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Everything posted by martynthejazz

  1. glad you enjoyed it mate, thought one or two of you on hear would, if you live london or notts you can see it live.. which is a treat in itself, also a great bunch of people... just like the orig northern soul crowd .. martyn
  2. yes they do have comps, look at the STEPPIN JAZZ + THE JAZZ FUSION BATTLE ONES ok. martyn
  3. Nice one mark, my old mate, not seen the southport one.. just like the old days, ha. YOU CANT BEAT A GOOD JAZZ OR NORTHERN DANCER.... ha. hope to see you next sat. martyn
  4. You should take a look at a few more vid,s if poss, soulsmith. as this one really cant be a good one , as he only as a small amount of room, dont think anyone could do much more in such a tight area... Have a look at the other links too, you will like what you see.. mart
  5. Shame on you , soulsmith..... nothing wrong with this trsck... it,s cos you can,t dance to it... ha. each to is own, lucky i can enjoy most , jazz , soul, modern, funk, stuff. ha
  6. Yes i expect amazon will keep moving the dates ?? REG. Why did,nt you sell a few via this site ? save all the messing about . And i bet you could have matched there price too.. Anyone out there know why the hold up ? If the pub sold out of them, Then that is,nt a good thing, as reg could lose money ? heres hoping......... martyn
  8. IF YOU GOT SOUL , AND ITS A SOULFUL TUNE , FAST OR SLOW, YOU CAN DANCE TO IT.. HA. The one i dont like is a Soul Sam track, The one with the ROCKY middle section, just no soul to it, i.m.h.o. that is, martyn
  9. Hi , expect we may have crossed paths over the years ? Notts have a JAZZ BOP ( out to lunch) 2nd sunday every month, at the DOGMA BAR , cheap add. good djs, inc, perry. facing paul smiths small shop in the town. check it out, martyn, (leic).
  10. HI ALL , Moving on from the youtube post about soul dance... CHECK these out on youtube also.. You will love it.. type in ,.. JAZZCOTECH DANCERS , PERRY LOUIS , OUT TO LUNCH , JAZZ FUSION BATTLE , BROTHERS IN JAZZ , STEPPIN JAZZ , AND FLOOR TECHNICIANS , UK=JAZZ DANCE , To be going along with.. all top stuff, and not just the boys.. ha, martyn
  11. Well Thanks For That You Lot. Nice One, All In All, Not Enough To Fill A Soul Nite Then.. ha. martyn
  12. Hi After Reading The HEYWOOD Thread, In the Early Days There Were More Of Us, And Still Lots Of Events Around, YET Most Were Pretty Full. You Would Think With This Type Of Site, Fourum , And The Web , etc.. People Could Sort It Out Better. ( is that the right word ) maybe not ?? But There Just Ain,nt That Many Of Us Left.. ha. There is,nt really a good answer.. EVEN the weekenders are down on no,s now too... too much choice ?? oir what ?? um. Think this will roll on. while some venues open up, some will close, which is a shame, when Some people do it for the love of it, AND, Not the cash, martyn
  13. Hi , Well after the paul weller thread... got me thinkin.. Anyone know of Famous people into Soul, Jazz , etc my First Choice Would Be STEVE DAVIS, top man, seen him at a few events, inc yarmouth weekenders. As Top Record Colletion, Soul + Jazz, etc. Shame he was,nt a dancer, ha. Anymore out there.
  14. It was the Babe Ruth lp , which is the version we all went mad to . at venues such as Peterbrough, st.ives, Cleethorpes, etc. Got mine for £3. the good ole days.. Another odd ball - BLACK NASTY- CUT YOUR MOTER OFF.. HA
  15. Hi , take it you mean a hi-fi cdr recorder ? what make ? iv a pioneer one. £200. couple of years ago. there ar,nt many around now... as you can do it via the pc. with the right software + usb turntable, etc.. Get decent cdr,s if poss. it will be worth it mate. you should,nt really need the cdrw ones. if you,re carefull. just the normal type, about 60p each.. Still at least you,ll have a good time putting them all on. martyn
  16. Mark, no worries mate.. i did miss the show through.. Best you do it live, sleep in the studio, etc, ha... Lets hope all well for next sunday. At least the prob was,nt my end.. i just hate tech prob,s ha. speak soon, martyn
  17. yep back on the old mini disc tapin tip, ha. lets hope it holds out ??? Strange ? thanks , mart
  18. Anybody having probs ? solar coming out of my wi-fi radio ok, soon as put starpoint on, to get Soulshack, sounds gone all distorted ?? any one else the same ?? thanks, martyn
  19. Mark , ju8st to let you know, great show, brill tunes as always, not all to well known, makes it interesting, so all in all , soul shack is back.. good luck for the show in the future, request for the future, latin, boogaloo, etc, fania, stuff, if poss.. cu Martyn
  20. Hi all , Everyone was given a FREE pinky motownish looking one at the Bretby all-niter, years ago ?? late 80,s i think ? which is where i got mine, anyway, nice tune.. would,nt go mad about it through... Play out any of them, it,s the sound , not the plastic, when dancing to it... etc, cheers martyn
  21. Only Tom Jones i know + had + got rid of, ha. is Stop Breaking My Heart , decca,. um, northernish.... mart
  22. Ta Mark, request for the future..... any latin, boogaloo, stuff, from the Fania ,label cu martyn
  23. Mark, quick post, yet again, no worries mate, top show as i knew it would be, was,nt pickin at you, except for that one bit, rather hear the good tunes, as im sure you,ll understand, good luck with the show by the way, and i will be tuning in every sun, cheers, Martyn

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