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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. I was there when Sam 1st played it at Wigan it was around Christmas time 79. To quite Sam "The the 1st time at the Casino the brand new one from Bobby Jason and All These Things." I was stood on the stage with Sam, Richard and Ian Gillabrand. I have a tape of Sam's spot and Richard's spot, from that night.
  2. T. Nelson went to Lowton for that TV Doc.
  3. It might have been NYE, or even Boxing Day night. Anyway around Christmas sometime.
  4. Linda Jones everytime for me as well.
  5. Ya Phil, he's still around, still lives in North London. He's been on live all over the place in the last years. We had a few good laughs with him down the years, Southport Weekender and Birmingham Hilton spring to mind. How could I forget he did a gig at Bolton Soul Club one Friday night near Christmas, and Eddie was doing the sound.
  6. Total Eclipse' ya it's a LP track.
  7. Yes................Very low point.
  8. It was on BBC's Black Music in the UK from about 4/5 years ago. That.s why I called him a t**t in other thread.
  9. I agree play the other side of J.M.
  10. Sorry all of them played to death.
  11. What Ever.......... Ken, I hate the above statement, but I could not resist.
  12. I know I am gonna get hang for this but I still love Loose Ends "Hanging on a String". The Frankie Knuckles inst remix is one of my fav 12s.
  13. Sorry Matt, I am with Webby on Keep On Movin, great 80s soul. Caron Wheeler great vocals, it's not her fauth that Jazzie B is a t++t. Love the 90s remix as well.
  14. It got played in the early 70s circa 72/73.
  15. Who pays these prices, and do they amit to it?
  16. Ian Gillabrand played it at the Fernhurst Blackburn soul nights in the early 90s. Ian is part of the team in the Jazz-Funk room at King George's in Blackburn. Colin Curtis and Mark Grice are the rest of the team.
  17. If the film turns out to be half as entertaining as this thread it might be O-Keh
  18. Ya Nick, Tradewinds still does it for me as well.
  19. Ya I think that's him, his wife wasn't best pleased!
  20. Like you said hindsight is a marvellous thing.
  21. Didn't his sister and her mate get shagged by the broke they where babysitting far?
  22. Like I said before I had a 25 count-box of it, back in 74, sold most of them at the Legion for £2 each. When the Band Club opened July 76 I had 2 copies left and sold them off at 50p each.
  23. Sidra's theme, Bari Track and Thumb A Ride are 3 inst's I still love. I have been sick of hearing My Sugar Baby and Double Cookin, it's funny how some records you grow tired of and others you don.t. Talkin of PC in today's climate a inst not in vogue is Astral Trip I still love that.
  24. Pete, as far as a soul record goes the vocal is crap, but I still f**kin love it.
  25. No you are not the only one who enjoys the Tim v Sam in Manifesto. I find it quite fun, yes alot of it is tongue in cheek, but its is entertaining. Having know them both for over 35 years, I can safely say there's not many people on the scene with there knowledge. P.S. Tim still needs to learn that they still make soul records in the 21century.

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