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Everything posted by Mach

  1. Great pics Pete, ..the Casino was much larger than what it appears in them photos , and although the N.Soul film was pretty good, the mock up interior Casino shots were dissapointing (IMO) , it was much darker inside than portrayed in the movie.
  2. Unbeleivable, it was my mate Wilkies fav record, and we were always on the floor to it, and he actually pointed your pants out to me, .smal world
  3. Agreed , john Hendly was massive for about a month at Wigan about 79/80 played 2 or 3 times a night to a full floor ..always loved it, and the key changes in it are Superb
  4. Prince & princess - stick together. Bell Susan coleman -Age of the wolf. Remmix
  5. it dosent harm to look after mr postie either, since i started giving mine a little xmas box, i,ve had no probs whatsoever
  6. always liked the flip of, Wombat and Joylove joy myself
  7. ...Cash Waiting (i love my baby) pm for a discreet deal.
  8. worth a tenner on a good day!
  9. dont have much faith in special delivery either, i sent a record that way last years just 30miles up the road, guaranteed delivery next day by 1.00pm, i posted it monday morning and it still had,nt arrived by friday, i just got passed pillar to post, i had to do all the ringing around to the local sort offices etc etc, and allthough i had the receipt, tracking number and such , it just kept drawing a blank,..it did eventually arrived the following week and the excuse i was given was that the packet had fallen behind the drivers seat in the van, i was just releived it arrived in the end, because it was well into 3 figures value wise,..(it was a guaranteed next day delivery service i paid for and didnt get so) i filled in the online claims form with all the required info (twice) but didnt even receice a reply,so i dont have much faith in the system.
  10. yeah same here Pete.
  11. Still after the ellusive Mr Charles Burns on Gene, come on! somebody sell me one, Instant Dosh Now .. i will pay over the odds for a copy ...tempted?
  12. .. Lovely Jubbly
  13. i was a weekly regular at the time granada team show up, and we deliberately gave it a miss that week knowing that all the divs and limelight seekers would turn up to get on the telly, ..i danced at the front for 4 yrs, it was handy to sling your bag behind the speakers and to keep an eye on your tape decks.
  14. sounds like a good small "Chill out" venue, probably ok for the localish peeps, but probably not worth a long journey to be honest
  15. Cool, charity shop bargain no doubt
  16. on just one night too at the showcase cinema comlex nr Leeds (a saturday nite) was hoping for a longer run because cant make it that night,..so i bought the pre ordered dvd instead...more outta curiosity than anything
  17. there was one on here last week for about £170,.. i know , but its hard to find
  18. Shocking news R.I.P soul bro
  19. sounds like me singing in the shower in the morning
  20. Does me, it still sticks in my gut after all these years later that i forked out for the original last all niter ( £5 Ticket in advance) to realise at about 2am they were letting people in on the door for two quid and that they had arranged another final night to boot.,.. makes you wonder if that power cut at about 4am was legit after all.
  21. I love you baby on Gene..any takers?
  22. dont think many would of survived a fire in there,remember the night of the complete power failure?.., seemed ages, no music, lights, absolute pitch blackness. ,.very scary, i panicked i was walking round the balcony at the time, and stood on a few bodies/heads on my way back down.
  23. Get well soon Ian,..what would we do without the podcasts

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