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Everything posted by Davetay

  1. The black wooden fists on a leather choker, were sold in the underground market in Manchester. Must admit having one myself, about 6 months after Wigan opened (Spring 74). My excuse is that I was a daff 18 year old that was doing abit too many drugs at the time. Not the best look in the world, lol.
  2. Taking of rare boots, look no farther than my all time number one, (if it was done?) . Linda Jones "I Just Can;t Live My Life" on Out Of The Past label. It was listed at the time, but I have never seen one, someone told me it was done on a orange label? Any takers?
  3. Hi, you said correct you if you were wrong, so here goes. Eddie Daniels was one of the records sent over mid 70s by Simon not one of Richard's late era spins.
  4. Snap had the white copy. I wonder who as got my old copy, easy to tell because I coloured in the lettering in red and blue markerpens.
  5. Donald Austin was deffo covered up as The New York Strings.
  6. It got pressed early 74, but yeah it was played alot.
  7. I also got the Robert Thomas from a soul pack. I paid a fair bit more for Cresa Watson, lol. All three versions played in the North West at the time (mid 70s). Robert Thomas's version was the most popular, maybe because more DJs had it.
  8. Mine was "Salvation" as well (yellow label)
  9. I sold my copy of Cressa Watson to Ian Gillabrand back in the 70s. Richard Searling was still got one, but yeah it's a rare one. When the Rita Lee version turned up on the white label, mid 70s I thought at the time it was the pressing of C.W. I have still never heard them side by side, to hear the differance. It was the C.W. female version that was played bitd. There were only 3 copies that I knew of back than, so it's stayed rare.
  10. There are a few places where the text is not the same as the org.
  11. Sorry we can't be there, we have to be in Bradford to Take Lou's Dad for an Hospital Appointment. I know you lot we give him a good send off.
  12. Very Sad indeed, we lose another of our own. Our thoughts go out to friends and family at this time. Miss you mate. R.I.P.
  13. Going Back (Memories Of A Soulboy) by Brian Waterhouse. The story of Brain and his friends in the 70's. Both the Highs and Lows of life on the Soul Scene. P.S. Ginger has done one as well, can't remember what it is called at the moment.
  14. Yeah, the Loma LP is very good. It also came out in the UK, with JJ Jackson's Loma LP on the flip, as part of The Loma Story that came out due to demand in the 70s. (7 vol set).
  16. John, all you need to remember now, which store owner put a hundred count box in his basement.
  17. Today I Stopped To Watch A Tree Grow
  18. I think it was about 78, maybe a little earlier when I 1st heard it, not sure where now. It is a record that I never got when collecting, but did I want one. Seen the W/D in a good few people's boxes over the years. The only R/I that I have seen, was the one my old mate Pete Mason (not the Preston one, the Rawenstall one) had, late 90s or early 00s.
  19. Dave, I think it was Pete Smith? did a thread on this a year or two ago. Both copies I have had bitd did have the inst.on, but If I remember right in the thread it did come up with the inst, being the mis-press.
  20. Like others have said, it wasn't any easier knowing this was gonna happen. Yet another of our own, we have lost, and to alot of us, one of the younger ones as well. The Nighter Scene will be alot less fun place to be now Micky as gone. Condolences to Annie & The Family. Gone but will never be forgotten Micky Cruise R.I.P. Dave & Lou. xxxxxx
  21. P.S. I don't know how Ian's post ended up being attached, but since it has. Ann Sexton was a floodfiler at the Mecca in 74 not just in the last hour! As Jim says, "Breakaway" played at the Torch, but I didn't know "You are Gonna Need Me" and "Just Another Heartbreak" until 74 both played at the Mecca.
  22. I don't know about the adds Pete, but we used to go to London on record hurting trips. And the last time I went was sometime in 75 and bought this and "I Sill Love You" I did the States thing for the 1st time not long after and never the the London thing again. I got my 1st yellow copy also in the back end of 75.
  23. Ann Sexton was played out and about in 74 Pete. 100% Also the muticoloured copies where in stock at Black Wax in London 75.
  24. I have come across two others into N.S. over the years.
  25. Not got the CD to hand, so forgot what is on it, but the track is from the US Barry label. P.S. Found the CD, so it must be Lorainne & The Delights "Baby I Need You"

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