Hi Roger, lots of good points in your post.
I have been saying for the last few years the Modern rooms "it wil go this year" and i am surpriced it lasted this long. Not enough core crowd to go, the rooms always thined out when the bar closed.
The political bullshit on the Modern side makes the Nothern side look like a bed of roses.
The faces you could always count on being there, are not there anymore.
The writing was on the wall when Lowton started getting little or no support.
Even Jim,s do which is full every mouth, has gone the way of Blackburn. (too many non-soulies)
People tell me to go to Bob Jeffies,s do. There no way i would drive to Scotland for a 1.00am finish.
The best night this year is when Jamie had the room rockin till after 6.00am at the weekender.
Even the Hilton has gone downhill. The dance room playing dance music till 2.00am than when it in full swing start playing Jazz-Funk?
Rant over