I was talking to a very well know member of our scene at a recent all-nighter.
He told me he was really bored with it all, seeing the same faces, talking the same bollacks week after week for 30+ years.
So I said to him the alternative of not doing it is far more boring.
Than he said you might be right.
The rare soul scene and the modern soul scene have both been hit by low numbers, yet the oldies do's are still packers.
Haven in the afternoon has started on sundays 200+ in every one so far 90%+ oldies.
Yet same town friday or saturday nights a do playing crossover and modern lucky to get 30 in.
Burnley was the same for Phil, lots of nights with low numbers, yet the oldies do's in Burnley packed.
It is the way the scene is far too many do's to go around, plus the cost of traveling.
Right last weekend I was really looking forward to Lifeline.
That went tits up cause I had abit of a accident. (don't ask)
So after listening to Derek Pearson and Angus Oldfield on the internet radio went to Soulful Dance.
The upside of not doing a nighter, had a nice sunday dinner.
We than went to Haven in the afternoon, lots of people there I knew that don't really go anywhere now.
More than one person said to me "I didn't know you were still around" or "Isn't it great here proper northern"
It was nice to see some of the old faces, but for what ever reason they only want to hear the same records that they danced to in the 70s.
Someone else asked me do I still go to King Georges, I told then no, before I could give them the reason why he told me "I know what you mean it to far to travel at our age" It's only 10 miles FFS. The reason I was gonna give him is that I only went for the modern room, and how it is full of townies etc.
There where a few young ones there (about eight) that do go to nighters, but nowhere near enough to keep the scene going when we have gone.
So all I can say is enjoy it while you can no matter what gene you are into.