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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Yeah, there is some bad stuff from the 00s, but there is quite alot of good stuff as well.
  2. Yes that was a good one, if it's the same night, I have this on tape somewhere March 74. About 75% of all records covered up. great days.
  3. I sold Greety "Meet Me Halfway" sometime in 79. It was my old copy and I sold it for a friend to him. I think it could have Ian Gillabrand's name on it, in the run out grooves.
  4. Sorry but I haven't a clue how to upload tracks on to the tube. It is on one of Kent's Swamp Dogg cds, if that any good to you.
  5. Sorry Ian, but me and you ain't gonna be around in 50 years time. I can't see anybody at 106 years old collecting records, can you? Now where did that bog paper go?
  6. Well done to Douglas for saying Donnie Albert, a record that I had forget all about, great tune. I have it somewhere in the loft, with Sue loves Dave writien on it, by my 1st girlfriend.
  7. The 1st one that does everytime for me Linda Jones & Whatnats "I'm So Glad I Found You" When her voice kicks in. the tingle down the back of the neck fantistic.
  8. Pete, that's fair enough.
  9. Yeah.there is something wrong with them, they have too much money and too lazy to look around. Having said that unless the Wobat as turned up in resent years I think you selling at £200 is a tad on the cheap side. Mind you Wobat is hardly in vogue now a days, but records that are far more common can fetch more money.
  10. Nick, you are right about Pat having The Chandlers before Richard, it was Andy Riding that sold it to Pat when I picked up a copy.
  11. 24" was as wide as it got for me, that was in 75, by the summer of 76 the bags had gone forever,
  12. Steve, pmsl. come on lets have the long hair back.
  13. Surely the worst CD ever would be something like Mud and other shite from the 70s. The best ones are on Goldmine, Kent, Sequial, Westside,Expansion, Marginal, Outta Sight, etc, etc. Sorry for the labels I missed off, but it was off top of my head without going to check.
  14. I you found them. It was Jan and Rick, from Todd who 1st put me on to them.
  15. Don't know if they are still going, but like you said the catalogues had some good bargins on them. If my memory of them is right, being small A5 size booklet on coloured paper orange I think?
  16. [attachment not worked
  17. Lucky for some I had to wait for Ivors and Justins etc. My girlfriend at the time was from Salford, but she worked in a office just off Deansgate.
  18. Barry, two many people with tunnel vison that is the biggest prob.
  19. We all thought we where the Bee's Knees back then, there where some great trousers around back than. Prince of Wales, Rubert, Wines, Stones, Royals, Two-Tone or Tonic (depends where you lived for what theycalled) etc, happy times.
  20. Here you go, found some photos....
  21. Already been done, lol. A few years again there was a few of us wearing the crown green bowling caps at Prestatyn. We even played a game of Imagine Bowls on the Dance Floor.
  22. I had a couple of pairs of LEVI STA-PREST, in 71 or maybe 72, but no white ones. I did have a pair of white skinners, and white dungarees around about that time.
  23. Big Mecca record for sure.

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