Think i may have told this tale before but its still eched in my mind, most people have tales of confrontations on their way upto the Casino from the local drunks etc, but the most scarey episode i had was in the late 70s when me and three soul mates decided on a whim to get on a train and go to Samanthas Sheffield for the nighter. On arrival we were gutted to find it had been cancelled, so being dressed in our soul attire complete with holdalls etc we decided to hitch a lift back to Bradford, this guy alone in a car stopped and we got in after a few minutes i got the impression although he seemed friendly enough he was not a full shilling, this was confirmed after driving for about 10minutes we were just around the corner from where he picked us up, he,d just been driving us round in circles, we made our excuses and dived out, now this is where the scarey bit occured we were relieved to part company with him but just as we were getting our bearings we heard an allmighty blood curdling scream and on turning round saw this shirtless maniac charging down the hill towards us with either an axe or machette (not sure, wasnt gonna check) waving above his head, we all scarpered in opposite directions literally running for our lives, about half an hour later we,d all had the inniative to get back up at the train station, all releaved that nobody got butchered. We then found out that there was no train back to Leeds/Bradford till by this time it was only about 1.00am, we had no inclination to try hitch again so thought we,d bed down in the station, it was empty and quiet and everything was calm & peaceful, unfortunately this didnt last long coz around 2.00am all the rowdy local drunks night clubbers piled in the station for there last local trains home, as predictable many insults minor scuffles were had as we were trying to get a few hours kip laid on the station floor using our bags as pillows, as the trains came and went we were then left in peace and eventually got our early morning train and back home to sanctuary. That my friends is my Nighter from Hell (True Story), and thankfully the only bad experience ive had in many years traipsing up and down the country enjoying fabulous Nighters and it never put me off and Never will.