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Everything posted by Mach

  1. GROOVEMAKER - She Came For Me - Groove Records Rare Subline 70s Soul/Groove Beauty unknown to most. Label & Vinyl in Excellent Clean condition, lol-fi recording so just pump up the volume and be absorbed in the Groove. £175 Now £150 plus post, bank transfer preferred, pay pal accepted but add £5 for fees. (pm email for 1.30m clip)
  2. Earl Scott - I'm All Mixed Up - Cash Sales (W/Demo) Excellent Condition, Clean Labels & Vinyl £125 "Free postage & Packing U.K Overseas at cost
  3. The seller contacts you out of the blue regarding your want, then when you ask questions about it he,s too busy with other things..what a joker
  4. Is it the International Five - I Need You - Starway
  5. Merry Christmas to Mike and the Team & All Soul Source Members!
  6. These spring to mind, Billy Miranda - Good thing going/ Counting the teardrops. The Volumes - Just cant help myself/ One way lover Cashmeres - Showstopper /Dont let the door hit.
  7. Jimmy Castor - It,O.K Vickie Baines - Country Girl Oddball - Gems - I,ll be there.
  8. had it before, defo boot
  9. What a nice surprise that is.. personally i prefer the white one (that fist is mega).
  10. Think i may have told this tale before but its still eched in my mind, most people have tales of confrontations on their way upto the Casino from the local drunks etc, but the most scarey episode i had was in the late 70s when me and three soul mates decided on a whim to get on a train and go to Samanthas Sheffield for the nighter. On arrival we were gutted to find it had been cancelled, so being dressed in our soul attire complete with holdalls etc we decided to hitch a lift back to Bradford, this guy alone in a car stopped and we got in after a few minutes i got the impression although he seemed friendly enough he was not a full shilling, this was confirmed after driving for about 10minutes we were just around the corner from where he picked us up, he,d just been driving us round in circles, we made our excuses and dived out, now this is where the scarey bit occured we were relieved to part company with him but just as we were getting our bearings we heard an allmighty blood curdling scream and on turning round saw this shirtless maniac charging down the hill towards us with either an axe or machette (not sure, wasnt gonna check) waving above his head, we all scarpered in opposite directions literally running for our lives, about half an hour later we,d all had the inniative to get back up at the train station, all releaved that nobody got butchered. We then found out that there was no train back to Leeds/Bradford till 6.am by this time it was only about 1.00am, we had no inclination to try hitch again so thought we,d bed down in the station, it was empty and quiet and everything was calm & peaceful, unfortunately this didnt last long coz around 2.00am all the rowdy local drunks night clubbers piled in the station for there last local trains home, as predictable many insults minor scuffles were had as we were trying to get a few hours kip laid on the station floor using our bags as pillows, as the trains came and went we were then left in peace and eventually got our early morning train and back home to sanctuary. That my friends is my Nighter from Hell (True Story), and thankfully the only bad experience ive had in many years traipsing up and down the country enjoying fabulous Nighters and it never put me off and Never will.
  11. Thanks for the post Joan, really enjoyed that,loved the storys & memories, Cheers guys.
  12. I appreciate we need progress and youngblood coming onto the scene to carry the torch forward (excuse the pun) but the comercialism and tat that goes with it really irks me, not to sound too selfish but personally i much prefered the scene when it was totally underground and the general public were unaware of it...most people that wear these tee shirts havent a clue about the real scene and were either too young or tucked up in bed when us hardent soulies were traipsing round the country in the early hours to feed are heartfelt passion.
  13. That jogged a memory seem to remember a few lads wearing Bright Orange tee shirts at the Casino with the slogan "Wigan Casino Night Shift" printed on the back..was it anyone on here?
  14. Heres a couple of cheapos that sound far more expensive than they are.
  15. I could see the senario where if a dj played a very good unknown cheap record and people clambered round the decks to see what it was and learnt it could be picked up on discogs for a tenner they,d quickly lose intrest..
  16. I Think its only common courtesy to acknowledge payment asp, especially when paid by f&f it takes away the buyers apprehensions, lets be honest it only takes a few seconds to do it, postings another thing i always try to post within 24hrs at most 48h, but some sellers cant do that for various reasons but communication is the key.
  17. Got tintininus from Wigan being sat on the stage next to the left speakers whilst recording on a weekly basis so yep was loud also bassy too, also recall The Ritz,s rarest of the rare allnighters having a very loud clear system, used to watch dj,s on the decks from the balcony above, noticed everytime Searling started a spot he,d ramp up the master switch. Wakefield Unity Niters had a thunderous system too.
  18. Remember when Dj Tony (Mr Soul Banks) was mine host , being picked up on route on a regular basis by him & his wife Anne (now both sadly deceased), dancing the night away on the maple dance floor in great company and then heading back over to his pad in Leeds and listening/chatting about Records to 5/6 in the morning, then Tony would drop me back home about ten miles away just in time for breakfast...proper dedicated soulies and a venue which will indeed be sadly missed.
  19. Bobby Brinkley & Squires - Would it Matter - Squire Excellent Condition (probably M-) Beautiful Clean Copy of this Sought after Rarity £275 (free post) Bank Transfer preffered, paypal accepted (Please add 4% for fees), Prompt shipping from the U.K Youtube clip for (ref only.
  20. Compilation of Instrumentals played at Wigan & (elsewhere) back in the day..may pass an hour
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  21. Personally dont mind trawling through hundreds of sales even thousands, but maybe best set in some kinda price category so buyers can refine search easier, but think its a good idea any way.
  22. Never heard such a contrast in A side and flipsides, both great all the same.
  23. R.I.P Burt..a pure genius.
  24. Turley Richards awesome! as at the Casino, although as a guest dj 20yrs ago i played it at a Halifax Ukrainian club soul night and it cleared the floor...
  25. W/Ds seem to have gone up a touch just recently & fetch about £30/40 now, Keith at soul searcher (whos on here) had one for sale the other day at £40.

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