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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Tim, how can you say Micheal Protor as only got a beat every 10 mins, it is a banging house record (do you know it?). It depends on which track by Kenny Thomas you are on about? "Crazy World" yeah two-step. "Keep The Fires Burning" is anything but two-step!!! Loads more by Kenny to pick from as well. D. J. Gemini is not one of my faves to say the least.
  2. Dickie is and always has been a Spurs fan. He was once on after me, (at Bank Hall I think) anyway Liverpool had put 7 past Spurs that day. So for my last record I played Sam Williams and called it "Goals Slipped Though My Fingers".
  3. You started it Tony, with the aspiran THING.
  4. Same thing with "Prove Yourself A Lady" and "Permanent Injury"
  5. I am surpriced you missed out The Carstairs on Inferno!!! I've got to admit there is some shockers on that list.
  6. Five from me to be going on with... My Hearts Synhony Village of Tears You Can't Mean It Joe fu*kin 90 Wake Up To The Fu*kin Sunshine Girl Third Window etc
  7. Pete, that would explain, someone telling me that they had got one and it was the wrong record, I told him mine is ok. I even know what night it was, it was near the stage at Wigan and I was tapeing. It was the 1st Ann. It was a C120 change the batterys after the 1st hour, The Javells (N King) is on the tape 5 times.
  8. No you are not going mad (not yet), Connie Clark was one of the big sounds in the summer of 74.
  9. See post 27.. Total Eclipse LP track called "Six-o-Clock" that is what "Supertime" really is, no single-LP only.
  10. Also The Subway Riders "After The Session"
  11. I think it me that has got the colour wrong (boot) reading other posts.
  12. I think there where some green Nite Life boots around at one time. Talking of The Jades on Nite Life, as anybody on here got my old copy, easy to tell mine I coloured the lettering with a red marker.
  13. The clue being the list with Jades on Nite-Life looks ok, the list with Jades on Ree not ok.
  14. One of Simon's list is ok, the other one isn't.
  15. One of the worst records ever to be played on the scene IMHO.
  16. We where in Burger King about 10 years ago when "Too Late, To Turn Back Now" came on.
  17. P.M.S.L.
  18. Steve (Brad) Bradley turned some great stuff in the early and mid 70s.
  19. Tony, I thought it was a good go off top of my head, after a heavy weekend as well!! lol. Like you say Blue Rooms Sale, Peacock Room Blackpool, Scoeys Blackpool and Darwin Tiffs all great midweek venues where Levine would try out his new stuff. We really had it good in them days, I for one is very happy to be at the right age to be around at the time. P.S. Just remembered Darwin Tiffs it was the Nocturne Room, where the soul night was.
  20. Del-larks, deffo Mecca before Casino!!, a bit later than 71. The 1st time I remember hearing it was in 73. Ian wasn't DJing at the Mecca in 71, but he did bring records to play.
  21. Some nice stuff there Dave, a few more from me played just after most of your list. Bob Relf, Sam & Kitty, Sequins, Glories, Sweet Things, Earl Wright Orch, Funky Sisters, Father's Angels, Just Brothers, Johnny Moore, Patti Young, Jerry Williams, Duke Browner, Danny White, Roy Hamilton and loads, loads more.
  22. I have just got to say my all time fave! Linda Jones "I Just Can't Live My Life" Mecca Classic.
  23. That's a big big ask, because there are far too many! It would have to be about 20 cds. In 74 alone before The Carstairs was played, you could use up a few cds, the turnover was that fast! There was about half a dozen titles each week being pressed by Secectadisc add all the "out of the past" pressings that came out 73/74. So as soon as a record was pressed it was dropped from the playlist straight away at the Mecca, unlike other clubs. You only have to think of all the great cover up titles from that time, to understand what the Mecca was like. Most of the stuff that was played at Wigan, Cats, Torch etc was played at the Mecca and in alot of cases at the Mecca 1st. Have a look at the old adds in Blues and Soul if you get chance, from the early days, the one with the cover up names are fanfastic. I lost all mine in a flood we had early 90s or I would have scaned them in. A few cover ups I can remember off top of my head Freddie Jones = Coasters Lebonnen Strings = Doni Burdick Explosions = Ronnie & Robyn Jodi Williams = Mickie Champion Vel-vets = Twans Johnny Adams Band = Steve Karman Band Ron Handley = Freddie Williams Leavers = Devonns Estella Dennison = Ila Vann Adam Blackwell = Jimmy Norman Little Lee Howall = Marc Coppage Patince Valintine = Edie Walker Johnny Caswell = Paul Anka Bob Wilson = Checkerboard Squares Johnny Jackson Exsprence = Melvin Carter Think thats all I can remember off top of my head. (sorry about the spelling)
  24. I didn't know Velvet Satins had been booted on red, but not having a yellow swarl kinda gives it away, lol.
  25. No Nev, I think everyone I knew in 71/72 wore Fred Perry's. I forgot I went to school with Fred as well. lol.

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