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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. Junior Campbell's "Hellelujah Freedom" and this track where both big sounds in your normal soul type clubs back in the early 70s. P.S. The female backing singer on "H. F." was Doris Troy. P.P.S. I didn't know untill now he was in Maralade.
  2. Phil, I sold my 1st collection in 76, and started collecting again in 76. This was one of the few records that I never got back. Sold up again in 80 (US singles anyway) Kept UK singles and LPs. Which I having been letting go bit by bit over the years when I needed some cash. Down now to about 1200 singles and about 400 LPs.
  3. So Tony, you have never stopped to watch a tree grow!
  4. Phil, I am shocked that you didn't know "I'm Gone" back in the 70s. Both me and Tony Walker had this at Accy Legion. Dave.
  5. I have at KGH about 8 years ago in the Modern Room.
  6. Sorry to say he died few years ago, R.I.P.
  7. Yeah Russ tastes do change, having said that I don;t think mine have all that much. I loved the stuff that was to become crossover back in the day when stompers were the vogue. Don't get me wrong I loved the stompers as well. I was never in to funk, but there are loads out there that I have liked after hearing them. Being from the north of England, funk was something they played down south, lol. There are loads of the funkier Mecca tunes I loved without realizing that they where funky bitd. I was into soul music before I was into Northern, as a lot of the younger people it's the other way round. I know a lot of people went to Wigan or where ever and got into the music that way. I used to listen to a record and than diside if I liked it or not, nothing to do with being in vogue or not. Back to what I said earlier, some of the records being played out I thought they where rubbish, and I still think they are rubbish. Having said that there are loads of stuff played in any era, that I thought were rubbish. P.S. Russ still not come across the Sam Dees tickets yet, but still a lot of boxes and stuff to look though yet. When they turn up I will send you one.
  8. I have got to partly agree with you Joan, some of the stuff I have heard in the last year or so at venues, was stuff that I have throw away years ago. Ex soul pack stuff that simply was not good enough, having said that there as been the odd one or two that have been ok.
  9. Pete, Steve, thats the 1st time that I had ever heard of it tonight, after reading your posts! Where about in the country is it?
  10. Roger, I will admit that bitd, I was on one big ego-trip, when out and about DJing. It was a great feeling when someone you didn't know came up to the decks and saw that it was the real deal. Specially when it was know as only a few copy record. But that was another life, lol.
  11. No, it wasn't, it was made a little later. If you said you were at the 1st night, you could buy one, or something like that, lol.
  12. Yeah, when I was buying and selling bitd, had a good few of the yellow, demos and issues, but only ever had one blue copy. The blue copy was sold to Tim in the 80s.
  13. Inspirations was a Mecca/Ritz biggie from 76. Plus the soul police would have had a field day back than, cause Richard did not get a real one untill 79 off Barry Wadd,
  14. Wonder if this is the same Prescripion, that where on Antlier Records?
  15. The Bear family did a great Arctic of northern goodies, maybe 10 years ago. For some reason "Laws O f Love" was not on it, but it is well worth picking up.
  16. As far as I remember Kev Roberts had something to do with the 2nd press of this, 75 or 76? As Steve says popular at the Mecca and other venues in the mid 70s. So well known to people who where around at the time.
  17. Steve, it happen as well you had nice legs.
  18. Chris, mine did not have a button down coller, and was not made of linin. The colours were not as load, more browns & beiges & dull yellows. Having said that I would wear that shirt in your picture now, no probs. P.S. just noticed that the shirt in photo as got a diagonal pattern, just ramdom patches on mine, lol.
  19. Yeah.had a real patchwork shirt, I guess about 71ish. I think it had a round coller, penny round maybe? Also patchwork jumper at the same time, it was just before the football zip jumpers came out.
  20. This was the shop that we got embroidered badge made for our local soul club.
  21. Thinking again it could have ended up on Blackburn Tip.
  22. When Thelma Lindsey 1st got sold at Secect-a-disc, sent for a copy and hey presto a stamped orig. Well spent 85p, this was about 6 months before I started collecting originals only.
  23. Dates spot on, played at the Mecca summer 74, and Dickie started playing at Wigan around Christmas 75. Also as Ted says a great flip.

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