dont have much faith in special delivery either, i sent a record that way last years just 30miles up the road, guaranteed delivery next day by 1.00pm, i posted it monday morning and it still had,nt arrived by friday, i just got passed pillar to post, i had to do all the ringing around to the local sort offices etc etc, and allthough i had the receipt, tracking number and such , it just kept drawing a blank, did eventually arrived the following week and the excuse i was given was that the packet had fallen behind the drivers seat in the van, i was just releived it arrived in the end, because it was well into 3 figures value wise,..(it was a guaranteed next day delivery service i paid for and didnt get so) i filled in the online claims form with all the required info (twice) but didnt even receice a reply,so i dont have much faith in the system.