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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. The Ritz dance floor was magical, going back years later to the Rarest of the Rare all-nighters being very disappointed that the dance floor had changed. I had told my wife Louise about the Ritz dance floor over and over again. She was too young to go in the 70s, and when she finally got to go the raised dance floor wasn't there anymore.
  2. Steve, I have just been looking a old photo of you lot on facebook put up by Gill Hillel.
  3. Malc, it was only the other day that I put some flowers on his grave.
  4. Talking of frisbee sounds, there where 4 of us in the street where I lived in the early 70s, that used to buy soul packs etc. Any way across from one of the lads house there was (still is) a disused factory with a big yard. So all the rejects used to get throw against the factory wall, at one time there was quite a pile of broken records.
  5. I have never heard it, and I don't think I want to. Another one listed in the play list about that time was Harry Betts Orch. fantastic plastic flying machine, I don't think I need to hear that.
  6. Also Honey Townsend "That World Again" and Mark Johnson "This Beautiful Place" just done a youtube of this but the wrong record as been put up.
  7. Just had a tea sprayed on keyboard moment.
  8. Still like Terrible Tom, always hated Brian Hyland.
  9. Tim Tam is utter shite, but if it was a real Wombat than that's worth a few bob!
  10. At the end of the day, that's what it is all about isn't it, it doesn't matter if it's up tempo or mid tempo as long as it can be danced to. The dance floor decides if is to go big or die.
  11. Right arm for me, I am left handed.
  12. oops
  13. As I have said before we called x-over records floaters both 60s and 70s (eg not stompers ) The new discovery's where just that new discovery's they didn't have to be just 60s.
  14. You have to go back to the spring of 1974, for the tracks that broke the mould.. Carstairs, Montclairs Fantastic Johnny C and the like. This opened the way for new releases,floaters (now called x-over) and even some funk to be played out. This happened about 30 miles north west of Wigan at Blackpool Mecca, and in time the others clubs followed there lead. When the Mecca stopped playing Northern the back end of 76 and went down the New York Disco / Jazz-Funk road, what followed was the start of the Modern Scene. A lot of the old Mecca Crowd are still active on todays Modern scene me included. You asked there do the modern crowd come from at Radcliffe will it is co-run by Neil who used to run The Ritz All-Dayers back in the mid 70s. The fantastic all-dayers there have already been pointed out by Grant in a earlier post.
  15. Tony, I have never noticed, but in my defence I am a bit tone deaf. Louise says me How I listen to old c90 tapes etc,? The songs all sound same to me, record, tape or cd.
  16. I was one of the ex newies crowd from late Wigan, does that count? I hated Ms with a passion and never went to any of the Friday's Oldies Nights. I was also at Wigan at the beginning, it is just the middle I missed. Matt Male's post is a good, no great way of saying now important the end years where at Wigan.
  17. They aren't really out of tune, are they? I have never noticed if they are, and I do like all of the above.
  18. Third Window, 129th floor, and than juuuuuummmmmpppppeeedddd.
  19. Bargain in 76 in was a £8 record at he time.
  20. It must have been the smooth vocal in "Dizzy" that did it for you at the time.
  21. Are you saying that you bought these records? Keith.
  22. That will take some beating.
  23. I have got to admit I still like The 8th Ave Band, Mecca memoires and all that. Yes Bill Cosby is shite.
  24. One man's or woman's poison.................

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