Yeah Russ tastes do change, having said that I don;t think mine have all that much.
I loved the stuff that was to become crossover back in the day when stompers were the vogue.
Don't get me wrong I loved the stompers as well.
I was never in to funk, but there are loads out there that I have liked after hearing them.
Being from the north of England, funk was something they played down south, lol.
There are loads of the funkier Mecca tunes I loved without realizing that they where funky bitd.
I was into soul music before I was into Northern, as a lot of the younger people it's the other way round.
I know a lot of people went to Wigan or where ever and got into the music that way.
I used to listen to a record and than diside if I liked it or not, nothing to do with being in vogue or not.
Back to what I said earlier, some of the records being played out I thought they where rubbish, and I still think they are rubbish.
Having said that there are loads of stuff played in any era, that I thought were rubbish.
P.S. Russ still not come across the Sam Dees tickets yet, but still a lot of boxes and stuff to look though yet.
When they turn up I will send you one.