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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Jim, I sure Johnny wore that gold jacket more than once, around that time.
  2. More than a last hour play at the Mecca. It was big everwhere in the north west. (at least) I will be surpriced if Richard did not play this at Wigan.
  3. The last one I remember going to was on Boxing Day 2004. By May 2005 Bank Hol's Sheridens was up and running.
  4. Like you said Chapter Five it is a pop record, (this is SOUL-SOURCE) I rest my case.
  5. Good to meet you as well. When I was collecting I never had a Danny Monday, so that's makes me like it even more. Dave.
  6. Sorry I have to disagree, I think it's a great intro. F**kin love the record.
  7. I can see a "Wash and Wear Love" V "You Can't Mean it" poll?
  8. Yes but he did lots and lots of time to kill.
  9. Hi Mark, just had a listen but can't make it out sorry. Dave.
  10. Martin, why do people call you Ian? We got into the room about 10.20 and there was noone in apart from the DJs. By just after 11.00 it got busy and stayed that way for most of the night.
  11. Hi Manus, yes it was a great time to be a teenager. Also used to buy clothes from Stolen from Ivors, Justins and in the market. Dave.
  12. "On The Brink" was played in the 80s, it was even booted under it's cover up name. I can't remember what it was covered up as but it was put out on s.o.s. with Major Lance on the other side. P.S. It has just come to me covered up as "Boo-ga-loo Investigator"
  13. I remember the Oasis stall selling at about the time of Wigan opening, The Sweet "Broken Heart Attack" on Smash for next to nothing. Than it was a big cover up for Dickie about 7 years later. BTW Martin Ellis top character. R.I.P.
  14. Hi Steve, I am sure she won one of the Dancing Competitions not a anniversary? I remember watching from the balcony, I always was sure it was at Wigan but it might have been somewhere else? Dave.
  15. Sorry Barry, yes it is.
  16. That sounds like something your namesake Micky C would do.
  17. The last time I remember hearing it out, was at the 100 Club in the 90s.
  18. Simon, when was your 1st night at Blackpool Mecca? (year) We once went to the Wallie Club (Beverly Rd.) Soul Sam was the guest DJ (late 90s/early 00s ?) It was a few rooms jobby, Sam turned and said to me it abit odd here. Only knew a few people there Martin and co. There was a black guy DJing in the Modern room, he knew me but I couldn't remember who he was. Don't think I have ever seen him since. We where in the JAZZ-FUNK/DISCO room before we left. and the local not-rights made the DJ play "Someone Else's Guy" 3 or 4 times on thr trot. Yours Dave & Lou.
  20. Davetay


    No lion on the demos of the Embers, ok as long as they are stamped.
  21. I started doing, buying and swapping tapes in 1972, and carried on till the early 90s. I still have 500+ in the loft in boxes. The one's I did myself for myself, I didn't put down track listing ( loads of stuff can't remember what they are.) I couldn't imagine forgetting names or titles back than.
  22. Yes on both . P.S. edit now done.
  23. Loads really but none spring to mind at the moment. It could be song I have not heard for a while, a song that reminds me of someone who is no longer with us. A song that reminds me of something I have done in the past etc.

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