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Everything posted by Goldsoul

  1. I'd like mine too-unfortunately I have indigestion!
  2. # Steve- Last word from me(hopefully)...you are a moderator....so moderate. Joan has made scandalous comments about a very successful(9 yrears) Weekender, which 3 years ago suffered a serious security issue by way of a counterfeiter from Teeside selling 150 tickets into our marketplace. As I pointed out to Miss Mischief, it took £6,000 to put right. Personal money raised by myself and venture partner in the promotion Snowy. For Joan to make such ridiculous statements without even being there is diabolical. Heresay is no good...we have the bloody facts! Let's see some character and moderate without bias!
  3. Terify and Bully? Lying about the whole unsavoury episode. Get a flaming grip girlfriend. You were not even at the event. I wonder if you or the 'terrified pmer's' fancy picking up the 6 grand tab it took to clear up the mess after one scumbag decided to counterfeit 150 tickets on us. My indigestion just came back after reading your utter twaddle. Your 5 minutes of notoriety with the big bad promoter worked Joanie...Shameful
  4. It looks lovely to Soul fans. However if Universal decide to do something you are knackered. It happened to Joe Boy.
  5. Simon. Beautifully touching. I use the same song to woo Jumpin Joan.
  6. The situation is one of pot luck. There are hundreds of T Shirt, Cards, Bag retailers getting away with it every day. Good luck to them. Then there are the unlucky ones who get hammered as they appear to be easy targets. We are one of them, Joe Boy were another, for the most trivial of items. So be careful, even though the chances of being nailed are slim, once the high beam is switched on you, it can all get out of hand very quickly.
  7. If anyone can remember a couple of Cats tunes that were specifically associated with Max, I would appreciate it. Will be doing a short tribute to him on Staffordshire/Cheshire station Signal 2 this Saturday. Much appreciated.
  8. You are wrong. Hold your hands up. We are real victims of that particular weekend. You were not even there!
  9. Good call in principle. Any chance Jumpin Joan can be taken to task over scandalous comments against our promotions in particular Whitby, in which we suffered serious losses at the hands of a ticket counterfeiter in Teeside? She wasn't even there and has no first hand experience of what happened. Goldsoul were seriously victimised. She talks about us as if we aren't Soul fans then happily goes to Prestatyn. A truly great weekender. Does she think they are in it for the Soul? Spare me! If she or anyone wants a straight John Bull answer to any of our events pm me....skip the vindictive ambush mentality. Fair enough? Have a good Bank Holiday Monday.
  10. I almost crashed a car in Philadelphia hearing Treat Her Like A Lady. A great singer who appeared for us at the Fleetwood Weekender. Great voice! Another loss on a real downer of a weekend.
  11. Absolutely stunned! We were only chatting at the Torch revival late last year and he looked tip top. He reminded me of the terrible Jewels track We Got Togetherness I broke at Station Rd in 74. He sold it to me. A true gent and one of the great West Midlands legends. Cue...Neil R with a full obit? RIP- From Sam and Kev at Goldsoul
  12. Andy. Totally agree. And that's our policy. Sadly there's one too many who use the old Northern Soul emotion twaddle 'sorry we took a loss, but there again it's for the scene. Right on keep the faith. Most promoters are putting do's on to MAKE MONEY and then make the DJ feel bad when it all goes pear shaped.
  13. The indegestion just got worse. Big Bob..kill this will ya. Thanks.
  14. Jim. Disgusting comments levelled at us, one of only a handful of legitimate promoters who help to keep DJs, Security and Venues in business as well keep Northern Soul popular. The Whitby Counterfeit ticket scandal some 3 years ago is not something I would wish on fellow promoters. For Joan to suggest we were behind that, is nothing short of disgusting. She offers no apology. Soul fan eh? I have been on the scene since 1972 and quite how the likes of Joan seem to think we are money makers is beyond me. I doubt anyone in the Soul promotions business is more legit than us. A far cry from most, whom she turns a blind eye to. Topic starter, any chance you can close the thread? I've got indegestion. Talk about blind leading the blind!
  15. You were filed in the bottom drawer a while ago as a dim wit who is pretty clueless about the workings of Northern Soul. I've now filed you in the Top Drawer.
  16. I have witnessed some stupid statements on forums, but clearly you are either trying to be extremely mischievous or are oblivious to the real FACTS Let's examine some pretty ridiculous comments... We promote one REGULAR MOTOWN night in Long Eaton. And as a fully legitimate company who promotes on a daily basis WE ARE ENTITLED TOO! Northern Soul fans are gennerally good people, but as the scene as evolved, scamsters try it on fairly regularly for FREE tickets. We know this as thats our business- YOU CLEARLY DO NOT! If we want to promote 50 gigs it's none of your business. Your comments are about as disgusting as it gets. To suggest we over printed/sold more is obscene to say the least. It doesn't take much working out to see you have a grievence against proper, professional promoters, conveniently supporting others who I doubt are avoiding HMRC almost weekly. Get a grip..WE ARE IN THIS AS A BUSINESS! You have no right to challenge us, when you don;'t even come to our events. From a personal point of view, I have been on the scene since 1972.....what about you? An apology at the very least would be nice regarding the Whitby ticket insinuation.
  17. Joan. A cheap, nasty shot that you know is untrue! Did you not not see the thread on the guy from Middlesboro' who counterfeited 150 Whitby tickets? He was arrested for Gods sake. Grow up!
  18. Aye and 99.9% pay no Tax, VAT with some using the old Charity and Free CD angles too! Northern is a convenient 'black hole economy' for many. That in itself has encouraged minor Soul fans to jump on the bandwagon, hence there's a Motown/Soul night in virtually every town. Plus the scamsters trying to con you out of tickets with the old 'never received them in the post mate'...added with other wannabees dissing your events, flyering without even paying to come in...... Do you still want to be a 'proper' promoter?
  19. The Top Rank was pretty typical of the time. With a huge main floor and smaller room upstairs, the Resident DJ was Chris Williams, who you can still see at the Queens, Basford every 1st Saturday. Chris had the unenviable task of trying to please all comers. A typical 30 minute set would include Alice Cooper-Schools Out, Rock and Roll Part 2-Gary Glitter followed by Bok To Bach and Sliced Tomatoes! Upstairs became Northern Soul in early 73 as the Torch closed. Soul Sam and Andy Hanley kick started with Keith Minshull and others appearing periodically following fall out's with Chris Burton. In Jan 74, I joined the All Dayer team and what events they were....packed to the rafters. I distinctly remember the revolving stage and how much better the PA was to Wigan Shameless plug.......I play a lot of that era(minus Alice and Gary every Saturday 6-10pm on Signal 2(1170AM,DAB and www.signal2.co.uk) during the first 2 hours of a 4 hour Soul show. Think 'Penguin Breakdown' 'Scrub Board' 'Stop What You're Doing'....you get the picture. S-o-T became my second home and like others on this thread met some fabulous characters. Great venue....Happy times.
  20. You wouldn't be saying that if you had been subjected to his ridiculous and untrue comments he's spread about us and other colleagues. End of story.
  21. Val- You know a different guy to me! The one in question is about as disrespectful to not only me but some of my colleagues too. The comments from Neil do not surprise me in the slightest. You buy his act.....I'm not!
  22. Dave- Point John Smith to me and see what kind of reponse he gets. If Neil doesn't know him, I do. A first class moron, who totally disrespects Northern Soul stalwarts who know far more than him.
  23. Absolutely briiliant. Wonderful harmonies, totally original. Connect with the co- lead singer Bobby Alessi on Facebook. Helluva nice guy!
  24. Matt- Hot on the heels of The Flasher. I gave this to Ian Levine as I thought Wigan would totally shy away from such a unusual groove. I used to meet a Atlantic promo guy on Downstairs Records, New York in 75. He gave me a 10 inch acetate and white label 7 inch. The latter I gave to Levine and still have the acetate. Ironically, 3-4 years later, the very same promo guy gave me another acetate to ' take to England' in the hope of getting plays.....the track.....Le Freak- Chic!

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