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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. What is "get out of my head" and who by? Vocal to Soul Symphony? P S I know now, never made the conection
  2. I have never heard anything by Van Morrison, and i,ve never been into Dave Bowie, but one of my workmates from the 70,s/80,s was mad on him. Anyway i won a raffle for a pair of tickets for the Bowie gig at Blingley Hall Stafford. Can,t remember year but i went with him on the back of his moterbike.
  3. Sorry Ian you brought it off Brad at Burnley C.C. in 1975(right year) You brought Sam Moutrie WD same night.
  4. The looking forward/had to be there feeling is not there anymore. Too many nights when only a handful of people turn up, not forgetting the cost. (petrol etc etc)
  5. Hi Roger, lots of good points in your post. I have been saying for the last few years the Modern rooms "it wil go this year" and i am surpriced it lasted this long. Not enough core crowd to go, the rooms always thined out when the bar closed. The political bullshit on the Modern side makes the Nothern side look like a bed of roses. The faces you could always count on being there, are not there anymore. The writing was on the wall when Lowton started getting little or no support. Even Jim,s do which is full every mouth, has gone the way of Blackburn. (too many non-soulies) People tell me to go to Bob Jeffies,s do. There no way i would drive to Scotland for a 1.00am finish. The best night this year is when Jamie had the room rockin till after 6.00am at the weekender. Even the Hilton has gone downhill. The dance room playing dance music till 2.00am than when it in full swing start playing Jazz-Funk? Rant over Dave
  6. Saw him last year at Guy Henningham,s 50th Still lives in Wheelton nr Chorley.
  7. Pete, 00,s dancers are always gonna go above your head, the same way Reggae does to me.
  8. Hi Andy, i was at Malc Jackson,s on Tues. night, and he reminded me about Copacabana. I had forget about that
  9. Hi Pete, welcome to soul source. Good to see you Sunday, even if Lou was worse for were. Dave&Lou x
  10. Scoey,s near the Winter Gardens, mid week used to go there as well. Summer of 74.
  11. Ian, who found J M "Ain,t nothing you can do" first. I,ve got a tape from the Mecca Aug 74 with in on. Also got a tape from Wigan Jan 76 with Richard saying the new sound of N S 1976, which i though was quite funny. Dave.
  12. We want a few times we used to catch the bus down from town (half-fare) I still see John Hillel about, but see alot more of his brother Richard.
  13. Andy i got a Jock Mitchell for a few cents back than, sold it for a £1 I got £80 for Lillie Bryant in 1979 Left 15 at todays price a few thousand! oh well. Dave
  14. No Gary did not get it, but he always had stuff i wanted as well Not seen him for about a year or two.
  15. Funny enough i had a Mel Britt demo for sale about the same time. I sold it to Mike Kemp, he has still got it.
  16. I can,t remember, but nothing like todays prices
  17. You turned it down twice. You was gonna buy it off me at Leeds Central but changed your mine
  18. I,ve still got a Levine must go badge but don,t tell Ian
  19. Melvin Carter deff Blackpool aka Johnny Jackson Expireiace (my spelling is shit)
  20. I didn,t know any details, apart from it being drug related. I was on holiday at the time summer 74.
  21. No but alot all people on this tread were around in 73. and any year there was shite played as well as all the good stuff.
  22. No, i,m afraid not she was deffenatly from Bradford.

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