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Everything posted by martynthejazz

  1. not always true mark ? DONT 4GET THE ONES YOU TRY 2 PUT ON, LOL
  2. Hi mate, hope all well ur end .. yes seen it, will be getting it, soon as price is right ha. hope 2cu near future. you comin down to the SOUL PURPOSE modern nite, ? think cliff steele is guest next one. speak soon, Martyn
  3. no , think the scene is very Healthy at the min. loads of nites to pick from... ( 2 many) And most play a crossover style... Depends on where you visit ? And who,s the dj. But for me, i feel its good, just go with the groove, and dance, keeps the scene alive.. mart
  4. Nice clicks mate, looked at the one that Imber boy , put up too, both clicks good, Let us all know if and when the drama comes out, martyn
  5. MARIO BIONDI hey up mate, got there now, £4.15 + post ish, brand new sealed, from uk seller too, Which makes a change, ha. love the schema, irma stuff too, Future classics ?? WAZ A BEE , by the way is MARIO BONDI , this is what you are, if anyone did,nt know, ok and its played out. cu
  6. TopDeal on amazon , NU JAZZCOOL VOL 1 + 2 (BOTH DOUBLES) AT £4 + . ( AND POST TOO) . gOT LOTS OF STUFF ALREADY ON THESE , but inc, Waz a bee , soul bossa trio, fertile ground , N. conte , etc. LOTS of Scema + irma tracks etc, sorry if in the wrong place, but thought id let you know, cu , martyn
  7. Hi, dont bother with doing a book mate, as , THE SHARPER WORD ( MOD ANTHOLOGY) _ PAOLO HEWITT , Is already a book floating around, uk. £9.99 on HELTER SKELTER BOOKS. Got mine in one of these works type shops, for half that, cheers
  8. morn all , not at lifeline .ha Anyway agree with most of the above, not a soul record .. There a few around Expect theres been a post on hear somewhere ? Records played out but not soul. ha. BUT i did hear it played at niters, mainly around the midlands events... then again most records were at one time played somewhere, + wigan ha. mart
  9. very true mate, lol. which is why were all on here in the day time, when should be at work, ha.. Wish i was at lifeline now cu
  10. it,s only worth what someone will pay for it, EVEN through it is a great tune.....
  11. ILL do it, so long as you supply a pc , and broadband , so i can check soul source out , while at work.. lol
  12. hi all , well wigan again... ? what can one say... well firstly i was lucky enough to have gone there mid 70s.. And most people i would have thought who are on here would have been quite young ??? which means we were all learning the ropes.. a new thing, meetin new friends ( for life). new sounds, some good , some crap. Same could be said for any new event we went to around that time.. EXCEPT wigan was big.. not only the place, which heid a hell of a lot of soulies.. ( like stoke) . also got on tv + in the news + was known around the world. which is why its always spoke about , more than say THE MECCA, or CLEETHORPES PIER, + ( winter gardens ) to take the extra crowd.. Any major town had there own big event, lots of um.. AND they were all well attended. even if wigan was pretty full MOST of the time ( not all )... i.e , Notts , leic (ha) live there.. also Coalville, Sheffield , Hinckley, Derby , Wakefield , Bedford, Manchester, Peterbrough , Yarmouth, Yate, London, list could go on + on.. Think Wigan was there at the right time.. But now weve all been + done that, and mostly all moved on, you have to move with the times.. we were so young, fit, it was a new exciting time, glad i was there. you will never beat it. lucky were all still here to chat about it, even better that were still out there dancin to it... and still collecting it.. ha, cheers MARTYN.
  13. hi lucky you., have thought about , letting my amazon order go. but the e.bay site as now only 1 left, also about £3 more, ha. have to ponder abit longer... thanks anyway. would have thought , there would have been enough books to go round through ?? cu, mart
  14. Hi all , anyone else having probs ? Book been put back AGAIN . end of feb / early march ... will it ever get to me. ha mart.
  15. hi mate, good luck being a new soul sourcer.. well g.duke is always ok. did,nt let me hear many of the tracks, but sometimes a re-mix can and does spoil the orig , i think so anyway, then again some new mixes work well ? ha. martyn
  16. HA Nice one mate, very good.. spins abit like me, ha, mart
  17. soulsmith , one dont agree wiyh you about the dancers not on the beat... no way. But each to is own, ha. check last post above. also thanks for info. if it was drew, is she on this site ? as would love to contact her.. we lost touch at the early cleethorpes weekenders. ta mate , martyn
  18. Thanks for that, im glad a few of you have enjoyed looking at the dancers.. you can,t beat a good soul + jazz scene, they go hand in hand i feel, Even some of the punters used to be in , on both scenes.. AS for NOT dancing to the beat ??? well how wrong can you be. the feet move as fast as the beat... could,nt go any faster. ha, A while ago , one of the jazz dancers did say to me that he thought that the Northern dancers, DONT dance to the beat / funny that, as i agree with him.. and even through i say it myself , im a top northern soul dancer, but dance wth the beat (music) and not just the same old 2 step. ha.
  19. hi gavin, not seen you inawhile, expect you got fed up with me asking for R.E.P all the time , ha. not been Essence for a long time, expect it,s still nice + cosy ? ha. you know me, i like a bit of space, for me spins + moves, ha. hopefully bump into you again sometime. will be at next soul purpose near m69 hinckley.. ok mark randals due.. cu martyn (leic)
  21. And here are the three clips you were refering to Paul. https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=v5DZo1ptSCc&feature=related https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=l3V5ktxGoFg https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uPJGpi5oYfM&feature=related Amazing stuff indeed. ATB D'Arcy Yes these are great clips . PAUL would have thought we would have crossed paths, as i went the ROCK CITY soul + jazz dayers, etc. Great Days..... Dont forget to take a look at the JAP DANCERS, click youtube, STEPPIN JAZZ. ( PAUL MURPHY) ALSO VERY GOOD , AND GIRLS TOO.... MARTYN
  22. Paul , agree 100 % top bunch of people, just like the early soul scene, love the music too. martyn (leic)
  23. Andy , yes have to agree with you mate , on all counts.. they are the best movers.. im lucky im in both, soul + jazz camps.. theyre only a few of us, that moved over from the soul scene.. worst thing now is how long can the legs hold out, ha. Got all the mojo + b.p.g comps also. love the stuff. love stuff on the SCHEMA label at min, jazz from italy.. martyn

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