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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. WTF Does that mean?
  2. Because of the D.Ross/B.Mercer "My Dear Heart" thead, this came to mind. Who was the male singer of the "Now You've Got The Upper Hand" ? It used to get played at the Wilton a few years ago. If I remember rightly Dean Anderson played it. Dave.
  3. Nev, cheers for that. Not a bad version, but Shawn Robinson was one of my top fav's back in the day. It is more than likely like Pete says the one played out back in the early 90s. Dave.
  4. I forget about this version, last time I heard it was in the 90s at Bretby. Whoever was DJing at the time said it was by Diana Ross, can't remember how good or bad it was. Dave.
  5. Just watched it on i-player. Yes Al was good, he's still a top performer. Dave.
  6. No mate you did not imagine it Rob the stick who became Robeina (spelling ?) did indeed sell at all-nighters etc. I think Tim Brown still sells soul packs. Dave.
  7. Indeed it was a Mecca spin. You said R. Domar was a right grumpy sod, he's not dead is he? He is or was a very strange cookie. Dave.
  8. Martin, We will look forward to hearing it at Brid. Dave & Lou.
  9. Why it says house music it ain't, but it is a great piece of funky soul. Dave.
  10. When I think of Burning Bush, I think of my old mate Ginger.
  11. None, I never went.
  12. You get it in a box when you go to the Cinema. btw you eat it.
  13. I like alot of versions of it but the best is from this LP.
  14. Hi Tim, I didn't know that Phil had sang a version. and yes I did buy the CD when it came out, just never got around to playing it. I get loads of ear bashing of Louise, "Why have you bought more CDs again, for you never play em." Dave.
  15. Yes on both counts.
  16. Grant, Talking of instrumentals... Freddie McCoy "Soul Yogi" The Dogs "Soul Step" Hollywood Persuaders "Hollywood-Go-Go" Dave.
  17. There was a rumor going around at the time that Simon had doctored a Bernard Purdie track. Does anybody know if this is true or not? Dave.
  18. Ian to Ginger "You can't hit me, I've just come out of Hospital" Ginger to Ian "You will be going back in, if you don't get this sorted" or words to that effect. lol.
  19. Surely you can't mean "Come On And Live" b/w "Planing This Moment" on Rika/Riker (spelling?) A great double sider, I'm sure that wes pressed on Soul Galore. If it was tailor-made it has had me fooled for 36 years. Dave.
  20. Eddie, I will ask Neil tonight at Radcliffe. Dave.
  21. Instead of asking kids do you want to see some puppies. come for a swin and I'll show you my London Demo.
  22. I have just e-mail the scan.
  23. My only memories of The Top Rank Hanley.... Sam playing Bobby Treetop "Wait Til I Get To Know Ya" J J Barnes being on at a All-Dayer Silver Membership Card (still have it somewhere) Looking at the photo it doesn't ring any bells, and I can't remember what it was like inside. I do remember going down in Joe Sol,s Ford Cortina. Joe was 3/4 years older than us, is younger brother Pete (now R.I.P.) was my age. Joe was a City fan, and me & Pete both United. Back than Joe used to give us loads of stick, cause City more often than not came out top on Derby Days. Dave.
  24. Does nobody else remember Neil doing this or listening to it? Come on Neil you must remember guesting on I think it was Emperior Rosko's show? Dave.

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