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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Looking at it another way it is yet another win for Lancs in the war of the roses.
  2. I can just picture it now, you having to pay Dave, while Rod is on hand to stop you getting away.
  3. Tony, don't forget the must have "City Of Tools" by Colette Kelly.
  4. You're right it's crap!
  5. What she gonna do with them, throw them at you. lol Merry Christmas to you two too, see you NYE. Dave.
  6. Nice company sleeve. I must admit a bought this back in the day, it looked nice next to The Anderson Brothers. Off hand I can't recall having any more GSF demos I think everthing else I had on the label where stockers.
  7. If you get her this for Christmas, I can see Mrs Bicknell soon becoming Miss Green again. lol
  8. Trust you to notice and yes it was PIGTAILS. X
  9. Derek, you have too much time on your hands. I hope you are ok, will see you next time we in Bradford.
  10. I forgot all about the Burning Emotions on Bang, Maybe because I never had one, as for as I know I have had all the others, but no doubt someone will come up with a version I don't know.
  11. Yes Richard saying "1st time ever at the Casino for The Carstairs, going out to Judith by the way" April 74 still got the tape from that night. I did not see Pete jump off.
  12. Nothing wrong with Mad Dog & Pups/ Soulful Hounds (vocal/inst.) Great Mecca records.
  13. Had a listen and I think I can live out rest of my life without owning one.
  14. It didn't work, just said testing mode. I will try later.
  15. Don't know it yet, but I know I am not gona like it. So I am owning up before I play it. Here goes...
  16. Twice I have been searched by the D.S. Once at Wigan in the Arcade before the nighter, a very half hearted affair, they did not find anything. Than was strip searched back at the station at Sheffield, after getting caught selling some gear outside Samanthas, sometime in 74. I can't remember the date we got busted but the court case was Nov 74, after it got put back a couple of times. I got busted with a lad called John Pinner, and when we where back at the nick, being searched the Tea lady came in with a brew for us, my face went redder than my hair. When they where going through our belongings the old bill found match tickets for United match away at Fulham and Train tickets Manchester to London. Any way the oldest of the two interviewing us "What time is your train?" I thought here goes they are gonna let us out so it's too late to get back to Manchester to catch it. To my surprise he said lets wrap this up quickly we don't want you to miss your train in the morning. He than went on to tell us that he was a United fan. They also asked do we want to keep it quiet from our parents because we where both over 18, which was nice of them. Nearly forgot to tell how we get caught, which was so funny. A girl with pigtails and faired skirt asked if we any thing to sell, John said yes and started to do the deal, after he handed over the stuff she said your nicked. Than her two male colleagues turned up out of nowhere. I just started laughing and keep on laughing after we where took inside the police car. Dave.
  17. No Steve you are getting mixed up with Sunday nights websites.
  18. Sorry for late reply, yes it was tea i found your reply funny as f**k, and I had just took a drink when I saw it.
  19. That a sack of shite, I think me Grandma danced to this.
  20. In fact it was the shop owner Pauline Marshall, who 1st put me on to it as a new release in 73.
  21. When Russ was playing it Spring of 74, I was selling them £3 or £4 each, can't remember which? My local record shop still had it in stock on UK GSF, 65p each, made a few quid at the time.
  23. Yes I remember buying "Suzy's Serenade" circa 72 or 73 didn't think is was crap at the time. One I remember buying in 75, and getting it home and thinking WTF have I bought this... Frank Lyndon "Don't Go Away Baby" it didn't sound good at home. There is more it is just remembering them, after trying hard to forget them.
  24. I heard it now, worst fears now confirmed, it is dire.
  25. Still got Jimmy Cliff, somewhere.

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