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Everything posted by Goldsoul

  1. A very strange All Nighter indeed. At the time, I was signed to the Burton- Daniels agency in Newcastle U Lyme. I faced a dilemma that night as I was booked to DJ along with Keith Minshull and Hunter Smith(owner of Jumbo records) as my contract stated I worked for ISC allowing me to work at Wigan Casino. Problem....they were both on the same night. My shoes were covered in elephant dung due to a Circus appearing several days before! I ended up doing the Casino at 5am that night. Russ was not pleased! I do remember The Funky Sisters on the bill (not the same as the Aurora group) A weird experience for a 17 yr old. Kev
  2. In response to Mike's request for a clearer picture..... here we go(in hope!) The charges related to 3 vinyl singles only in breach of the Trademark act. The singles were traded with Robin Burnett, who as we all now know received 9 months for a string of offences along with his partner Alan Godfrey. Scener's will know them better as Amnesia Records, who were active in early 2007. Mine were 'infringement of trademark' which basically means I knew or ought to have known that the 3 titles were illegal. The case was not about bootlegs. As for everyone on here either supporting us or revelling in tittle tattle, let me give you a heads up. I'm £40,000 worse off in fines and legal costs. Trading Standards told me they are chasing others and read Soul Source as an 'intelligence tool' so please take them seriously. The government body are also linked up to HMRC and have Northern Soul under review. As the article Mike eluded to, the first report was untrue and corrected by the BPI. Bottom line is: 3 trademark offences equalled 40k in fine and legal. All clear and understood? I
  3. Simon- Thanks for your candid concern but in our case there is no proceeds of crime action. You are right to point out though that HMRC are actively looking at the black hole of Northern Soul. I would expect the Record Sellers and Venue promoters will be under the spotlight and eventually called to answer. Hope everything works out for you.
  4. Old news as in 3 years ago(Dec 6, 2007) What have Ric Tic and GW cd's to do with me? They were distributed by Anglo American were'nt they? I don't work for them and never have done. Facts dude
  5. Nev...it certainly did come back with a big bite I still believe that the Anniversary cd is a killer-no end are getting away with it. I did not feel that way about them 3 years ago when this case first hit though. I now take the view that copying cd's, dvd's and distributing trademark offending 7" is bang out of order. I doubt it will change anything, but I'm not part of it so let the Trading Standards start collar feeling...which they will.
  6. Guys.....simmer down....it happened over 3 years ago! Like a fair few on here, we foolishly traded, in my case, records with Robin Burnett, he as we found out later of Amnesia Records, Bridgend. South Wales. He is now serving 9 months for a catalogue of copyright and trademark offences. Various others implicated in the case were either fined, slapped on the wrist or were not pursued. Unfortunately for me, the meet to trade records with Burnett proved very costly indeed, with a massive fine. The article though is inaccurate, I got hit with 3 trademark offences that's it. No jury etc...wheover said that is deluded! Take a look on EBay right now and see how many are infringing rights. I'm staring at a site right now called Soulon45 with more than 40 trademark related offences(IMO). Obviously I'm unhappy about it, but that's the way it is. I did not give up 17,000 records- that is untrue. I suspect after the Burnett conviction, Trading Standards have the bit between their teeth and will be visiting a few dealers very soon. Some are probably reading this right now! It's not the bootlegging angle, it's trademark. Be warned- hefty fines are not pleasurable as I can testify. Stay well everybody.
  7. Good call from Rod. I presented a show for Beach Shag 10 years ago. John Hook is one of the best promoters of Beach music via his Radio shows. Chris Beachley a great source for Beach vinyl originals. Marian Carter's Ripete label issues a lot if it on cd and Willie C keeps the movement going with lots of 'Shag' dances in NC and SC. Start with these guys and work your way down. I even compiled a cd for the UK Market with Ripete aptly titled 'There Ain't Norhing Like Shaggin'. Sadly it didn't fair too well over here. I think the problem is, we love the 60's side from the Embers, Tams, O Kaysions and the Rarer end from Chuck Cockerham, The Nomads, Appreciations, Ellusions, Moses Dillard etc, but we clearly don't like the post 1975 end, which sounds a bit thin. Certainly a strong likeness to our scene. And a memo to Rod...... Do any Shagging while you were down there?? Lol Kev
  8. The History of Northern Soul. New Episodes every month and across Staffs/Cheshire Signal 2,1170AM, DAB and www.signal2.co.uk. 6-10pm
  9. Nothing to think about...it's totally illegal but more to the point, cd buyers who frequent events have no inclination of buying any legit titles. Why should they......the convenient Charity and Anniversary discs are regularly given away, SO WHY BOTHER TO BUY ANY? Have you seen how many boot cd's are sold on EBay under the 'Anniversary' disc banner? They are sold and re-sold long after the gig has ended. Or try this...sites that revel in charity statements while carrying on business selling 20 titles for £4-you choose. THINK ABOUT THAT!
  10. What a pile of b*******. Giving away CDs at venues is completely illegal and ruins the scene. Your own gripes against legitimate retailers past and present cannot justify dubbing CDs, running off the convenient 100 and expecting it to be OK! The people who receive them for free either buy less or worse, run more copies for mates. Think about it.
  11. That bit....I have no idea. I just feel personally that these outfits doing Anninversary CDs and Free giveaways are causing major harm. I know a few people who haven't bought music in years, citing the fact they can travel to various venues and get all the oldies and top sounds via the giveaway!
  12. Anyone dubbing CDs and giving them away at gigs is acting illegally unless they own the copyrights. This is actually the worst part of the scene today '1st 100 receive a free cd'
  13. The World Northern Soul Dancing Champions from 2006 are listed at www.goldsoul.co.uk
  14. Mike Szymanski co- owned Phoof and Sandbag. Both labels went bust with the rights reverting to licensors(ie Epitome of Sound) apart from their own masters, which we assume ended up in other hands or not as rhe case may be.
  15. And one for Andy's book.....I first interviewed her in 2001. After discovering it's value she promptly found one in a Toledo Thrift store!
  16. I have for trade the following listed below. I prefer British but whack your lists over. Cash offers welcome, but prefer trades. Regards, Kev Books at: Rufus Lumley-I'm Standing (Holton 501 Matrix stamped-Very scarce US original) 150- The Congenial Four-Freedom Song(Capitol) 30- O'Kaysions-Watch Out Girl(Cotillion) 25- Kenny Smith-Go For Yourself(RCA Promo) 100- Harold Hopkins-Glamour Girl (Scepter) 30- Patti Austin-A Tisket-A Tasket(Coral DJ) 50- Patti Austin-Got To Check You Out (Coral) 25 MD 20-20 Band-Listen To The Rhythm(Magic Show) 25 Soul Crusaders-Those Memories(LuTall) 20- Deon Jackson-Someday The Sun Will Shine (Acetate) 25- JJ Barnes-Show Me The Way/Kim Weston (10" Acetate) no book value 30- Temptations-That'll Be The Day/Patrice Holloway-Touch of Venus(Masterpiece 10" dub via Universal) 50-

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