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Ian Dewhirst

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Everything posted by Ian Dewhirst

  1. Stunning. Can't really think of anyone else who comes close in terms of recent artists. Maybe his big mistake for this scene was to not record in a shack in Alabama, press up a couple of hundred copies with an amateurish label design and die pennyless? Some artists just don't get it do they? Ian D
  2. It's probably more the production then the song Matt. I actually can't stand 98% of contemporary productions which leave me totally cold and uninspired but I think this guy's in a league of his own. And I wasn't an easy convert believe me. I reckon if that vocal could be transferred to a 60's or 70's type production it would tick all the boxes for a lot of people. I seriously think he's right up there with the greats and I concurr with Simsy that he could easily be a modern day Solomon Burke. Cunnie turned me onto this ages ago and it's since become my favourite track (but I do have pretty broad tastes). Ian D
  3. Totally agree. The guy just oozes Soul and "I Want You" is the best record of the last couple of years for me and his latest album is easily the best Soul album of the 00's for me too. A gigantic talent who is on a par with all the greats IMO. Ian D
  4. A good metaphor there Simon. Plus, of course, there's no modern day equivalent to Soul Bowl is there? i.e. nowhere to buy tons of unknowns at a reasonable price.......... Ian D
  5. Thought you may have the wrong idea that's all. I'm a little bit long in the tooth to go through all that again and my disposable income tends to go in other directions LOL.... In fact the point you allude to is one of the points of the thread. There's always been 'chequebook' DJ's who come and go but presumably they'd need a very fat chequebook to get in the game at the top level these days surely? Ian D
  6. I don't really understand what you're getting at Steve. What do you mean? As far as I'm concerned it's am interesting thread that's all. Ian D
  7. Well, some of those who have managed to maintain their collections over that time without ever selling anything and have the time and space to house it all probably are sat on a fortune at current prices. Certainly Browny's collection (especially with his Deep Soul stuff) probably wouldn't have been far off that mark when it was at it's prime. I've always found that trying to maintain even a relatively modest collection is still equivalent to a part-time job which sometimes takes over your life and house (that's if you like to have everything neatly filed). As we speak, I've around 1000 records that need filing back in which are just piled up around the house - the source of constant arguements in the Dewhirst household! Time for another clearout is coming......... Ian D
  8. LOL, I know Marc. I kinda knew the answer(s) before I posted but I thought it'd be fun to throw it open....... Bloody annoying though. I can't find that friggin' Parliaments record in any of the local charity shops......... Ian D
  9. Brilliant work! Wheoever did this really put some effort into it. Great stuff! Everybody should download that list for reference purposes alone. Ian D
  10. Boy, if the Mecca had a lighting system like the one in the clip then "Overture" would have been even bigger! To me this record continued the tradition of the great Northern string-led instrumentals. I presume it was recorded in L.A. but it's deffo got that Detroit String vibe albeit more updated. Great record! Ian D
  11. Ah, so now we're getting to the gist of things. So, over a number of years, smart buying, good analytical skills and a keen ear can redress the balance between someone who swans in with a ton of cash. Makes sense if you're playing a long game for sure. Ian D
  12. LOL, I think it's pretty simple really. The greatest DJ in the world with 3K worth of records probably wouldn't have the same appeal as the worst DJ in the world with 30K worth of records. Does that make it any easier? Ian D
  13. No. I can't think of a great technical DJ who ever made it on this scene without rare records. Can anyone? This is one of those scenes where the DJ is only as good as the records he has in his box. Ian D
  14. Yep, he was the 'enfante terrible' for sure although I'm not sure how many repeat bookings he got. He wasn't afraid to pay big money for rare records either which kinda brings us right back to the subject of the thread doesn't it..........? Ian D
  15. I wouldn't be so sure that you'd only sell 500 copies Lorraine. You're a natural writer, you were there at the time, you're still very level-headed (which is a rarity believe me) and you have a fantastic story to tell. I can tell just from this thread that you have the skill to write a book that could touch the hearts of many people. I'll bet you a dollar to a cent that you could sell at least a couple of thousand copies to your core audience alone. And yours would probably be a much better read than Dennis and Jack's books! Could be a lovely project and an opportunity to document everything properly from your own unique angle as one of the few women that covered all angles. Worth thinking about ay? Ian D X
  16. Ah, but what about if your taste happens to really really want a one-off record that happens to be worth £5K and you don't have the necessary funds at your disposal? Ian D
  17. Well James never did me any favours, as most people on here know, but I'm genuinely curious about what happened. Even though he effectively attempted to ruin any level of reputation I have for no reason whatsoever, I'd always actually been quite supportive of his angry young man stance and I'd always been very civil on the couple of occasions I met him. I'm not a fan of 'schadenfreude' (a word which doesn't exist in English but is a German word for someone who takes pleasure from the misfortunes of others), I'm curious about what actually happened to him and the reasons for the fire sale of his records. Does he still DJ or even collect records anymore? What's the story Simon? Ian D
  18. Well, I was OK until late yesterday afternoon, when for no apparent reason my left foot started swelling up to an unfeasably large size. So I'm writing this from a hospital A&E in a desperate bid to prevent to stop my left foot exploding LOL. Please give my regards to Gary and tell him I'll be happy to take the Robbie Lawson acetate off his hands. Unfortunately since he dropped off the scene, there's been a precipitous drop in the value of acetates but 'cos he's an old mate I'll give him a tenner. Can you ask him if he'd like a cracked Duke Browner by the way? Ian D
  19. That's worth turning into a seperate thread Dancecrasher. If you don't, then I will! Ian D
  20. LOL, I brokered the sale of one last year as it happens....... Ian D
  21. LOL, tell it like it is Beeks. Wanna share some tunes then? Ian D

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