I worked at Taskers in Accrington from Sept 71 till Feb 82.
In Nov 74 I got busted outside Samantha,s in Sheffield.
When the day came for the court case I rang in sick, but when I got there the case was put back to a new date.
The day after at work the boss asked me how I had got on? Than he told me he knew where I had been.
I thought here goes I,am gonna be sacked, but no his words we are all young once.
Than asked if I needed a solicitor when I go back, I told him no thanks.
He also knew about me buying records and he lent me money to buy a few times when I was buying alot at once.
E.G. Carl,s Ginger,s Neil&Stewart,s I cherry picked all their collections when they sold in the 70s.
BOB TASKER RIP He was a good boss.