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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Now in the so called big venues, everybody plays the same.
  2. Since John left school in 69, he would have be 18/19 at the time.
  3. It means Ian wasn't there!
  4. Don't for get around this time, Ian was DJing at Hanley with Tony. Colin and Keith were DJing at Bl;ackpool.
  5. The "l'm Not Worried" side of Carol Anderson was played in the 70's. Rufus Woods another reactived oldie that went down a storm.
  6. I think Barrie came into his own, after he went to the States, 78 or 79. He had some nice unknown/ semi unknown stuff for sale at the time. I was gutted because he got the 2nd copy of the Insprirations and sold it to Richard Searling. Which meant my copy was no longer a one-off in the UK. Phil, a remember getting a tape you did circa 74, and there was stuff on that didn't take off at the bigger venues till years later.
  7. Can just see it now, Baba's comeback recording a new vocal to the Bari Track "Die Abba Die"
  8. Had lots of great finds bitd, in demand records for 10p or under. Best find NYC 1977, down in the village loads of records in the back of a vintage shop. Left there by previous tenants, the guys there told us to take what you want, before they get binned. I still to this day wonder what we left, we took 100 singles each and sent them home by post. There was alot of Atlantic Demos, stuff like Patti Labelle Loving Rules, Drifters Gotta Pay Your Dues, you get the picture. All in all, not bad at all for free! I was lucky in my job in the 70's working all over the North West, West Yorkshire, Stoke and Congleton and up in the Lakes. So most dinner times had time to check out record shops, markets stalls, 2nd hand shops etc.
  9. East Midlands why am l not shocked
  10. Do the reissues, still have a gatefold sleeve?
  11. That puts the cat amongst the pigeons than. It's that long since l had one, l can't honestly remember. It is 40 years ago now since it became a big Mecca spin.
  12. l always thought that some dealer put the stickers on. To sell the LP because of plays on the scene.
  13. I bet it's pretty hard to have a hit, with a LP only track. Unless the boot counts in chart returns.
  14. That's more than l sold a real one to Dave Greet bitd.
  15. Yeah, it took off in the 80's. Than again loads of other stuff that didn't go big 1st time around did.
  16. I think most of the North West, apart from Liverpool, had do's on 7 nights a week, back then. Plus on most nights a choice of venue as well, within a few miles distance.
  17. Sorry Pete, Howard Guyton was played in the 70's. Levine was playing this before Wigan opened. Also a big play around the Burnley area late 70's.
  18. Going back to school days, l was the only one in my year into soul, other schools in the town had a few my age. The years above me had a few that where into soul, that's where my peer pressure came from. The year below me, there where a hell of a lot more into it. I left school in 71, the year below left in 73, the school leaving age went up.
  19. P.S. I remember as late as Easter 74 catching the last bus into town, and people who had gone to the same school as me, getting off the bus. as l was getting on saying " where you going?" l said "going to town to get a lift to an all-nighter". They just laughed at me and thought l was crackers.
  20. I agree with the 70's being the best time and in the early 70's the scene being underground. BUT, you did not have to travel to nighters just so you could hear the top sounds. The Mecca was not an an-nighter and it was the only club that 100% stopped playing tunes after they had been pressed. Wigan played records that had been pressed, some for years after, even played records that had been pressed before the nighter had opened ( pre-Sept 73.) In the north-west there were loads of local mid-week venues that played the latest sounds, and in some cases before they had been broke at the bigger venues. I am know there were other venues in other parts of the country doing the same. If you into soul music you found out about the northern scene and lifestyle, off your peers or Blues & Soul mag etc. In wasn't till the mid 70's that it started getting into newspapers and on the TV. It went back to being a smaller scene (not underground) in the 80's. Than in the 90's a big boom, with venues opening everywhere. Now you would have to live on another planet not to have heard N.S.
  21. Not seen it yet, but then again unlikely to, record things we want to watch than fast forwards the adds.
  22. I am a old git, l remember buying Nolan Porter as a new UK release from Marshall's Records.
  23. Not checked for a while Steve, is the book anywhere near yet, or have l not noticed and it is already out?
  24. Joe, keep putting them up, most of us love reading them, even if we are grumpy old gits.
  25. ****** ***** Dave, l am shocked she wasn't the 1st female artist in the Hall Of Fame. IMHO she had the best female voice of all time. Better late than never to great in the s.s. H.O.F. The Late Great Linda Jones R.I.P.

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