done business with him but not on any top end Northern for a while. He just didn't want it to be general knowledge as they're from his own collection so he viewed 'em differently, if you see what I mean. Everyone's been treated the same here and most people are pretty happy with the records they're getting. Tim's difficult as well, so it's not always an easy task. Don't shoot yourself in the foot with the Gwen Owens - no jumpers are pretty thin on the ground and he rates it highly! I thought £3200 was a steal personally and you know the score on the Precisions. You could have had that for £1200 a year ago! I've done a lot of people favours here James. Tim was going to sit on a lot of stuff much longer until I started asking him how precious he was about certain big-hitters and whether he thought he'd keep 'em forever! I'm surprised at some of the titles he's let go, but they've all gone to good homes so pretty positive all round IMO! Ian D 21st August 11:10am You contacted me you prat. Don't you remember? "hi ian, you got a precisions on hen-mar "my sense of direction"? ATB JT" I then attempted to get it for you. I don't know why you have it in for me. I've done nothing but try and fulfil a request for you. Oh well....... Ian D I don't know why you're so consumed with hatred. You need therapy. Ian D
  22. No bitterness here Mr Mildly Annoying. Just plenty of people who have got their records and are very happy with 'em. Just sold another 5 records this morning as a matter of fact. The fact is that many people on S.S. don't deal with Tim for one reason or another and so this gives them an opportunity to get the records via another route. Simples. Tim's known me for 38 years so trusts me to cut to the quick and not dick around unlike other people. And your figures are about as impressive as anyone who works for the major financial institutions i.e. completely wrong. As if Tim Brown would give a 20% commission on records from his own collection. Laughable. You have a lot to learn....... Ian D
  23. Of course Tim knew what I was doing you twat. That was the whole point. The excercise was to locate anyone who might not otherwise deal with him and/or new buyers. And even occasionally someone who may have dicked him around in the past and was possibly too embarassed to contact him again. Ring any bells perchance? I suggest you retire away to your own little bubble of self-importance and fester away with your teeming hatred elsewhere 'cos you don't do yourself any favours on here. Plus you're no spring chicken yourself these days - a bit too middle-aged to be playing the angry young man card and christening yourself with childish nicknames. Ian D

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