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Posts posted by Goldsoul

  1. You are in it as a business.

    I am here because I love it.

    I don't attend your venues because I prefer to support those who are also in it because they love it.

    As for an apology? Give your head a shake :unsure:

    You were filed in the bottom drawer a while ago as a dim wit who is pretty clueless about the workings of Northern Soul. I've now filed you in the Top Drawer.

  2. Not a cheap shot at all Kev.

    Of course I saw the thread and that is not how I remember it.

    Anyway back to your last post.

    You mention there being "a Motown/Soul night in virtually every town" I have to say you are guiltier than anyone of this.

    And before you say it, I am not having a go. I genuinely want to understand why you feel the need to have to promote so many venues.

    As for your "scamsters trying to con you out of tickets with the old 'never received them in the post mate'... comment.

    How do you know they didn't receive their tickets? Things go missing in the post all the time. Yet you expect people to believe someone counterfeited 150 wristbands - not tickets - of yours.

    I have witnessed some stupid statements on forums, but clearly you are either trying to be extremely mischievous or are oblivious to the real FACTS

    Let's examine some pretty ridiculous comments... We promote one REGULAR MOTOWN night in Long Eaton. And as a fully legitimate company who promotes on a daily basis WE ARE ENTITLED TOO!

    Northern Soul fans are gennerally good people, but as the scene as evolved, scamsters try it on fairly regularly for FREE tickets. We know this as thats our business- YOU CLEARLY DO NOT!

    If we want to promote 50 gigs it's none of your business.

    Your comments are about as disgusting as it gets. To suggest we over printed/sold more is obscene to say the least.

    It doesn't take much working out to see you have a grievence against proper, professional promoters, conveniently supporting others who I doubt are avoiding HMRC almost weekly.

    Get a grip..WE ARE IN THIS AS A BUSINESS! You have no right to challenge us, when you don;'t even come to our events.

    From a personal point of view, I have been on the scene since 1972.....what about you?

    An apology at the very least would be nice regarding the Whitby ticket insinuation.

  3. You forgot to mention promoters who sell way too many tickets for their event and have punters locked outside on the pavement unable to get into an event they legitimately

    bought tickets for.

    Joan. A cheap, nasty shot that you know is untrue!

    Did you not not see the thread on the guy from Middlesboro' who counterfeited 150 Whitby tickets? He was arrested for Gods sake.

    Grow up!

  4. Aye and 99.9% pay no Tax, VAT with some using the old Charity and Free CD angles too!

    Northern is a convenient 'black hole economy' for many. That in itself has encouraged minor Soul fans to jump on the bandwagon, hence there's a Motown/Soul night in virtually every town.

    Plus the scamsters trying to con you out of tickets with the old 'never received them in the post mate'...added with other wannabees dissing your events, flyering without even paying to come in......

    Do you still want to be a 'proper' promoter?

  5. The Top Rank was pretty typical of the time. With a huge main floor and smaller room upstairs, the Resident DJ was Chris Williams, who you can still see at the Queens, Basford every 1st Saturday.

    Chris had the unenviable task of

    trying to please all comers. A typical 30 minute set would include Alice Cooper-Schools Out, Rock and Roll Part 2-Gary Glitter followed by Bok To Bach and Sliced Tomatoes! :D

    Upstairs became Northern Soul in early 73 as the Torch closed. Soul

    Sam and Andy Hanley kick started with Keith Minshull and others appearing periodically following fall out's with Chris Burton.

    In Jan 74, I joined the All Dayer team and what events they were....packed to the rafters.

    I distinctly remember the revolving stage and how much better the PA was to Wigan :g:

    Shameless plug.......I play a lot of that era(minus Alice and Gary :wicked: every Saturday 6-10pm on Signal 2(1170AM,DAB and www.signal2.co.uk) during the first 2 hours of a 4 hour Soul show. Think 'Penguin Breakdown' 'Scrub Board' 'Stop What You're Doing'....you get the picture.

    S-o-T became my second home and like others on this thread met some fabulous characters. :shades:

    Great venue....Happy times. :shades:

  6. Barnaby Bye absolute magic. thumbup.gif

    Matt- Hot on the heels of The Flasher. I gave this to Ian Levine as I thought Wigan would totally shy away from

    such a unusual groove.

    I used to meet a Atlantic promo guy on Downstairs Records, New York in 75. He gave me a 10 inch acetate and white label 7 inch. The latter I gave to Levine and still have the acetate.

    Ironically, 3-4 years later, the very same promo guy gave me another acetate to ' take to England' in the hope of getting plays.....the track.....Le Freak- Chic!

  7. was the flasher banned?......now be careful how you answer that you jokers!!


    Rob- I had left Wigan by the time I delivered a promo to Ian Levine of The Flasher. I managed Lloyd Michels and sold the master to Des Champ and Roger Easterby(Chicory Tip)

    label Route.

    I doubt anyone could ban it, due to the sheer demand!

    As a side note, I supplied names of various dancers to mingle in the crowd at Top of the Pops as Ruby Flipper the resident Dance troupe had

    difficulty with the Northern Soul dance! Happy Days. Lol

  8. got to agree with kev about detroit...it looks like a scene from "i am legend". having watched those documentaries just recently, there appears to be nothing anyone could possibly like about detroit, it really is a breeding ground for deprivation....thats a sad enditement for a city that gave us our very purpose in life....where would you hold a gig....on the lawn outside the hitsville museum?....bout the only place that hasnt been stripped of its dignity.


    Truer words never spoken. Orlando is not the most SOULFUL of areas, but at least it's safe, entertaining and most of all......lots of legends from the likes of Detroit etc have moved down there! :thumbsup:

  9. Got a decent Record Collection? Good taste? Think an audience would be interested in listening to your playlist?

    We are handling a new Sunday Session 3-10 for a fabulous venue in the Mansfield, Notts area starting soon.

    The emphasis will be on a chill out and if there's dancers to be satisfied, do your stuff!

    PM us and we'll get back to you.


  10. The legendary venue Longfield Suite, Prestwich will host a new look All Nighter on Saturday, August 21st 9pm-6am.

    Main room will be Oldies.

    The 2nd room will be a totally refreshing Freestyle session featuring a selection of new spinners.

    DJ line up coming shortly.

  11. Rob. Thanks for the info.

    The reason we don't post up

    hotel leads, is generally there are plenty in Blackpool. However, as the Weekender in November is generally full, it is best to get sorted early and in turn saving yourself a few quid.

    A full agenda of what's happening inside the venue will be posted soon.

  12. Amazed no one has mentioned WAX TRAX in Vegas -come folks get the craic going lol!!

    I was the first guy to hit Richie in the nicest sense of the word.

    I found great stuff at his home in Brooklyn in the 70's.

    Since then he has become a world authority with a reputation to match.

    He was definitely not a problem back in the day.

  13. Hey, most of us have had records which we love but which are difficult to gauge sometimes. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen something interesting in a sales box and made an enquiry only for the owner to suddenly get fidgety and it goes from a 'sales item' to a 'I'm not sure if I wanna sell this just yet' type option. It's par for the course. Snowy used to lug his highly sought-after copy of the Invitations around and also the first copy of The Steinways in his 'sales box', but would he have ever sold 'em? No way Jose. He was dangling a carrot.

    There's something tantalising about holding a record, taking note of the label, reluctantly handing it back to the owner and then fantasizing all week about how good that would be in your box. That's the beginning of a high which only peaks when you own the record yourself.

    36 years ago Kev Roberts lugged The Tomangoes around in his box for a week or two, so it was technically available but just slightly out of reach due to Kev's reluctance to sell it. But the mental torture of visualising that record in my own hands made me determined to get it at at any cost, so we managed to cut a deal for which I am eternally grateful.

    Just wish I'd kept it! laugh.gif

    So there's some records that are so rare or so impossible to find or so brilliant, that when you have one in your sales box, you're gonna be a little bit protective about it. I've done deals which were based on me promising to seriously play the record 'otherwise they may as well keep it in their box'.

    I'm with Ady on this one. If some guy called Dthedrug started taking an undue amount of interest in that one-off Casinos record on Ember in my box I'd be worried too...........laugh.gif

    Ian D biggrin.gif

    Damn...why didn't I insist on a sell on clause! :lol:

  14. Get 'em to the Carolinas next year Kev. :lol:



    Dave- Found 2 real corkers for Soultrip. Both Females and never ever been found by anyone.

    Hopefully they stay off the Internet allowing us an exclusive until at least April 6th!

    Apologies for the Soulboy interuptus!

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