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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Cheers for that Dave, I,m not lost it just yet. I,ve still not got the e-mail off you yet. See you soon Dave.
  2. No, small, bald but i do have my own teeth
  3. I still love Sam Moultrie, and Bobby Kline is ok, but it all a matter of personal taste in the end.
  4. Hi Mark, I brought Ben Zine blind, 77 or 78 Parkway label and all that it had to be good, but it wasn,t I managed to swap it for Frank Dell-He Broke Your Game Wide Open within 24 hours Dave.
  5. Hi Harry, when we where younger we were out every night, not just every week. P.S. good luck with York next week, i,m already committed to the EMS party in Sheffield. Dave
  6. After the Dean Barlow debate which record/s do you hate Mine is Gary Lewis and the Playboys - My Hearts Symphony One of the lads put in on at the Legion, i was at the bar at the time. I was that mad i run across the dance floor up onto the stage ripped it off the decks and smashed it. I had a bad temper in my younger days.
  7. I would need alot more than chemical assistance to dance to the Triumphs nowadays (ie younger body) Not really a Wigan record, unless you count M,s.
  8. I remember Pete selling a emi of the Jewells to one of the DJ,s at Wigan. The only thing was when the record stops and than comes back in the emi just stopped! Did we laugh, we pissed ourselves
  9. Yes Timothy Wilson was pressed circa 1973. I forgot about Jenny&Jewels and Val Palmer all three great records
  10. Yes, it,s a good LP, but if i remember right the other side of S/B/E 45 was Northern, or bemay i was thinking of something else? Someone must still have the single to confirm!
  11. I will agree 100% with you on this one, brill version of a Supremes record. Also had a soft spot for Cartmel Stings back in the 70,s (not so sure now).
  12. Well I always liked Ella,s version, and it always went down ok back in the day.
  14. It was Estella Dennison, another Mecca classic cover up was Mickie Champion-Jodi Williams Without You also Jimmy Norman covered as Alam Blackwell, Devonns covered as Levers, Freddie Williams as Ron Handie add loads more i can,t think of now off top of my head.
  15. I used to play Four Sonics+1 early doors at the Legion summer74. Played Lorraine Chandler 2 years later at the Band Club. We all played Eddie Ray (me, Ginger, Andy&Phil) at the Band Club. they all turned out to be Simon,s boots .
  16. What,s wrong with a UK copy?
  17. Again in Florida 5 years back, we were having a meal in IHOP the backround music was the Goldmine CD "Acoss the Board" Also "More Today Than Yesterday" was on the radio alot.
  18. Hi Mark, just do what you wanna do, and after taking some time off, you may/maynot want to go out again. It is gonna end as we know it someday. What ever you do take care of yourself. L O L to you and Jackie. Dave&Louise Taylor x P. S. after last season i though you would have become disenchanted with the football
  19. Exit 7 M 56 a few miles from Manchester Airport Seductive Soul Millington Cheshire it,s got it,s own website.
  20. Hi Harry the last record at the Mecca was Calfornia Mountage Young Holt Unlimted. At the Legion we used the inst of Calfornia Dreamin, by Wes Mountgommery on Verve. Dave
  21. All-dayers 70,s and 80,s. All-nighters 90,s 00,s. Yes the all-dayers where on Sundays
  22. Tony Knowles how owns the Cheshire Lounge (Nags Head), which has a very very busy Modern Soul night once a mouth.
  23. Ya bank hol,s will never be the same again, cause no matter where you had been 1st, always end up at the Ritz.

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