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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. Blimey, it's been a while folks. I've been mega busy with a new job and I seem to be blasting up North every weekend so haven't had a chance to get in the studio for a while. In fact, this week's show was touch and go 'cos I was in Hull last night and nearly went to Prestatyn but duty demanded that I get back to London and get a show together - hiya Carl and co broadcasting from Prestatyn NOW! Look at that. All ends covered! So naturally I have a FANTASTIC show lined-up this week folks. There's my pick of some cracking tunes over the last few weeks including 5 brand new Original Mastercuts plays in the first half-hour alone plus, for the first time ever on radio and an Original Mastercuts show exclusive - we have 4 cuts from the unreleased Change album from 1990 which has been in the vaults for the last 19 years - 3 tracks between 2.30 and 3.00pm and the show closer @ 3.55pm! Naturally the tracks are brilliant so don't say I didn't warn ya.......... So coming up this week........ Black Disco * George Alexander & Big John Whitfield * Mario Biondi & The S.O.S. Band * Al Green * Ferry Ultra feat Gwen McCrae * Sister Sledge * Change * Meli'sa Morgan * Change * Mike & Brenda Sutton * Change * Chairmen Of The Board * Barbara Acklin * Tyrone Davis * Rozetta Johnson * Billy Paul * The O'Jays * Neo Experience * Johnathan Jeremiah * The Sons Of Champlin * Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes featuring Sharon Paige * Dee Dee Sharp Gamble * Ronnie Laws feat Randy Crawford * Alton McClain & Johnny Bristol * Change So tune in folks - gonna be a good one methinks! And those Change tunes are ROCKIN'! 2.00pm-4.00pm LIVE from Starpoint Towers! Look forward to making your acquaintance again! Ian D
  2. "Johnny's Gone To Vietnam" - Cal Green on Mutt & Jeff https://www.discogs.com/Cal-Green-Trippin-Johnnys-Gone-To-Vietnam/release/683921 Ian D
  3. I think it's pretty much always down to the buyer - i.e. the one with the cash. Surely the simplest solution is for buyers to decide what they personally want to pay for a record and then offer it. The seller can then decide whether they want to accept the price offered or not or maybe counter with what they're willing to accept. At the end of the day the buyer makes the choice as to whether they wish to proceed or not. No one's twisting their arms. But this is a very fickle market. I've seen massive variations in what different people are willing to pay for a record. Some people get spooked. Some people take the price guides as gospel. Some people are more than happy just to get the damn record after years of trying and are willing to pay a premium in order to achieve that objective. The obvious parallel is the art world and it's much the same in that arena - Andy Warhol's diaries are as good an insight as anything for a glimpse of all the factors involved in the constantly fluctuating art market. However, I would argue that Northern Soul is a much harder market to predict. Andy Warhol KNEW how many original works he produced at any given time so he knew the relative rarity of his works, whereas no one really knows how many Don Gardners are out there do they? Ian D
  4. Me too LOL. I'll rephrase - a woman who agrees with me, presumably likes Northern Soul and likes a beer then? Even better.......... Ian D
  5. Wow. Look at that. After 54 years a woman has finally managed to agree with me. All is obviously not lost......... Ian D X
  6. You won't get far with that attitude on this thread young lady! Ian D
  7. Both Proudlove. No dispute. No one has to wear a badge anymore. That went out with the stone age. Your reply echoes a lot of people's views mate. I'd hate to be an infirm/financially challenged/very very old or an 'over-burdoned with other responsibilities' long-term Soul Fan/Soul Scenester these days. You'll either get publically insulted on internet forums or burned at the stake. I'm getting to the point in life when some of the more radical viewpoints expressed on here no longer particularly affect me one way or the other. I've got more important things to worry about these days and unfortunately Northern Soul is but one of many interests I have. I'd like to think I'm a combination of Soulster and Scenester and have been since circa 1969 when I sneaked into the Bin Lid in Dewsbury at 14 years old. It's been a rich tapestry ever since and continues to be whatever brackets people would like to impose on me. Ian D
  8. Well the first time back in the studio for a few weeks and it felt great! As always it's always a gas when there's such a great crowd tuned in! Thanks to all. Six Million Steps Presents The Original Mastercuts Show with Ian Dewhirst Sunday 13th September 2009 on everyone's favourite Soul station www.starpointradio.com. Hour 1 The Nightwriters Let The Music (Use You) M.A.W. feat Patti Austin Like A Butterfly (You Send Me) Nathan Haines feat Shelley - Believe Dance Culture feat Kenny Bobien - Better The Crue-L Grand Orchestra Time & Days Sound Troupe Can You Really See Me Barbara Fowler Come And Get My Loving Desi I Want To Be With You Ron Banks This Love Is Real Mike & Brenda Sutton All Worth Loving For Hour 2 Double Exposure Soul Recession The Trammps Where Do We Go From Here Executive Suite When The Fuel Runs Out The Philly Devotions I Just Can't Say Goodbye The Fabulous Keys It's Too Late G.C. Cameron Live For Love Garland Green Girl I Love You J.W. McGee You Bring Out The Best In Me Steely Dan - Aja Prominent Step Into My World Magic Lady Yes I'm Ready Jamariah Let's Turn The Lights Down Keisha Cole - Never https://www.sixmillio...3-Starpoint.mp3 Al's back next week so I'll be back in a couple of weeks! See ya then! Ian D
  9. Coming up LIVE from 2.00pm today folks on www.starpointradio.com. Hope you can join me for the first time solo in 3 weeks! See you @ 2.00pm! Ian D
  10. Phew, almost 3 weeks since I last compiled a show what with the Chertsey All-Dayer live and then Al's GREAT show last week. But I haven't been idle. New job and new inspiration so I'm knackered but happy if you see what I mean. And to reflect my current well-being we have a great line-up tomorrow...... The Nightwriters * M.A.W. feat Patti Austin * Nathan Haines feat Shelley * Dance Culture feat Kenny Bobien * The Crue-L Grand Orchestra * Sound Troupe * Barbara Fowler * Desi * Ron Banks * Mike & Brenda Sutton * Double Exposure * The Trammps * Executive Suite * The Philly Devotions * The Fabulous Keys * G.C. Cameron * Garland Green * J.W. McGee * Steely Dan * Prominent * Magic Lady * Jamariah * Keisha Cole Hope you can join me LIVE from 2.00pm on everyone's favorite Soul Station - www.starpointradio.com! Laters all! Ian D
  11. Can you remember what the value of the Exception was? I know that was one of the trades. That copy of "I'm Not Strong Enough" was the first one wasn't it? Great F*ckin' record though. I HAD to have it! Ian D
  12. £40 for the Tomangoes circa '74 or thereabouts. I was earning £22.50 a week at the time. Ian D
  13. OK, who wants what and how much? Uh oh, better not go down that road again...... Ian D
  14. I think it's even simpler than that Nev. If he could raise another £50K to further indulge his new compulsion for visiting every zoo in the world from records he wasn't precious about, then that was probably a factor as well. He's not short of a bob or two but he has two obsessions and the other one involves lots of expensive travelling and hotels so he's simply swapping one vice for another really...... The problem is, had Tim announced with a loud-hailer that he was selling his collection, that could have caused a landslide and ended-up devaluing a lot of records for everyone, hence the reason he wanted to be anonymous. He's not the only one either. It's probably not the best idea in the world to trumpet that you're selling part of your collection is it? Plus Tim's got a huge collection - certainly one of the biggest in the world. I don't blame him for wanting to avoid a panic. In his shoes anyone would do the same wouldn't they........? Ian D
  15. I wouldn't say Tim's sold a lot of his collection by any means. He's sold maybe a few dozen items for good money that he's not too bothered about but he's turned down far more offers than he's accepted. There was a time when he wouldn't have sold anything from his personal collection but he had some records nicked a while back and I think that knocked the stuffing out of him trying to be a completist, which he was. It certainly changed his views about hoarding everything for life, that's for sure, so then he started asking himself what he actually listened to and, as a result, what he needed to keep and what he wasn't too bothered about. Plus, as Ted pointed out earlier, this is a pretty deep recession and he probably decided it might be a good time to thin out some expensive items, especially if he was never going to play them again anytime soon. He's in a position where, being a completist, he had label and artist runs of releases which he just collected but never particularly played, so what's the point in keeping them under those circumstances? So with Tim it was probably a combination of factors. One thing I can say, is that you could offer him £20K for a rare Deep soul record and he still wouldn't sell it 'cos he is a Deep Soul completist. Plus when you've got a mountain of records to begin with chipping away at a few of 'em doesn't make that much of a dent......... Ian D
  16. No scam. 90% of the people who got their records are delighted with them and very happy thanks very much. The only 'scam' bit was the fact that Tim wanted to be anonymous which was his right if he wanted to. The only people who weren't happy were James T who cancelled what would have been a bargain purchase and Boba who was happy to pay the price quoted until James T kicked off. A lot of people have records that they wanted and are still requesting further titles. Ian D
  17. Hiya Folks, Tomorrow the ORIGINAL MASTERCUTS show will be coming LIVE from the Swansong 4 All-Dayer in Chertsey with the original team of myself and Alan Champ. It'll be live and spontaneous so who knows what we'll play but look forward to you joining us for a rip-roaring end to the month! Don't forget from September onwards, Al and myself will be sharing the honours every alternative Sunday! See you @ 2.00pm! Ian D
  18. Yep, it was played at the Mecca around the same time........ Ian D
  19. She loves her Northern Soul - she's a good mate of Keb's. Ian D
  20. Very true! Did it with couple myself on Garrad decks which had long spindles and sometimes you'd get impatient between records! Ian D
  21. All the above is wrong, wrong, wrong and James T is making accusations which are actually libelous. James' so called 'facts' are from a private conversation he had with Tim Brown last week and I've just spent the last 20 minutes going through the various accusations and James' ridiculous statements with Tim. In an ideal world I wanted Tim to make a statement himself but as he pointed out the very reason why he wanted me to try and sell some of his records privately was because he does not get involved with forums for the very reasons we're seeing right now! And I don't blame him. It's also the reason why a lot of people, especially record dealers shy away from these sort of public debates as they're vindictive, time-consuming and just downright nasty at times. To simplify the whole process because I'm sick of repeating myself here, if anyone wants to contact Tim directly and ask him any questions regarding these transactions then Tim will respond in person at raresoulvinyl@btconnect.com. He will confirm the prices he wanted directly with anyone who wants to ask him. He will also confirm that he knew I would be putting the opportunity on S.S. and that my commission is remarkably stable @ around the 5% mark which comes out of his price. Not that it's actually anyone's business of course. He will also deal directly with Boba about his concerns and the other person who wants to return a record as he knows them both and is more than happy to discuss the situation with them. All the cases where people have bought records have been clear cut and above board. No skullduggery here I'm afraid. Every transaction which has been done to date is covered by a wealth of PM's discussing the deal with the agreement on price. Nobody's arms have been twisted and people had the option to say no without any problems at this end - there's been plenty of refusals and that's fine. If Boba didn't want the record he didn't have to take it. I've had two phone calls from people this morning who were nervous that they wouldn't be getting their records because of all this and had to assure them that they will. As for me, I've had enough of all this. Any transactions which are currently going through will be completed and congratulations to everyone who got the records they wanted. It turned out to be a thankless task in the end because of the actions of a few people but c'est la vie I guess. And many thanks to everyone who has contacted me and either given me support or thanked me for the records they've received. In the meantime I would ask if anyone has a problem to contact either me via PM or Tim via raresoulvinyl@btconnect.com. And Mike, could you please keep an eye out for any potentially libelous stuff on here if poss? I've never had a problem with anyone I've sold records to in 35 years as many people on here will confirm and it pains me to have all this happen for what was essentially an opportunity for people to have a shot at some records they might not have found otherwise. Best, Ian D
  22. Well I'm disappointed Boba. I did everything in good faith. You gave me a long list of records, Tim happened to have three of them in his collection, HE set the prices not me, I contacted you and you went ahead and ordered the item. Tim set the price of a £500 minimum for anything from his own collection, not me and priced this @ £550. I had no idea of what the book rate was and even if I had known I doubt that it would have made any difference as this was from Tim's collection and he'd already stated that he wasn't selling anything below the £500 level. What was not to understand? The record was packed VERY securely with I believe 2 heavy cardboard stiffeners each side of the record. I have never, ever had a broken record sent out of well over 1000 transactions all over the world. All the stuff about paying a premium for stuff in Tim's collection is NOT bs! He puts a premium on the stuff in his collection and sets the prices OK? Plus he said it was pretty rare and he only had the one copy. If you don't believe me, then why don't you ring him and ask him yourself? I will take this up with Tim and come back to you privately. If you want to send it back, then send it back and I'll offer a full refund but I think it's pretty unfair airing this publically. As it happens, someone else wasn't very keen on the condition of a record he bought but contacted me via PM and it's being sorted out without the attendant ballyhoo. Plenty of other people are very happy with the records they've bought. A shame Boba. We had lengthy conversations via PM's and if you had any concerns it might have been nice to raise them with me first. Ian D
  23. Yep, I don't disagree with the above Tabs. I didn't know if any sales would come of it but since they have by all means switch it to Sales Mike. I was half-inclined to stick it in there in the first place but strangely enough I thought someone would complain because there was nothing specifically for sale LOL. It was purely speculative and just added another route to some hard-to-find records. It's been a generally interesting exercise despite the personal taunts. It's ended up uniting people with records they wanted and thrown it open to lots of other people who wanted a shot at some titles. Only 4 days left and I don't think I'll be in a hurry to do it again anytime soon but anyone who's already bought is welcome to keep in contact if they have no joy through other routes. Ian D

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