that appreggio interveiws a classic, when Simon goes to shake that guys hand , he just ignores him, and when he walks off the stage, everybody else just stays put.
allways stuck in my mind from these venues,
Cecil Washington c/u as Joe Matthews = Wigan
Rita & Tiarras = Cleethorpes Winter gardens all dayers
Apollos, Mr Creator = Wakefield unity Niters
Avid listener and have been for many years, Top Guy B.M...plays some real unexpected stuff, remember him playing Jerry Fullers, Double life a couple of yrs back..but i switch off pretty quick at 10
Put simply...if a seller gives you an incorrect paypal address, which is somebody elses..(and you pay family/friends) lose your dosh .
ps i agree with Phil, rather take the hit and be covered, unless its a well trusted seller