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Everything posted by martynthejazz

  1. Now lives on Isle of White and I'm sure he said he ran a B&B or similar??? MARK, thanks for that, not seen andy in years..? Cant remember the last time.. getting old, ha.. .. Wonder how many of the , ODDFELLOWS crowd are still out there today ?? bearing in mind its been, over 20 YEARS.... for me i enjoyed it, Better than, Wigan.. Hope to cu soon mate.. have a good Cleethorpes if you go.. AND THE SOUL BOAT TRIP.. HA. .. MART. (LEIC BEST MOVER )..
  2. ] HI which name from the past ?? ha. hope to meet up soon , del. mart x (leic best mover)
  3. SUNNYSOUL - Some good points there mate, nice long post. PETE S.- Was better in the old days only cos it was all NEW to us all... Think the scene is doing ok.. but if no new blood starts coming along ? Then there could be probs in the future.. Thank god there is a younger crowd from far a field getting into this type of music now. Very much doubt records we danced to in the 70s... and some still do, (inc me) can last another 20, 30 years..ha Days are numbered i feel.... give it 10 years... then lets see whats going on..
  4. Hi, dont think i know it.. But got , looky looky - the o.jays.. which is a nice dancer.. Expect someone on here will know it through..mart
  5. Still got the blues & soul mags with this advert in..ha. nice one. think i brought most of my shoes for souling in from how local leic, irish menswear.. Look just like the ones in this advert. We called them, Crossovers.. . had a few pair.. and had skegs in them too.. Wish id not chucked um out now... as still had some life in them.. BUT as went into the jazz funk type thing, it was good old, Kung Fu , or Slip on shoes.. how bad they were, looking back..ha.....Now its most of my old worn in ones, that i can keep dancing in, for about 5 hrs... um.. Keep my loafers, loakes, barkers...etc for best..ha.......But one day, will be about ready to wear them out for dancing... Dont like wearing the best ones out, at the min.. And got lots of leather shoes to pick from... As you already know Once you have a cumfy pair , you,re best to stick with them.. Shame to spoil a good soul nite, wearing the tight, or wrong ones.. ha martyn
  6. No cant say i know any of these .. are you in the pic ?? Must get aly , adam, etc, to get a leic re-union niter going sometime... demand is there. cant believe this thread is still going ??? martyn. (leic,s best dancer).. ha
  7. Looks like shes going through the , C,s.... WHAT SONG IS ON NEXT THEN ?? CANT, LIVE THIS WAY.. CHAIN OF FOOLS, ETC.. HA Anyway not a bad spinner... and no shoes on.. nice one. She would go down well at the prestatyn motown weekenders...
  8. Nice shout Albert.. can we have about another 2 hrs mate.. ha.ha. only ever went there before ady took it over. never been down to the soul nites there.. looks good.. all the best mate, martyn.. see you in chat room soon.
  9. ANN PERRY - THATS THE WAY HE IS.. If i remember correctly, and im not hunting through my box to find it, ha. Then again any record is to bloody short , if you,re having a good dance to it... mart.
  10. HEY UP , Marge.. Expect we may know each other. i was good friends with Cindy + Anna (who i still see ) if you knew me you would know i was always out on the floor, and i went all the leic events too. inc. pauls centre hotel, just around the corner from oddfellows. but alot earlier.. ha hope we meet up sometime, say hi if we cross paths ok, martyn (leic)
  12. HI DEL, cas (kas) god theres a great girl not seen in years.... top dancer too. have you seen her about ? off skeggy fri. hope to meet up soon, take care , martyn
  13. CHALKY MATE, IV got one aswell. its a small white badge, little owl on it. it says the the 50th all-niter. ????? 50 ?? sure there was,nt 50 niters mate, ha. speak soon. martyn
  14. HEYUP , Think allys ex other half, came 2nd. sure a chap won it. martyn
  15. Nice one teapot , But to be honest , cant remember ever gettin in free.... apart when you helped carry in the dj,s box.... Which everyone wanted to do.... Like at stoke niters... except KEV the snake, would come around the record areas collecting the money... ha. And he knew who had paid, ha. stil it was better than waitin outside in all weathers... mart
  16. Could do, thats where we used to sit , top right of stage. phil, justie, + girl from ansty ?? i used to wear glasses, but then cos of all my dancing, spins , etc, took um off. we used to get in early. nice when you know the door boys, ha. And used to dance early on + warm up, ha. But then id shoot of downstairs, as soon as it opened. Then back up again for ADAMS spot, ha. + stay up then...... look at the pic gallary, under marky mole. last weekend, leic soul nite in enderby. im in the pics, dj,ing. glasses on + short sleeved fred perry shirt on. you still out + about then ? and still in leic, i am. and still out on the floor too , ha. poss meet up soon, martyn
  17. Mark mate, did,nt think i knew you when i used to go to these niters ?? maybe wrong through.. send me that e.m.s avitar stuff, when you can, he. he. im bad. cu soul purpose.. Martyn.
  19. What a top niter this was... did,nt miss one, inc the dodgy early ones with the concrete dance floor, near bus station.. as from leic , pretty easy for me really.. id had a northern break, ( jazz funk scene ) etc... And thought has its local , give it a try.... then went every one.. had a great time there, new a few people from the early days + Met a load more... Always sat + danced top right of stage. with aly,s ex wife + justina her sister.. GREAT times there. ONE of the better niters id been too. Always got warmed up to the early oldies , then would shoot downstairs , when it opened , to the tunes from, adam, dave, g.ellis , robin salter, etc... modern soul , its called now, ha. bloody great soul... such a nice change, got into the modern big time, after going oddfellows . Met loads, graham + crowd (glouster) ?? notts crowd, inc. karen , tom, alf, (girl) ha. the mod cindy + anna, ( great girls). loved the place... shame it had to shut. Miss this one, anyway im sure a few of you know me from there ? used to do + still do , lots of spins. etc. and jazzy type moves, ha. Still going strong.. Martyn (leic)
  20. Nice one gog,s ha. and just to add the 2 djs that would go down well there , NIGHT NURSE (soul) and SEYMOUR NURSE (jazz stuff) both real djs, i might add.... the old ones are always the best, ha
  21. Bee Gees - keep it to real soul please.... not pop crap...... gog,s try again mate,
  22. too right mate...... mod jazz, ha, almost forgot. and latin jazz too , he,he
  23. chris my old mate, trust all ok ? hope to meet up with you one day soon.... AND the real reason for chris, s above post , is so he can sell more tunes lol. cheers mate, Martyn.

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