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Paul Shirley

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Paul Shirley last won the day on March 26

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About Paul Shirley

  • Birthday 19/11/1957

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  • Location
    Southport from Wigan, spent a few years in Holland
  • Interests
    How to live longer
  • Top Soul Sound
    lots way too many to list

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  • A brief intro...
    I enjoy keeping myself to myself ,

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  1. A short note about kev it won’t come as a surprise to many that kev disliked social media same as myself . his death is on Facebook yet nothing here no mention ? So seeing kev was my best mate and coming round from the shock and devastation i felt for the past few days . I just wanted to say a few words Most folks on here knew that kev run the most popular soul event in the north west For over 20 years with hundreds of different collectors &dj’s all enjoyed DJing there .I’m very surprised to see that there’s been no mention on here of his death Not everyone bothers with Facebook. so I have taken the liberty to say something myself Manny close friends will know he could be prickly if he didn’t know you also moody . but that was kev but underneath those that knew him like I did will tell you he had a really good sense of humour and was extremely kind hearted and generous, I heard a few weeks ago from someone that kev had been giving records away . for nothing ? I found out he gave them to a young kid who had been given a few DJ spots early doors . kev told me the young lad was autistic and his mother was made up with him enjoying n soul especially D Jing . And Kev asked me to not let anyone know he gave the lad records That’s the real kev Murphy I was proud to call him my friend! RIP KEV , TOP MAN
  2. I have followed him on twice now same date stamped copy first time was back at Radcliffe nighter , then again not long ago , and he’s on a photo playing it at Burnley lost soul , on Facebook along with lots of others on Sunday just gone no doubt about it
  3. Reason I brought this up is that I keep seeing a legend ( not my choice of description) Playing that copy has been for many years along with others. I always thought it was a boot but started to doubt myself , I myself am on my 2nd original seems er? Legends No longer have to play original records
  4. Just wondering if it’s all the copies that have that date stamp are counterfeit? or were some of them legitimate? Every copy I have ever seen with it on was fake
  5. Bobby James is every bit as good as Jimmy Burns and hard to tell any difference just rarity, even then Bobby’s isant that far behind if truth be known , I sold it a few years ago ,one I will never get back
  6. Costs and not enough people to cover the bother in doing it . or more recent ones would have kept going , I have been saying same thing a few years ago, it’s finished it’s run it’s course , I mean your never gonna get them big numbers anymore to a certain extent, apart from ones run by business people who’s venues I wouldn’t go near , I looked in to a big place in Manchester that’s had nighters there off and on for years , the costs were ridiculous couldn’t care less now but if there was one within 25 miles might be tempted for a few late hours .but old age and health plays a big part as well , because those people I would say Were the life blood for many years most are f… now including myself
  7. No longer have Walter Barry . I sold that one just back end of last year to help finance my motor home it now belongs to one of the lads DJing Saturday It was one that took me a life time to snare , i’m sure he will spin it with some other awesome tunes . I would give you the lads name but it’s not my place to mention names all I will say is he ain’t English lol
  8. I own it now , have done for a few years ian offered it me at that time but I knew what he paid for it so I left it thinking I’ll get it in a week or two , then George turns up with it ffs I ended up buying it from George for twice the price originally offered , you win some you lose some as the saying goes
  9. Hi George only got back home at 3 am finished at 10 past eleven we one or two still dancing by time I had packed all equipment up and drove back to mates house , who I borrowed it from he lives in Lowton time was marching on , so this morning,I counted up we had 89 paying guests, I reckon around nearly hundred people if we include DJs and their guests, £475 on door and £103 in the sealed shake box they opened it there and gave me receipts which I shall post later also took a awful picture we me and dog on
  10. Can only be a good thing
  11. Southport Railway Club , (Back by popular Demand ) The Charity All Dayer In Aid of Derian House Children’s Hospice Chorley PR7 1DH Charity no 1005165 Georg Hunt ,Fred Krol , Paul Shirley , Chic John Weston ,Luci Jones ,Ian Cunliffe , Tony Mac , Kev Murphy, Jacko , Mick Smith goes without saying obviously this is original vinyl only event ! Many people after the last one back in the summer of 2022 asked me a number of times if I was gonna do another one so here you are !! directions , the entrance is off the main rd, signposted rose hill business park turn in too the entry , might be food also like last time please note all the door money goes too the charity no expenses taken , DJ’s kindly agreeing to pay their own expenses along with myself, please show your appreciation for their kindness and make it as memorable as the last one !! please note there’s parking space besides the club car park, you can park all along Sussex rd over long railway bridge ,with short steps leading down to the club , have also got to make a couple of changes to DJ times ,
  12. All from same bloke I pestered Andy for at least 5 years , Pete was cleaning them up for Andy ….. not for me to say peoples names so I don’t but I even phoned Pete asking if he could influence the guy who’s name I won’t say Apart from A R
  13. There’s over 13 or 14 copies , take my word for it as I’m not going to go through them all but there is , me and friends counted that many after going through who had copies and who they sold them too , one well known person had 3 copies supposedly,I missed it twice myself once privately another when it was auctioned just too much for me , btw there’s rarer records less copies well known big hitters that are cheaper but in my opinion not nearly as good
  14. I told the seller it was and that he shouldn’t be advertising it as original, he disagreed saying it had the stamp and he’s had it donkeys , tried my best but wouldn’t have it , eBay has become a joke of a firm now as the amount of obvious fraudulent adds are overwhelming camper vans cars everything , lots now collect your information when you ask about a vehicle you might be interested in they sell your email on to marketing firms , I pointed this out with many others but their happy to take the fee’s for the adds so couldn’t give a monkeys same advertisements for same underpriced vehicles on there month after month at prices that would be sold in hours
  15. Also me thinks it is also

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