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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. 100% Agree, you can't buy years of knowledge. I will be 1st to admit for the last 15 years or maybe 20 years I have been more into the modern scene than the al-nighter scene. But when I have talked to the kind of johnny come latelys, at nighters there knowledge is very limited. No prices for guessing which nighter I will be going to on Saturday.
  2. Slick n The Family Brick "Don't Trust A Woman" Richard Spin Spring 76 After seeing how popular it was at Darwen Tiffs at the Easter All-Dayer. 1st played in East Lancs at the Accy Legion Summer of 74.
  3. See what you mean Pete, I was age 20 in 75 and getting a wage of £18. I was selling records and clothes, so it give me extra cash to spend.
  4. Leather soled shoes, now that was a nice little earner 74ish. There was a ex-army store near us, that sold Romanian army dress shoes at 50p a pair, sold these on at £2 a pair at Wigan. Alot of the lads from Blackburn & Clitheroe used to sell them (some lads got as much as £4 a pair). I also sold a fair few Leather coats, my workmate's sister was married to a guy that part-owned a tannery.
  5. That must have been a pisser, having nowhere to look for records near where you live. I was lucky that way living in the north-west, and it was quite easy to jump the train to London to go hunting as well. Used to work all over Lancs and West Yorks so spent many a dinner time looking for records. Like you (apart from the odd London trip) the only reason I was up and down the country every other weekend was the football. Untill Cleethorps all-nighters opened in 75, all nights out where in one hours drive, most in under 30mins. Wage wise, take home pay £3.60 a week in 71 up to £40.00 in 80.
  6. No it wasn't , there where lots of places to get OV from if you took the time to look. No internet back than, but loads of shops etc up and down the country that had US stuff, record exchanges and second hand shops for UK stuff. Dealers selling OV on lists or on stalls etc, buy or swap off other collecters or best of the lot go to the States and find them yourself.
  7. Yes Dave spot on, it was Andy Riding. Dave.
  8. Martyn, The Chandlers was a big record in East Lancs before Wigan etc had it, so He may have asked to play it again. Dave.
  9. There are a few records on the lists so far, that where played in Northern Rooms in the 80s or even 70s. They were played as floaters back than.
  10. Sisters Love was big everwhere before Alan Rhodes started DJing at Wigan. I would have thought it was Russ who 1st played this at the Casino. No doubt that Alan did play a good number of records 1st at Wigan.
  11. Not everbodys cup of tea, but I still love it. Big at the Mecca a while before Wigan started playing it.
  12. Bongalias did get played at The Mecca early 74. Also a big floor fuller for Tony Walker around local clubs around East-Lancs in the summer of 74. A lot of records on this tread where played in other clubs, and alot before Wigan played them. That is always the case, I have been talking to a lad on facebook and he was telling me about records that broke at the Cats 1st. I lot of them I had always put down as Mecca or Torch records, but never went to the Cats so I wouldn't know.
  13. I can see where you are coming from. I stopped going to Wigan just after the 2nd Anniversary, and didn't start going until late 78 . For me 79 until the end was the best time to go to Wigan for the music, even if some Saturday Nights where dead. I never did any of the Friday oldies. Like Wigan will always be your No1 Club, The Mecca will always be mine.
  14. Sandy Handley was massive at The Mecca. Late 75 - Early 76
  15. That's a big shock to me that the Strides was coved up at Wigan, having said that I only found out last year that "Love Music" was covered up at Wigan as well.
  16. Funny enough, we where talking about Sweet "Broken Heart Attack" on facebook the other day. We where saying that this record used to be on sale on the stall in Manchester Market about a year before Wigan opened. And the shock of hearing it covered up 6 or 7 years later by Dickie.
  17. I turned down when of these in 78. I loved the intro, but not the song back than. It much have took about 15 years to grow on me, but it was too late than P.S. My dream record was Don Gardner "Cheatin' Kind"
  18. Only 10 minutes to get your bids in!!!!!
  19. This is Loma only 1 - 7 (if there is a number 8, I missed it) ????
  20. Next time I see Brad, I will ask him if I remember! Take care you two, will see you around. (no emotions?) Dave.
  21. It was alot sooner than later I got the WTF WTF WTF
  22. I HAVE JUST PUT IT IN THE WIFE'S WATCH FILE. Just waiting for her to turn on her laptop later and hear her say WTF.
  23. It looks ok, or should I say real.

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