i was asking a question as to why a person may do this, didn't name a person, so pleased you have decided to 'confess by your actions'.
is the above a threat?
not a problem dennis, i don't actually go to Forest Town Welfare by choice and not by fear.
one of the problems in this world of northern soul is that some people think it's all that makes the world go round.
it's not.
you work in a hospital and after a 12 hour shift you should be able to put this whole situation into context, in the scheme of things it don't really mean f*** all unless we make it so.
as a man once wrote, "There is nothing good or bad in this world except for what our minds make it".
i don't intentionally upset other promoters, if they have a cap and they wear it it's by their choice, i merely point out that they are wearing a cap!