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Everything posted by Mach

  1. dont see it around too often nowadays, was a £20 record for long enuff..gone up a bit now though
  2. The Magnificent Six - Hold On Baby - L Brown "Mint £40 includes uk p&p ..SOLD
  3. The Magnificent Six - Hold On Baby - L-Brown - Mint £ 40 plus £2.50 uk recorded post
  4. "i need you, on viv vi , pm with price, Cheers
  5. your right John,.. once in the blood its a life time of financial burden and you just cant escape it
  6. that appreggio interveiws a classic, when Simon goes to shake that guys hand , he just ignores him, and when he walks off the stage, everybody else just stays put.
  7. yvonne daniels on sterling, wigan back bar 50p in amongst a load of emi discs
  8. wanting a copy of on the fringes, plz pm with price condition.
  9. yeah, and it wer,nt in too good nick neither
  10. " On the fringes" pm condition and price Thanks
  11. Yeah its Russ,s new sideline
  12. So sad...but your music lives on. ..R.I.P Billy
  13. its a difficult one, some stuff got played once or twice ,if no dance floor re action,. got dropped.. then re appaered later
  14. its all still a blur... Best times ever, sorry cant help
  15. must £1k mark,.. even seen the boot go for a ton plus
  16. that links not working Andreas
  17. just watched her the other night on the Wheeltappers & shunters club from the 70s with Tony Hatch, awesome..R.I.P. Jackie
  18. allways stuck in my mind from these venues, Cecil Washington c/u as Joe Matthews = Wigan Rita & Tiarras = Cleethorpes Winter gardens all dayers Apollos, Mr Creator = Wakefield unity Niters
  19. Avid listener and have been for many years, Top Guy B.M...plays some real unexpected stuff, remember him playing Jerry Fullers, Double life a couple of yrs back..but i switch off pretty quick at 10
  20. signed..Chuck & Dobby
  21. after sharon wilson - on the fringes - instant paypal for reasonable price,- plz pm
  22. how much?
  23. think i,d stick to the wrestling
  24. Put simply...if a seller gives you an incorrect paypal address, which is somebody elses..(and you pay family/friends)...you lose your dosh . ps i agree with Phil, rather take the hit and be covered, unless its a well trusted seller

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