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Everything posted by Goldsoul

  1. Looking very busy indeed. Please arrive early. Book n Go www.goldsoul.co.uk
  2. You just did
  3. Hi- Feel free for a rach out. Looks like a good haul. I’m probably the only person who ever met all parties involved. Robert, Eugene on lead, Tony Camillo RIP and Mike Szymanski, who also owned the Phoof label. I can link you to Rob Paladino if you wish to talk to him.
  4. The company select qualified compilers for specific titles. Dave lent his hand to the Mr M’s release. With good cause!
  5. Why haven’t you contacted them direct? Another scam……..that’s pretty nasty aimed at a company trading for half a century. sales@charly.co.uk or contact them via the website www.charlydirect.com
  6. The owner is Jean Luc Young. Celebrating 50 years as a record company with excellent product. See them on line www.charlydirect.com
  7. sales@charly.co.uk Another scandalous comment from one of life’s great trouble makers! sales@charly.co.uk All clear?
  8. until
    Room 2 sharing with Breakfast £319. Book only with hotel(see image) Entertainment pass £45 from www.goldsoul.co.uk Recently renovated hotel is perfect for Soul fans. Join DJs GINGER TAYLOR CHRIS BOX JOHN KANE JORDAN WILSON ARTHUR FENN SOUL SAM STEVE WOOMBLE SNOWY STEVE GAINEY & more to be added LIVE ON STAGE Real Side recording star JACQUIE WILLIAMS
  9. until
  10. Sad news indeed. A quick reminder of the great body of work from Cason/Gayden Mac Gayden talks Soul
  11. The famous All Nighter, now only once a year! Fantastic DJ line up in 2 rooms. More details coming soon
  12. The famous Kings Hall Stoke. Now in its 29th year as the premier All Nighter venue, delivers a stunning Soul night 7pm-2am. Top Line up as usual. Book and Go www.goldsoul.co.uk Mire details to follow 18035bf5914849759646cb3286ce9815.mp4
  13. What an absolute load of nonsense. Tell us about the mediocre music played by Jordan Wilson, Ginger Taylor, Mick Taylor, Rob Smith, Hitsville Chalky, Sean Chapman, Ozz Osborne? There were no drunks at all in that building on Saturday. You live in Stoke but you’ve never been to the King’s Hall before………. Although we are back to All Nighters from September, last Saturday was a terrific display of some of the best and rarest 45’s the scene has to offer.
  14. Eddie- Perfectly understandable theory due to B&S articles but Van McCoy was a man of mystery when recording and he taught Chris Bartley well. I’m not in any way trying to muddy waters, but I have spent time with Bill Downs(co-owner of Right On) and Chris Bartley. Returning to an earlier posting whereby I said ‘Downs didn’t know of a Marke Chris Jackson…….well I have an update……nether does Caesar Berry of the Tymes……he just messaged me. Now his memory(like all us) could be fading, but they had a Top 10 with ‘You Little Trustnaker’ and he doesn’t know him! Clearly a matter of opinion, but it easy to divert attention to others when under contract. Ron Dunbar was also a friend and he happily took the plaudits for Freda Payne’s multi million seller , in contrast to the heavy rumors H-D-H wrote it. Dave Godin was a great journalist with an imagination who could easily have had to play along with whatever scenario he was faced with at the time. Best if we keep an open mind and keep looking for clues
  15. The article is flawed! Bill Downs he means not Barnes. As mentioned before Bill Downs was a friend of mine.
  16. Yet Bill mentioned to me ‘he didn’t know who Jackson was. Could have easily been Van or Bartley on lead with a stooge brought in for a photo shoot. Bill at the time was arranging press/publicity for the ‘Fantastic Puzzles’……..i doubt they were the same group as the image, more Pat Adams and Greg Carmichael. Bill was a creative and talented guy. I still don’t believe the vocalist is ‘Chris/Marke Jackson on ‘I’ll Never Forget You. Chris Bartley lived near me in New Jersey in 1981 and continually mentioned the amount of sessions he did for Van and others.
  17. I doubt there is a Chris Jackson. Bill Downes(RIP) was a friend of mine. He managed the Ad Libs, Chris Bartley and the Jelly Beans. He had never heard of Jackson. I agree…….they do sound similar. So, sticking one’s neck out……figure on Bartley or McCoy as Jackson. I thought that in 1975 and still do.
  18. Julian- Are we sure there is a ‘Chris Jackson’? Regardless of the image of him, my moneys on Chris Bartley or Van McCoy. Both had strong falsetto voices. Soul Junction recently released one of my discoveries by Van- April/Blackwood acetate. Unless someone categorically prove there is a ‘CJ’………I go with CB or VM as the recorders of ‘Since There’s No Doubt’
  19. Karl- I think he means…..as there are so many gigs these days, it’s doubtful many would not have an original to play.
  20. Sammy lived in Plainfield. NJ. Jamie Gayden(Harold Lipsius) signed him as Tyrone Ashley in 1968. Blackwell did have a notorious name for ‘leaning on’ competitors. The argument was a regular occurrence in the business. George was asked to help and finance the new single ‘Job Opening’ which he did……but does that give him a financial interest? Following a period of zero sales, Sammy and the group decided to go it alone omitting Blackwell from any future dealings. George clearly didn’t agree. Back to the light blue reissue……..the wording on the label that Sam supplied ie Tyrone Ashley, could have been some sort of smoke screen, but it wouldn’t have made any difference, apart from 10 copies I gave to Stan Krause(Catamount/Journal Square) the rest were distributed in the UK……..without much success.
  21. Well fellas…………it’s totally and utterly legal. Ian Levine hooked me up with Sammy Campbell in 1975 and he pressed 500 copies. Remember Ian was already dealing with Sam(Tyrone Ashley). I continued a friendly relationship with Sam over the years, topping off with an appearance by the only 3 surviving members(at the time) in 2006 for a Soultripusa appearance at the Hilton, New Brunswick, NJ. Ironically Sammy was nervous at the time of manufacture, citing George Blackwell as an interested party but also as a hostile one. Apparently GB had manufactured the initial promo and failed to do anything with it, leaving the band to fund their own release in late 1965.
  22. He didn’t but Dave Newman, born David Nunez did.

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