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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. I had a spare stock copy of Susan Barrett back in the 70s. I got some good trades off Martin Koppell for it at the time. The 1st Micheal & Raymond I saw was in the mid 90s at the Birch in Ashton (Tim Brown's). After that I have seen it a good few times. Dave.
  2. The one in the middle is Pepe, I can't remember who the other two are sorry.
  3. Looking at the bottom one again it does not look like it's from the Ritz, it could be anywhere.
  4. Here's some from the dancefloor.
  5. Here are some more photos from the day, some well know faces here lol.
  6. I have been called at lot worse. Anyway found a few more, and I am not on any.
  7. Tony, I've only got a few from that era. Here they are......
  8. I remember Edwin Starr, Lou Ragland was there, the female I think was Pat Lewis. Apart from them I have forgot as well. I have some more photos, but most of them are people there and not the acts. Dave.
  9. Thanks Nick, it was indeed 82. Dave.
  10. RCA was always one of my fav labels, lots of great records to pick from. I'm also going with The Excitiers "Blowing Up My Mind" The very 1st record that I got on the label 37 years ago. As Greg says "cause it's f**kin awsome - just never tire of this stormer":thumbup: Dave.
  11. Hi Nick, can you name the lads on this photo.? It was took at the Ritz early 80s, I think they are all from the Skipton area.
  12. I wonder how long this iconic view was shared:rolleyes:
  13. I was not that keen on Benny Curtis back than, but I did buy it. Someone played it at Burnley All-Nighter last year and it sounded great.
  14. BTW the photo was took in May 74.
  15. Tony, talking of playing football... At the Spining Jenny All-Dayer in Accrington 77 or 78 not sure which, we even had Colin Curtis having a kick about. Back to the Casino dug out this photo of Pete Lawson, with Sean from Ormskirk and Douggie from Accy.
  16. I am pretty sure that the 1st Mel Britt boots that came over where vinyl back end of 1975. I remember a few people got caught out and payed at the time good money for them. This was when Simon was selling them in one of his ad's and it was before the dealers had them (ie at a £1 or whatever in 1976) Know idea about the ABC thing. Dave.
  17. I do know Nev, but that does not stop it being a great LP. It is also one of Lou's fav LPs of all time.
  18. Hi the night in question it was Calafornia Sunshine that we took, a few weeks later one of the lads had a Strawberry Fields he had a bad trip and ended up crying all night, Like you I never had a bad trip, in the summer of 74 there was alot of Purple Pyramid going around up our way and I found that was nice as well.
  19. Spelling is not my strong point. Never ever read any Shakespeare, and I don't think I ever will.
  20. Barbs put me off taking drugs for over 20 years. I overdosed at Darwin Tiffs All-Dayer New Years Day 1975 Didn't do anything again till the late 90s when someone give me a E to try. kin loved it. That was me f**ked up every weekend for the a few years. Dave. P.S. Harry's earlier post Ron must still wish he had not have been barded up on the night in question.
  21. Hi, was it you who sold me and my cousin a tab each for 50p each in the beachcomber Nov 73. It was Phil's 19th birthday (my cousin) and my girlfriend at the time had just broke off our engagement. So for one reason of other we both wanted to get f**ked up, and did we yes. Dave.
  22. No, I still can't understand way she didn't choise Fleetwood.
  23. Mark, The Willie Hutch one was the only one I missed, was in the States at the time. Dave.
  24. Tony, I don't think you are far out. I will go for 98 or 99. Someone should know for sure. Dave.

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