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Everything posted by Goldsoul

  1. Goldsoul


    From the album: Goldsoul Events 2015


  2. Its a good record, but as with 1,000's more it just needs a spark from dancers and who knows. Leonard Jewell Smith is not the Leonard on this track. They are a New York pairing. LJS is from LA.
  3. D&L meaning Duke and Leonard. I had around 200 of it in 1975. A great record but discovered in the middle of Northern's golden era hence it failed.
  4. It was first played at the Mecca in 74 and discovered by Ian Levine. It quickly lost momentum when I had a major hit in New York with various titles including D&L, The Millionaires( Big Bunny) and The Quotations(Di-Venus) in fairly hefty quantity.
  5. It was first played at the Mecca in 74 and discovered by Ian Levine. It quickly lost momentum when I had a major hit in New York with various titles including D&L, The Millionaires( Big Bunny) and The Quotations(Di-Venus) in fairly hefty quantity.
  6. It was never big in any year. Great flipside too.
  7. It was me that first tested it out in March 74. A sensational floor clearer prompting a quick sale lol !
  8. Agreed. No way the Kittens or 5th Dimension were big at Wigan.
  9. All depends which venue you are at. Kings Hall Stoke for instance, I can't think of a better set than Andy Dyson. Well thought out, and even though he has mega rarities, he sacrifices his own personal thoughts for the more all nighter underplayed 45's. At Blackpool, a different type of audience. Yes we have hardcore but they tend to be out manouvered by a more dumbing down Top 100. I certainly have no problem with that, after all its my daytime job. But I wouldn't expose say Andy to that crowd. That's more for Chris K, Ginger who are comfortable and happy to play in the latter's case JT Parker and Julian Covey in the same set. The scene is extremely wide now and the ones who fully understand it are getting the most bookings. My advice to any DJ who wants to further their Northern Soul career is to look at what you are trying to achieve. If your heart lies with unpopular but brilliant vinyl, stick to that. But whichever path you choose, don't complain if you are at a bog standard Soul night and you get asked for The Tomangoes more than twice, because chances are you will do.
  10. choommmm Just two regularly used lines that I hear on a fairly regular basis. 1. Hi, my name is ______ and looking for DJ bookings. Anything doing at Stoke or Blackpool Tower? When given my standard and very friendly turndown, it's generally a 'do you know what's in my box or worse 'I have just spent 100 grand in the last 6 months' Or 2. You need to book me at your main venues as I'm better than the ones you've got. The latter call or email tends to get no response from me. Big rooms to fill require confident spinners who have projected their image well, have a following, good attitude, great box of records and clearly 'get it' as in when to play Beverly Ann and when to dig out William Powell. Fortunately I know a dozen who can deliver. Apols if we are now off topic. And as for the Tomangoes.....who's the swine who beat me to it on EBay? Even I can't bloody play it at the moment. Ha!
  11. Joking aside.....Bad attitude is the main problem for would be Northern Soul DJs.
  12. Martyn- Sad to say but really good DJs with the right attitude are hard to find. The reason why the names you see the most in print is probably because they have the main ingredients a promoter and its fan base are looking for. I love hearing about DJs I don't know, but most fall by the wayside. Attitude mainly.
  13. Billy- Thanks for your concern but honestly I'm not biting. I understand Chalky, Steve and others passion and wanting of some sort of law n order attached to the scene at large. I am merely separating my personal feelings from business ones. It's a real super minority that play non originals out our events. I wish it were a complete 100%. But the public have a real say in how gigs are promoted and if you do not pay attention to them, the scene will be back super underground. Music to the ears of many on here.
  14. Chalky- Unfortunately you are out of the loop with very large events. No offence intended. Firstly most of the public don't care about originals. But they do care about DJ talent. That's why as a promoter I have to take a balanced view. It's no good hiring any old DJ who plays OVO if the customer doesn't like what they are hearing. I receive a lot of feedback in this area. Please remember the scene is at an all time high for attendances. The majority of the NS fan base want quality venues and DJs plus the top 100( yep, the 5 has gone). It's my job to listen to the public. If other promoters want to put on other style events aimed at a more niche market, I welcome it. But it ain't gonna happen at a unique monument such as Blackpool Tower
  15. Peter- Comments much appreciated. Yep, It's a P****r when the guy on before you ruins your spot with boots and reissues. Probably more common than ever. The difficulty is balancing DJs who have great collections and are very good skilfully with excellent ones who play boots. The larger the the event the more difficult it is to 'draw the line'. Please understand it from a promoter's point of view when the public tell you they love a particular DJ when you know full well he plays reissues. Not an easy one!
  16. Steve- It isn't the DJs. They are hired for skill, talent and customer satisfaction. The Tomangoes is white hot right now with punters demanding it 2-3 times a night. I appreciate this doesn't sit well with long serving Northern stalwarts like yourself, but the public have the last word. The promoter and DJs are definitely not at fault. They have the ammunition to deliver thoroughly invigorated sets, but 'joe public' sees it quite differently. And they are en masse right now. Best, KR
  17. For the record.....Tomangoes on Washpan THE ORIGINAL is played at he Tower and most Goldsoul events by Sean Chapman, Ginger Taylor, Andy Dyson among others! For F**** Sake move on!
  18. The public disagree Mr Romulus. My personal feelings are OVO. That's what I play and most of the seasoned Goldsoul DJs are the same. Some jocks are popular though even with reissues. Fact of life I'm afraid. Big events demand DJs who can deliver and are popular with large crowds albeit even with the odd reissue. Hard to take im sure for some of you but it's reality.
  19. It's pretty much OVO as most of the Goldsoul team have formidable collections. There are a couple of warmer uppers who happen to be fairly good DJs where we let it slide. It's not always that easy to have a mega venue like the Tower and have an endless stream of excellent DJs with OVO. The venue is like no other in my opinion.
  20. Not quite with Romulus..... Any one you are being derogatory about ? Let us know and we'll pass it on to them.
  21. Maybe we can draw a line under folks buying expensive records to somehow become 'big DJs'. Simply not going to happen. I get at least 2 a week telling me how they should be on the rosta at Stoke, Blackpool and other prestigious events. The advice I give is to save your money or enjoy the purchases at home. The scene is well covered by competent, professional DJs, many without Eddie Parker - I'm Gone.

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