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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Cheers Mike, but I already know, thanks again anyway. Dave.
  2. Thanks for putting that up. Not seen Big Mick since his 50th, when Louise ended up taking what was left of the buffet home. Well Mick put it our car. Still see Pete.
  3. I want to go just to see how it turns out and I like the Harry Potter type rooms. John, see what I feel like on Sat. not sure what we will do yet?:
  4. Ist time that I have seen it, but enjoyable none the less.
  5. Steve, I think Blackpool would need 500+ to be a good crowd.
  6. We have stopped traveling for a while now, because of petrol costs and the fact we used to have a full car to share costs but more often than not there is just the two of us. The midlands and the south is now out of bounds, Lancs and Yorks only for us now.
  7. There is alot of records allready put up that I like here's a couple more The Shakers "One Wonderful Moment" Los Canarios "Get On Your Knees"
  8. 4.00am finish? That's the time that Lowton and Prestwich mini nighters closed.
  9. Ian Levine was the 1st DJ that I heard play it late summer 74, it was played at Wigan later.
  10. 1st heard the Vogues late 72 or early 73, and thinking WTF is this shite. To me at the time it was the worst record I had heard at a soul do. Of course that was to change when a year or two after Wigan had opened it's doors.
  11. Don't like "Tell Her" that much, still love all the rest, Jim.
  12. One man's posion and all that, I like J L A & E, but not keen on J L R & J, Also still like G I M H, which was big in 73,.
  13. Great call "Determination" I didn't know "I lost a true love " pre 73, but that means f++k all. I got the LP for "This thing caled love" early 74, and when Wigan played " I lost...." later it was a bonus.
  14. Always hated Human Beinz and Travis Wammack, but love Bob Brady and O'Kaysions.
  15. Three great ones to start off with.
  16. Still like this, I think it would have been late 70s when I found out there where white.
  17. I 1st heard it mid73 (poss Va Va's), got one at Wigan Oct 73.
  18. Jerry Fuller was not played pre-73. Still a great white artist record never the less.
  19. Pete, I have had a few of these over the years and all of them have jumped, is there any that don't?
  20. or early Mecca era. Looking at the titles it's from late 72 or early 73.
  21. All our jeans from back than are still the same size, just a pity we're not.
  22. Still got one somewhere Sold a few, they came off Pete Lawson, circa spring 74. P.S. That should read a sold a lot back in the day, for Pete.

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